78 Replies to “May 16, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. LOL, you can’t just report things that you’d like to be true as true. BRICS is going nowhere.

    1. Looks like something a communist figurehead would have painted 20 floors high on a crumbling apartment block.
      Kim Jong Charlie.

    2. Speaking of the King, where’s our new money? Or are we finally ditching it and will have only 1st Nation peoples from now on?

    3. @ (Spirit of Jojothedogfacedboy)️️

      “What the heck was he thinking?” New Kings Official Portrait

      It’s an inside joke – he’s a tampon.

      1. “An inside joke”, indeed. With a tampon. Are you stating the bleeding obvious?

  1. https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/the-woke-gobbledygook-that-passes-for-erudition-in-medical-journals/

    From the New England Journal of Medicine (gee, what a surprise):


    We believe that health care–centric goals — equity in patient experience and clinical outcomes — should be the primary equity-related targets for clinicians, health care administrators, health plans, and payers. The health care sector is best positioned to improve the effectiveness and equity of the care it delivers and has the most control over these factors. To be clear, providing equitable health care includes addressing HRSNs [individual health related social needs] as part of treating illnesses shaped by structural SDOHs [structural social drivers of health]. But provision of acute and chronic care is often inequitable, with suboptimal quality, even for patients without unmet HRSNs.

    (The key word is “equity,” but can anyone explain what the heck that means? Speak plainly, for goodness’ sake! Oh, here it is:)

    Screening patients for HRSNs and referring those with such needs to indicated services can be helpful but doesn’t address underlying structural SDOHs, such as income inequality, structural racism, and a lack of robust social services; structural drivers create much of the downstream need captured in HRSN screening.


    More disturbing proof that all medical and scientific journals are now hopelessly corrupted.

      1. Guess that’s why they saved the planet in the 1800’s when they killed of the methane producing buffalo.

        1. Yes, they killed them all of. The use of proper English would be preferable to what you are spewing.

    1. Only in Canada you say. Yes the stupid is strong out there and the RCMP are up to date with their level of stupid. Of course one would have to believe they actually witnessed the person driving on a city street. I no longer believe anything the RCMP says about anything.

      1. “stupid guy – deserves the fine.”

        Exactly, anyone going to McDonald’s should be fined for stupidity.

    1. Smokey The Bear says, “don’t give environmentalists matches or lighters!”

    1. It is why you must bank a 2 or more institutions and keep an emergency fund on hand. Any anx and they can freeze your funds indefinitely and they care not whether it is legal.

  2. Now if we could only get the modern version of the Beverley Hillbillies.

    Perhaps it could be called the Rideau Hillbillies, featuring Justin, Sophie and both of their boyfriends?

    Plus their three children… one of each!

  3. Caught on Camera: Another Brutal Attack on French Teenager Sparks Outrage

    Thank goodness this would never happening in Canada, Justine or his “Justice Minister” would have already found a way to release the criminal.

    Manhunt in France After Armed Assailants Kill Guards and Free Prisoner Mohamed Amra in Shocking Ambush (Video)

  4. But isn’t it considered “wacist” these days for a politicians to decide that a country has a right to decide their own border policy, rather than it being set by the United Nations, European Union, WEF, Bill Gates, Organization for Islamic Cooperation and the World Health Organization.

    Wilders promises ‘strictest asylum policy ever’ from Dutch right-wing government including push for EU opt-out

  5. Congolese migrant dubbed ‘poster boy for integration’ jailed in Germany for r@ping his own mother

    Machete attack video shocks Germany: Mass brawl took place in the only ‘weapon ban’ zone in entire German state of Saxony

    But think about the lively nightlife all this cultural enrichment brings!

  6. UK: Transgender Pedophile Who Identifies As a 5-Year-Old Girl Sentenced To 16 Months In Prison

    Trans-Identified Toddler Rapist Featured By Women and Justice Project Infographic On “Discrimination” Faced By Transgender People

  7. Paris: The dismembered body of a paraplegic man killed with bare hands is discovered in a suitcase under the Austerlitz bridge. An investigation is launched into why a ‘Koran opened to the first page’ was found

    France: In a park in Écully, a stroller is insulted as a ‘kuffar’ and then beaten by a man in a djellaba accompanied by a veiled woman
