5 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. “Nuns vs Natives”
    Canada in a nun shell…

    “If the Leviathan of international institutions gets its way, then every city will become an open-air crack den before the decade ends.”

    “French police have shot dead a man armed with a knife and a crowbar who was trying to set fire to a synagogue.”
    That’s a proper response.

    A good weekend to all, for sure!

  2. FEAR your chickens! FEAR your meat!! FEAR FEAR FEAR !!!

    Relax … all you need to do is become vegan. Or bugan (plants and bugs). That’ll save your life! Oh! And just Stop Oil … we need to do that to save you from burning to a crisp. FEAR your life! The government and leftists will save you!

    Hmmm … almost sounds like a religion. Repent! meat eating automobile drivers! Repent!!

  3. No, stupid college protestor, Palestinians are not indigenous, they are terrorist colonizers.
