21 Replies to “The Investment Landscape in Canada”

  1. I agree with what Kevin O’Leary is saying here. There are reasons why Luxembourg / Switzerland have so many head offices in Europe while “European made shoes” are actually built in Slovenia …

    Let your money vote by investing in different jurisdictions, and let those in gov’t know, phone your local #Librano or NDP MP and tell them exactly what you think, politeness is no longer a virtue, post commentary online outlining your reasons for it, or you can pay through the nose.

  2. Uniparty Traitor Politicians don’t care what you think. Trudeau governs like he has a majority driven Mandate.
    The NDP scum should not get 1 vote, like Blackies FILTHY LIBERALS. But we have a pathetic culture now, so I have ZERO hope of any change.

    PP will be the Manager of Decline, Firing Civil Servants, igniting Commie Union Wars, lather rinse repeat….Mike Harris was Hitler after bob rae’s Commies almost killed Ontario. Which led Ontario to vote for That Communist FILTHY Liberal Dolt McGuinty.

    Unless we disengage from the UN entirely, and shitcan the entire CBC, stop 3rd world islamic immigration, start having White English-Speaking Children, we are doomed…(hint, we’re doomed)

    1. Shitcan the CBC ?, the rest of the media are all on the same team. The folks at Sun, National Post and Globe and Mail ain’t your friends.

      1. Details matter.

        CBC is a Government Entity. Of course we’d like all of the FITHY Corrupt “News” gone. But I’m not a Fascist, let the others fail on their own with Zero $ from the Tit.
        The Left Bans things it doesn’t control. We should not.

  3. The damage is done. Trucking is the first in and first out of a recession. The trucking industry in Canada is on the brink of collapse. The repo yards and auctions are full of trucks and trailers. Everyday I get calls and emails from carriers looking for a load. Rates are so low they don’t even cover operating costs. Drivers aren’t getting paid. It is the longest downturn anyone has ever seen in the industry. We have been in a deep recession for a while now but no one will report it.

    1. Yes it is. I sold my last truck earlier this year and just sold my last trailer. got a good price and I am just going to be a local company driver for a year or two. No money and so many companies going under in this purge. Lots of newcomers are getting seriously burned. Rates are brutal but it depends on where you are in the industry.

  4. Investors won’t hire people in Canada, they’ll keep the entire outfit out of country

    1. Canadian top-tier talent is going to draw the same conclusions, and start leaving as well. That means the quality on average of Canadian engineers remaining behind is going to decline markedly.

      1. There’s a major Cdn engineering firm (CPP shareholder) that off-shores a lot of it’s IP labour to India for a 5x return on cost.

  5. Junior needs to have a chat with the people who run his trust fund because they’ll be able to tell him the impact of his government’s changes.

    1. The Chines top up junior’s trust fund. Royalties from the sale of his books in China.

  6. In Trudeau’s canada, the Successful are punished, and the indolent and failures are rewarded.

    why would anyone start a new business or work harder when your rewards is to be punished by the government?

  7. No sane business person will ever invest in the Shithole of the North. Sox’s open hatred of the primary economic engines of Canada spells national disaster. Elect a drama teacher, get drama.

  8. All this will do is create the environment for Ottawa to take full control of start up financing in Canada.
    This policy is not a mistake. They know why they are doing this.

  9. I disagree that Trudeau is a brilliant politician, it’s just that Canadians are a stupid people. But O’Leary couldn’t say that.

  10. Meh, hand to mouth liberals just need to loot a little more cash and the budget will balance itself.. That’s not true, but they have to do something besides borrowing endless billions..

  11. It’s insane.

    Canada should be the richest country in the world.

    Instead, this is where we are:

    Singapore per capita GDP $133,000
    Canada per capita GDP $60,000
