A Message For the CPC

Here’s an interesting juxtaposition: a former Liberal MP condemns the ruinously expensive central planning scheme that the Conservative party slavishly supports. We’ve now arrived at the point where around one quarter of one percent of the population will hold an effective veto over trade negotiations affecting the rest of the country.

“The dairy lobby is the National Rifle Association of Canada,” proclaims Martha Hall Findlay, former Liberal MP and now head of the University of Calgary’s school of public policy.

“The one potential positive of Bill-282 is, it is so over the top that it will backfire and it will finally be the time when enough people in this country realize we have to deal with this,” declares Martha.

And “it is so egregious,” she argues, other countries will realize what we’re doing, pointing to the U.K.’s recent withdrawal from trade talks with Canada in large measure over their lack of access to our supply-managed markets, with cheese featuring large. The U.K. is Canada’s third largest trading partner.


44 Replies to “A Message For the CPC”

  1. “The dairy lobby is the National Rifle Association of Canada,” proclaims Martha Hall Findlay.

    SO Martha is be able to identify where in the constitution “Supply management” can be found?

  2. National Rifle Association of Canada?

    I Googled and searched and could not find that organisation

    1. Ah, the NRA, the favorite boogeyman of the far left. One that they keep invoking despite the fact that organization has been irrelevant for years.

    2. https://nfa.ca
      “National Firearms Association”

      This is the Canadian version of what was intended. The #Libranos always use the American terms to paint what they oppose, sometimes I’m surprised they don’t use American spellings as well when they’re attempting to direct their anger… or simply use the term, “Trump like NRA”

  3. I’ve been saying the same thing for years, as regular readers here well know (although hearing it from a partisan hack like Martha Hall Findley almost gives me pause).

    It’s the main reason that I won’t vote CPC anymore, and not just because it’s the most important and pressing issue to me…it’s really not: gun bans and (BANNED WORD…rhymes with ‘COURSED’) acquiescence to LGBT and aboriginal extortion frankly concern me more. But it’s a clear indication, to me, that the CPC does NOT hold conservative values. I KNOW now that they are going to allow the gun bans and the LGBT and native crap and the DEI and the mass immigration all the other garbage that is systematically destroying Canada to stand. I know it because they refuse to take a stand on this one simple issue of ‘supply management’ that practically *everyone* would support them on.

    If they can’t even do that, there is ZERO chance of any real action on all the other issues.

    I don’t really like the word ‘Uniparty’ (and have never done so before), but I’m now believing that it fits. There is only one real choice for me, and yes, it may be a just protest vote…but it’s MY vote to cast and I WILL have it recorded whether it helps or not, just to let the CPC know that I am no longer one of their Useful Idiots.

    1. Fred, you are correct that the Conservatives are not conservative. They also support mass immigration, the UN, the WHO, the Firearms Act, the Indian Act, the Paris Climate Accords, and Big Pharma.

      I’ll be voting PPC, protest vote or no.

      1. “Fred, you are correct that the Conservatives are not conservative. They also support mass immigration, the UN, the WHO, the Firearms Act, the Indian Act, the Paris Climate Accords, and Big Pharma.”

        Thanks, Weyland…I didn’t mention the other stuff because I was trying to be brief. The CPC talks a good game but is no more ‘conservative’ than the PCs were…

    2. As for the message to the CPC… Do you think they’re gonna listen?

      You’re absolutely correct, Fred. And Weyland, I already expressed my voting intentions earlier on this platform, and I intend to stick with it. (Hint: I’m voting PPC also, and I’ve already explained why, so I’m not going to beat a dead horse here.)

      1. “As for the message to the CPC… Do you think they’re gonna listen?”

        Well FC realistically they should have made the connection when Erin O’Toole lost five or so ridings that he could have won without the PPC splitting the vote. If they don’t figure it out this time, they just don’t deserve to win government. As you said, I won’t rehash all the other reasons. You want my vote, CPC? Then EARN IT.

    3. good for you! Oh yes there is definitely a Uniparty in Canada and the US. The Uniparty handlers will be fine with PP becoming the next PM for a term, will even allow him to scatter a few scraps out to the Uniparty sheep that have little C’s beside their names, but not much will change on the big issues, more taxes , more indoctrination and less freedoms.

      1. “will even allow him to scatter a few scraps out to the Uniparty sheep that have little C’s beside their names, but not much will change on the big issues, more taxes , more indoctrination and less freedoms.”

        Yup. Exact same thing they used to do back when it was the ‘Progressive’ Conservative Party versus the Liberal Party…exchange power every ten years or so, but make sure that nothing really changes until it is ‘their turn’ again.

  4. Can someone please fill in the blank: “May the F____ be with you!”

    Or maybe this one?: Aqua Teen Hunger F____

    (and then can *someone* please fix this??)

  5. If Martha Hall Finlay had become the Liberal leader instead of the Spawn, she would have been more conservative than the Conservative leaders since then. The Dairy lobby and the Conservatives beholden to them are shameful. The conspiracy to make dairy and poultry more expensive for Canadian consumers will also make a hell of a lot more things expensive to consumers. It will do to the prospects for free trade in most goods what public ownership of most of Canada’s forests do for the endlessly successful US lumber protectionists – it provides them with a good case.

  6. The corruption was so blatant that Andrew Scheer took a swig of milk when he won the Tory leadership race in 2017. The fix was in.

    1. “The corruption was so blatant that Andrew Scheer took a swig of milk when he won the Tory leadership race in 2017. The fix was in.”

      Yes, and many of the wrong people noticed that ill-advised display, too…

  7. MHF is a huge parasite that’s impervious to us voting her out.
    What a leach.
    Who is this three named fart sniffing POS trying to resurrect her career?

    I hate journalists.

  8. But True Dough says it’s the store owners fault that food prices are so high in Canada………..
    Also included are chicken and turkey products and eggs.
    The ones using these products, such as bakeries, also pay the extorted prices for these basic ingredients and pass the cost on to the consumers.
    Even your Buffalo Wings cost more than they should, because, supply management….

    1. Trudeau wants to blame Loblaws, for making 3% profit and being “Greedy”, while ignoring that the carbon tax is charged every step of the way and has to be paid for in the prices of everything.

      But yes, the cartels don’t help either.

  9. What is your solution though? This dreadful scheme arose because governments wanted to make sure dairy farming remained viable in Canada, they were quite reasonably unwilling to spend $55m/year to do so. Horribly, it would now cost in the neighborhood of $36bn to $40bn to buy out the farmers. Perhaps less destructive to have spent $55m a year on a program which could at least be terminated.

    You can advocate that the government should simply seize the quotas and end the program, but that’s certainly not very respecting of private property, even though it’s property that grotesque government regulation created in the first place. Nevertheless, people have gone in in good faith paying money for quotas now for many years. Many have paid taxes on inherited quotas.

    It’s a terrible program which preys on the poor, seizes up our ability to trade, and disproportionately benefits a tiny proportion of Canadians, some of whom are prepared to badly damage the country (boot Bernier via Scheer, ensuring Trudeau continued to reign) to defend it.

    But how do we end it without simply seizing the quotas?

    1. We compensate them, then we move on. It will be expensive, but it’s the right thing to do. No more quotas. No more BS. Compete in the open market like other farmers, or learn to code.

      1. “We compensate them, then we move on. It will be expensive, but it’s the right thing to do. No more quotas. No more BS. Compete in the open market like other farmers, or learn to code.”


        We have put up with this travesty for far too long already. Any other industry that tried this would be criminally charged….why does the Quebec dairy cartel get such special treatment?

        (oh, yeah…it’s QUEBEC. Never mind…)

    2. The quota does not belong to the dairy farmers. Technically speaking. It would be interesting to see the hit Farm Credit Corporation would take if supply management farms were endangered. Folks want the American ‘free market’ system? Read the Ontario Farmer, most weeks contain a court settlement for a product buyer who was charged with price manipulation. On the broiler chicken business the companies have an ‘informal’ arrangement that divides up the states into the clutches of the big companies. Tyson, Pilgrims Pride and so forth.

      1. ” supply management farms ”

        You mean monopolies?

        Those are generally a bad thing, not a good thing.

    3. “You can advocate that the government should simply seize the quotas and end the program, but that’s certainly not very respecting of private property, even though it’s property that grotesque government regulation created in the first place. Nevertheless, people have gone in in good faith paying money for quotas now for many years. Many have paid taxes on inherited quotas. ”

      You forget that these are not ‘mom and pop’ operations…they are huge corporations who know exactly what they are doing and why. The smaller operations were (*BANNED WORD*…rhymes with ‘sourced’) out of the business years ago and swallowed up by the big dairy corporations.

    4. Thw quotas are used by the cartel to restrict competition. Forget the “small farmers”. they are the target of the quotas.

    5. You can advocate that the government should simply seize the quotas and end the program, but that’s certainly not very respecting of private property

      Quotas aren’t private property, any more than your license plates are. If the government decided tomorrow that you didn’t need license plates any more, that’s it. They’re not obliged to buy them back from you.

      I know Canadians are systemically economically retarded, but come on.

  10. What does Martha Hall Findlay have to do with the CPC?

    When he was PM Stephen Harper rolled back some of the gun ban stuff. I’m pretty sure Poilievre will rescind all of Junior’s latest restrictions.

    1. “Harper rolled back some of the gun ban stuff.”

      Yes, after promising multiple times, in writing and verbally, both as Opposition Leader and PM, that his gov’t would completely re-write the Firearms Act. Yes, he did make some minor changes, and kinda/sorta got rid of the so-called Long Gun Registry (except that Quebec kept a copy, and we all know the RCMP illegally kept copies).

      The Poilievre CPC no longer talks about overhauling the Firearms Act. They’re not getting my vote.

      Besides, having broken their word previously, why in God’s Name would I believe them now?

    2. “When he was PM Stephen Harper rolled back some of the gun ban stuff. ”

      Yeah…SOME of it.

      Not nearly what he had promised.

  11. Eugene Whelen was also going to nationalise all agriculture in Canada. This idea came to him after 69ing with Mikhail Gorbachev who was the Soviet Ag minister at the time. Whelen also came up with a trade name to apply to the new crown corporation; Canagrex. Luckily, the Lieberals were turfed in the next election and Canagrex went to the scrap heap.

  12. If the cartel is what is stopping us from getting more free trade than it is worth the cost.

    Comparative advantage is a lie, and it always was.

    1. The Cartel is stopping a lot of things. Free trade isn’t one of them.

  13. Don’t expect different policies from the Uniparty. Only the PPC offers different policies from the Green/Lib/Dipper/Cons.

  14. FFS.. The working man (remember him) likes to have a few affordable beers and melt some cheese on some bread.. Water, yard waste and some excess milk.. Beer, bread and cheese..

    We need price controls.. To give the lower class people the best price possible.. Canada sucks in that regard..
