
Maybe they should go back to subsidizing buggy whips.

Globe and Mail- Canada’s planned $2.4-billion artificial intelligence investment is already mostly obsolete

From the start, Ottawa’s planned $2.4-billion investment was problematic in its lack of scope, with the majority of it – $2-billion – allocated to purchasing computing power. Then, just two days after Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland tabled the 2024 budget, the AI plan became largely obsolete as Meta released Llama 3.

14 Replies to ““Investment””

    1. In Canada government programs are for turning over billions of newly printed dollars to liberal donors in exchange for campaign contributions.

    2. AI is Artficial Intelligence. The important part of the term is that “artificial” means it’s not the real thing. If you believe AI is an acceptable substitute for real intelligence I suppose you don’t have real intelligence.

  1. Well here in Canada for any major government project it seems like it needs to go through an Indigenous advisory circle so I look forward to the elders wisdom and historical knowledge on AI. Pretty sure we’ll have a superior system to Google when it’s all said and done. Money well spent I say….

  2. “Investment” is a government code word for slavishly spending money that doesn’t belong to them on connected friends of the government in power.

  3. Government investment is like the Midas touch only instead of Gold you get the smelly stuff.

    “It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” – Thomas Sowell

  4. I still wonder whatever happened to the $10M awarded with great fanfare and a flurry of selfies to the company claiming to be developing quantum computing and what there might be to show for it . . . other than a couple of new cars and a summer cottage for the owners.

    1. Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc., CogniFrame Inc., Photon etc. Inc. and Zero Point Cryogenics Inc. are some of the companies.

      The government has actually handed out about $1 billion in grants, but do we have anything to show for it?

  5. The expenditures of the Canadian Gov’t on new tech should be dealt with in the same manner as the Trans Mountain Pipeline was, years and years and everyone should “have a voice” to give their opinions on whatever the crisis of the day is, and when this is approved as everyone knows it will be, the budget turns into what the Federal Gun Registry became. $Billions always $Billions.

    I expect it’ll take a century more before gov’t realises that it shouldn’t be in the business of being in business.

    1. For the Firearms Registry, they had no plan but purchased IT infrastructure anyway, to demonstrate that they were moving forward quickly with great enthusiasm. After the design process, the expensive equipment was discarded because it couldn’t provide sufficient resources for the task, and couldn’t be enhanced.

      This is much like the ObamaCare fiasco, where the programmers received NEW designs daily.

  6. “Stoned Rosedale midget in designer cloths that are too small for her, won’t f### it up.
    Trust us.”

  7. Chrythia’s Modern Monetary Theory means they’ll get to double or triple the amount doled out each year because it doesn’t cost anything…

  8. “Buggy whips” are parliamentarians on whom the Chinese have planted microphones.

  9. No.. 2.4 billion dollars to give jobs jobs jobs to all the arseholes falling out of college and university.. Every dime borrowed and squandered.. Grossly overpaid city workers with really nice computers = Trudeau..
