Pickton On Life Support

He deserved the death penalty.

Notorious B.C. serial killer Robert (Willie) Pickton was on life support Monday after a brutal attack by another prisoner in Quebec’s maximum Port-Cartier Institution.

Pickton was airlifted to hospital after the assault, which sources say took place just before 2 p.m. local time on Sunday, May 19.

One source said the attacker had earlier assaulted other inmates at the prison before being moved to segregation. The attack on Pickton allegedly happened after the prisoner was then released back onto the same unit as the serial killer, Postmedia has learned.

But no one deserves to live at the mercy of prisons run by incompetents.

45 Replies to “Pickton On Life Support”

  1. I don’t give a fig for Pickton’s life, but the authorities have a responsibility to keep prisons safe. It raises a question: what do you do with a prisoner who is too violent even for prison?

    1. Put him in the Prime Minister’s security detail, and turn him loose on David Menzies?

    2. heyo SDA: wee bit of advice from ann landers.
      ye olde vigilantism is a form of fire. its very very hot and can get out of control very very fast. so. that being the case, if you choose to engage or promote it, rest assured YOU HAVE GIVEN LICENSE TO ALL TO LIKEWISE ENGAGE AT WHICH POINT WE GET FCUKING ANARCHY.
      and THAT being the case, is it THAT important to expunge the likes of picton? hmm? you want him gone ‘by any means necessary’? really?
      aaaaaaaaand the kicker? was e-v-e-r-y death row inmate executed actually guilty?
      is it ‘worth it’ to engage in ‘oopsies’ just to make sure you get SOME of them?

      ps l find the hard right the biggest source of calls for vigilantism. why is that?

      1. Hanging Blacks wasn’t Vigilante Justice.

        Question- Are We “Guaranteed” safety by the Government?? Or our Guardian/Parents?

        Asking for a friend.

  2. “Pickton was airlifted to hospital…”. I would have carted him away in a wheel barrow to the nearest pig farm.

  3. Steve, you”re right on target!
    I know it’s wrong to pray for someone’s death, but I simply can not see the harm in this case. Same with Clifford Olsen, Russell Williams any of those scumbags.

    1. The harm is that there’s a reason to believe he didn’t act alone and his death makes the exploration of this thesis more difficult.

    2. I hope he lives, but severely disabled, mentally and physically, but cognizant enough to realize how disabled he is, so the rest of his life will be absolute misery and suffering.

    3. no no no no no. off Olsen aaaaaand our esteemed Farce See Em Pee cant cut the deal, give him pile of cash to spill the beans on ‘where are the bodies’?

      so here’s the deal. lm assuredly NOT in favour of torture for fun and entertainment.
      but, in the event certain methods proved to be a fount of information, so be it. as ‘rough hewn’ they be, APPLY THEM to the olsen sit’n.
      -drugs, lots of them
      -sleep deprevation
      -research research. the old ‘rack em up’ way too cludgy and primitive and most unscientific. we need a methodical means of torturing the truth out of the likes of olsen. we dont have one that l can tell, maybe very high levels military have a notion.
      did they learn anything at Guano-tanemo? that is *about how* to pry out the info?

      etc etc lets see if thsi posts otherwise ‘f’ it

  4. The prisons are run by the Minister of Public Safety, Dominic LeBlanc, who is run by Justin Trudeau.

  5. Yes, it’s all celebration and schadenfreude until it’s a Tamara Lich with the spear in her head.

    Try to think more than 5 minutes into the future, folks.

    1. Exactly. Canada is unfortunately in the same boat as Pickton: Canada is a large, Liberal prison, where all are at the brutal mercy of savage Liberal jailers who couldn’t care less whether they live or die.

    2. Thank you, Kate. I agree, but for entirely different reasons, for which I will not explain, because It’ll probably come off as being too preachy.

    3. All true Kate. Right now, or more accurately; ‘these days’, 5 minutes might be a long time.

      No doubt, what we may vocalise that is completely negative (in this particular case, certainly not for life in general) maybe 2 wrongs will equal a right or 2 _-ves = 1 +ve.

      That’s all I got. But I will take your words under advisement.

      This alone took over 5 minutes. I’m getting better already.

      Thanks kindly!!

    4. Cmon…these are street cred killings. He got whacked because he was the worst, and whoever did it earned some swagger. Look it up, it’s a serial killer/sexual predator problem.

      ‘Dude im a bada$$, i just stuck a spear in the head of that middle age middle class mom lady who’s here because she talked a lot!’. -nah, not feeling it

    5. What you are seeing here, Kate, is the standard “conservative” bloodlust, where they would rather see 1000 innocent people put to death than one guilty man set free.
      Normal folk would rather see 1000 guilty men set free than one innocent man killed.

    6. Soi-disant conservatives: “the government is evil and corrupt and hates us and wants us to die and we should totally give it the power to execute its own citizens on its own authority.”

  6. Do I have this right? You take a dangerous criminal who was nothing but trouble with regular prisoners and put him in with the segregated bunch and after that put him in the same unit where Picton was housed? What could possibly go wrong? Like putting a fox in a hen house. And since when does the RCMP petition the court to destroy evidence?
    Something is rotten in Denmark.

    1. Something is Rotten in Denmark?
      It’s called “Canada!” “Sunny ways,” and “Canada is back!” and all that illiberal bovine excrement, of which this country is full of. Of course, we all knew that already!
      When are we going to get a new country?

    2. Burton NO!!

      I’m hearing that principles need to be maintained and they absolutely do.

      But keep your spear nearby.

    3. And since when does the RCMP petition the court to destroy evidence?
      Something is rotten in Denmark.

      Oh you don’t suppose it has anything to do with the rumours that have been surfacing of late that a certain someone was a frequent attendee of the parties held out at Piggy’s Palace?

      1. Was going to mention that Edward. Not to mention that same “certain someone” who had a roommate who was busted for child porn and who was also an attendee.

        1. Wow I’ve heard a lot of rumours about his time in Vancouver but that’s the first time I’ve heard this one. Got any links?

  7. This is that “Good government” the State of Thuggery keeps preaching about.
    No matter how loathsome Wee Wiley is,this demonstrates the state at its finest.
    Burn loot murder..
    Explains the unthinking support for BLM and lying Indian Industry,from our politicians,media and bureaucrats.
    Good enough for government…if you call kleptocracy ,government.

    1. That’s what Pickton called his farm when he would rent it out as venue for parties.

      1. Any proof or links of this? Most of what I’ve read about him – he was a loner, focused on himself and his perversions.

  8. Pickton? Did he have evidence on Hillary Clinton? Are we sure it wasn’t attempted suicide?

  9. I remember reading years ago, here in Ontario, about a filthy disgusting, evil,child molesting predator that had been given release after release after release over the years when he should have been considered a sexual predator and kept in prison for the rest of his life.

    Because they were allowing him out so many times,mainly because he was a homosexual pedophile,and didn’t molest girls, they were going to have a provincial government inquiry into this guy and the Jailing and parole system itself that allowed him out so many times.
    What happened was, just days or weeks before the inquiry was to begin, he was *ACCIDENTALLY* released into the general population of the prison where he was promptly butchered to death by the inmates.
    How convenient that this sicko was going to spill the beans on the fuc’d up justice system and was released in to the prison general population and we ended up with no inquiry.
    Thanks Liberals

  10. The good news is that (with any luck) there won’t be any future Pickton parole hearings, with their attendant cost and publicity.

  11. So the inmate who was assaulting others was put in a place where he could continue to assault other inmates?
    This smells bad. No pity for that pig of an excuse for a man, but it’s not right to let other messed up inmates become killers behind bars.

  12. At the top it says he deserved the death penalty. But without treason, there is no death sentence.

    What about a 1 off purge afforded to those left behind?

    After a guilty verdict, set them free at a place the remaining are provided.

    Voila! State ward rid of.

  13. Assuming that Pickton is actually guilty (what with native women as his victims, and the Canadian ‘justice system’ being what it is) he certainly does deserve to rot in prison for the rest of his natural life. But the Canadian government also has a duty to do everything in their power to keep him alive so he can serve his entire sentence.

