Margin Of Fraud


BREAKING: Baltimore Board Of Elections Supervisor believes that flash drives that contained ballots may have inserted into tabulators MULTIPLE times last week.

Election workers were caught last week overcounting the amount of votes cast.

“I’m leery about saying human error”

Several local elections there still remain undetermined.

29 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. Read Molly Hemingway’s book “Rigged”.

    But don’t you dare say that Donald Trump won the 2020 election or you’re an insurrectionist along with many other “ists” that you don’t want to be called.

  2. These black run cities in swing states are providing the margin of victory in almost every election nowadays. To paraphrase Solzhenitsyn: “ We know that they are cheating, they know that they are cheating, they even know that we know they are cheating, we also know that they know we know they are cheating too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are cheating too as well, but they are still cheating.”

    1. Maryland is NOT a swing state. With a 2-to-1, D-to-R ratio, it is reliably D. The only times we have elected R governors in the 40+ years I have been voting is with centerist Republicans and/or very unpopular Democrats facing off. And in presidential election, no Republican has carried the state since 1988.

        1. This is happening in Baltimore, which is a black run city. It is in Maryland. You started with “These black run cities in swing states ….” That looks like you are saying Maryland is a swing state.

    2. lve wondered at what point the x knowing what y and y knows that x knows what y, and y knows that x knows . . . . . . . is sufficiently redundant.
      anyways, think we found it !!!

    1. “AllanS
      May 22, 2024 at 2:53 pm

      Here’s the real election fraud:”

      Oh, look…here’s Pavlov’s dumbest dog, only four posts in. What took you so long?

      (just can’t help yourself, can you?)

  3. Election DENIER !!!!

    See how easy that is?

    PS … I can only assume the Baltimore election results weren’t quite as thoroughly examined as claimed by fatso AG Barr.

  4. I, too, am leery of calling it human error. The task entails taking care, if it isn’t done right, it is almost certainly done wrongly on purpose.

      1. what did you find?
        l dont have a twitter acct yet keeps telling me sign up.
        like l say to my puppies: later.

  5. 81 Million votes … 13 million MORE than Obama in a HISTORIC 2008 election. Because basement campaigns truly inspire. And if you believe there wasn’t a smidgeon of fraud … well … there’s no hope for you

  6. Election FRAUD is a grass roots affair.. How do you police an army of activist volunteers anyway?.. Like all things, get the ball rolling and count the money like Al Capone..

    So did Joe steal the election?.. No he didn’t but half of the people in the phone book (remember that) did.. Take one for the team because they never liked me anyway.. Activists.. and who volunteers anyway?.. Pedophiles work with children and election stealers work for?..

  7. Without evidence, of course.
    Create a false narrative by paying foreign agents, spy on the opposition candidates, billionares pump millions into swing states ( Bezos 400 mil alone) ,destroy phones and emails, but no evidence, no interference. Trump pays his lawyer, the booking entry is legal fees ,it’s called criminal fraud and criminal election interference. That only scratches the surface.
    Anyone who believes that the election wasn’t rigged is a mental midget. It is going to be extremely difficult to stop it from happening again.

      1. Tarring and feathering is almost always fatal, and a lot slower and more painful.

  8. Rudi Julianni famously said, “Big city Dems rig elections even when they don’t have to, they do it for practice.”

  9. all reminds me a news item during the egyptian election back in nasser days.
    news video of the actual ballots getting stuffed in the ballot box.
    brazen. everybody knows the score and their lines of script.
    nasser’s egypt is the kind of ‘democrapcy’ you get when the vote is questionable.

  10. The crime rampant in the streets of liberally run cities is just a drop in the bucket.

  11. I”m sure it is just a coincidence, that the only votes that get counted multiple times all seem to belong to people who are black, and or Democrat.

    This is why the Dems and other “progressives” don’t like the idea of paper ballots. You can only count them ONCE…and they have to be filled out by someone who actually exists; or is alive.

  12. This example shows how important it is to go back to paper ballots. ANY time you have a computer involved one CANNOT be confident there is no line of code buried in the program to manipulate the output. This includes computer games of chance, eg. digital slot machines.I remember a Bionic Woman program many years ago (70’s?) where she had to retrieve a disc from an African country with programming to rig the election. If people thought of it back then (was probably happening) it is reasonable to assume that it easily happen now.

  13. Funny how Democrats catch other Democrats cheating in elections against each other, but they expect us to believe they wouldn’t ever do it against Republicans?
