The Libranos: Bank On It


BREAKING Trudeau’s former Billion Dollar Slush Fund executive RESIGNS from the Infrastructure Bank after being exposed for funding companies she was invested in

Trudeau rewarded corruption with her appointment to the Bank

Has Liberal corruption spread into its useless Infrastructure Bank?

More: Watch as a Liberal Minister defends corruption while Liberals try to shut down questions about rewarding corruption

15 Replies to “The Libranos: Bank On It”

  1. Watch as a Liberal Minister defends corruption while Liberals try to shut down questions about rewarding corruption.

    That’s the most Canadian Liberal thing that I’ve ever seen.

  2. Canada and corruption, both start with the letter c and apparently now are synonymous.

  3. I think the majority of Canadian taxpayer’s have figured out they’re being robbed. They know that the police will do nothing about it, there is no ethics committee or auditor that will intervene and the legal system in Canada doesn’t work properly so there is no way to stop what’s happening. Voters are just waiting for the opportunity to kick out the organized crime syndicate that is masquerading as our federal government.

    1. The tax users keep the Lieberals in power. Tax users are the civil servants and welfare bums. When the parasites overcome the host, things don’t end well.

      1. “If you Rob Peter to pay Paul, you’ll always get Paul’s vote.”

        In Canada’s case it’s not as much the poor that are Paul. Paul is the political class, friends and family of the political class, public employees, contractors and consultants, domestic and multinational corporations, foreign governments, NGO”s, international agencies, etc.

        The liberal-ndp government is working for the rich and those aspiring to be even richer

  4. “Has Liberal corruption spread into its useless Infrastructure Bank?”

    I thought the whole purpose of the Infrastructure Bank was to facilitate the spread of Liberal corruption.

  5. Have we WOKEn up to the fact that “infrastructure” is a term Socialists have adopted to lend credibility and legitimacy to theft of the public treasury?

    Between infrastructure” and “Climate Crisis” … the US and Canada have been looted of $ Trillions

  6. When will the ruling liberals be held accountable, it won’t be any time soon because of the NDP.

  7. To paraphrase PM Juthtin the Corrupted Asshole:
    “Until we kill them, they win.”

  8. Not so sure.. Seeing as government is involved in everything how is it possible to avoid conflict of interest?.. We jest, we pretend that we have a private sector above bit players.. We don’t..

    Everybody wants the gubermint cheese..
