33 Replies to “Wednesday On Turtle Island”

    1. That’s ok, there are far too many like him and I doubt it will stop the insanity.

    2. “Schwab “will transition from Executive Chairman to Chairman of the Board of Trustees” by January 2025. ”

      Lateral move

    3. “…his wife Hilde heading the organization’s foundation…

      …WEF, though a nonprofit, is a remarkable business: The organization brought in nearly $500 million in revenue in the year ending March 2023, and had a neat 200 million Swiss francs sitting in cash…”

      Foundations and non-profits are routinely used for money laundering.

      1. Anytime anyone tries to justify the existence of organizations like that by saying they’re a non-profit, I point out that fact that so is the NFL.

    4. I was truly wishing someone woulda sent him some lead.

      What comes after this NAZi pig ..?? Freeland.? Rutte, or that Bitch from the EU Parliament Vladering..?
      It doesn’t matter:

      DAVOS/GENEVA are DESERVING targets: WEF/WHO/GAVI & EU parliament for some of PUTINS Hypersonic missiles. As for the UN, it can be taken care of domestically.

      Make it happen VLadIMIR..!!

      1. honest injun. despite the assassinated journalists and incarcerated billionaires, got a nagging feeling this ‘strongman’ is EXACTLY WHAT RUSSIA NEEDS TO KEEP FROM DOING THE POWDERKEG THING.
        kinda like in a way, it could be asserted good thing the russkies caught up with ‘mercuh on the nuke missile scene seeing as there REALLY WERE top yanks chomping at the bit 50s and 60s to commit a ‘preemptive strike. so that *they* (uhuh uhuh uhuh) dont do it to *us* (or is that *US(A)*?) fiiiirrrrrrst. thereby doing EXACTLY the evil thing that russia ‘might’ do.
        so ya, russia with its retaliatory capability kept ALLLLLL that deadly radiation from ‘Senator Hawk’s’ cackling mass mass mass MURDEROUS intent out of the atmosphere and MILLIONS of ‘friendly fire’ victims.

        just a thought.

        and dont fergit, ya wanna know their thought process? ‘mercuh put THEIR missiles in turkey some 15 minutes distance from Moscow. it was their ‘howwibull agwestive actions’ the cuban missile crisis GOT THEM OUT. aka the MOMENT jfk chimed in with that offer Krushchev RECOGNIZED IT AS SUCH and grabbed it.
        war any more than avg US citizen.

        just a thought.

    5. Meanwhile, TurdHole is running around like the Mulvany idiot screaming, “Pick me! Pick me! Oh puleeeze pick meeeee!”

  1. One would have thought that the US military would have prevented Hamas from taking all the goodies; one would have but then …

    … this is Mumbling Joe’s government. Bumbling Biden and Nero Blinken, what a pair!

  2. More bad news

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr——– Zelensky is now ruling under martial law after his official 5-year term expired yesterday. Had the war with Russia come to an end, elections would have been held, according to the BBC.

    1. zelenskyy continues to channel nguyen van thieu aka ‘evahting fine democrapcy
      ‘live and . . . . well’ ? here in se asia/ukraine. move along nuthin to see’

      again again again, if IF ukraine falls, a very large part of the blame and def possibly THE DETERMINING FACTOR, when the contest is this close, ANY internal hemorrhaging just might be the proverbial camel back breaking straw.
      sooooo go ahead ukes, let the organized criminals in YOUR back yard enrich themselves and cost the REST OF YOU what it will.

    2. “Ukrainian President Volodymyr——– Zelensky is now ruling under martial law after his official 5-year term expired yesterday. Had the war with Russia come to an end, elections would have been held, according to the BBC.”

      He could have held an election if he had wanted to, but he refused. Other countries have done so in times of war…why not Ukraine?

  3. What in the heck.

    Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month, ultimately scuttling a deal that could have released Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, and set a pathway to temporarily end the fighting in Gaza, according to three people familiar with the discussions.

    1. We all now how “decriminalization” for drugs went…

      Yikes, the wolves in sheep’s clothing are shedding their wool.

    2. Well German daycares already have “exploratory rooms” where paedophiles can watch the tykes check out each other’s bodies.

  4. Want to stop Hamas from seizing food? Push in a couple million 50 pound bags of rice, beans, and anything bulk and cheap. Food will have no value and Hamas will get tired of being storekeepers. At $10 per bag for 2 million bags – $20 million is virtually nothing compared to the cost of the Gaza pity party.

  5. Re: DEI Inc,
    Honestly Justine?? I think we’re all “diversitied” out here numb nuts.

    It’s so easy for him/xim to piss away money.

  6. “The largest recipient of DEI spending was the Department of National Defence with the Liberal government dumping $9,326,278.67 to reform the Canadian military into an institution rooted in DEI ideology.”

      1. By the way matt.

        white phosphorus munitions are lawful so long as the suffering imposed by their use is necessary to accomplish a legitimate military purpose (DoD Law of War Manual, § 6.14. 2.1).Oct 25, 2023
        So they are not illegal.

  7. “Have the Gaza Encampment Protests Been Infiltrated by Psychopaths?”

    A better question would be: Is there anyone in the Gaza encampment protests who is not a psychopath?
