28 Replies to “Kangaroo Court News”

  1. If Dershowitz was permitted by the presiding Democrat judge, it could be a nod to knowing that Dershowitz is seen as a safe Democrat amongst Democrat judges, still.

    1. Didn’t the falling out between Dershowitz and the “left” & “media”(I know that’s redundant) begin during Obama’s 2nd term? because Obama was getting too friendly with Iran. and remember Obama made Netanyahu wait in a side room or something, and then had him leave the Whitehouse via the backdoor.
      Dershowitz hasn’t really been a friend of the left for awhile,,, has he? Especially siding with Trump, on a lot of legal matters.

      1. “Dershowitz hasn’t really been a friend of the left for awhile,,, has he? Especially siding with Trump, on a lot of legal matters.”

        Like Bill Mahr, he is getting wiser as he gets older, and thus slowly turning conservative.

        1. IDK … they’re BOTH sexual perverts (which is why they remain Democrats … “my body, my choice” … to diddle 14yo’s) who have showed up on Epstein’s flight logs … and/or spent an inordinate amount of time at The Playboy mansion

      2. Perhaps Dershowitz is siding with Trump because Dershowitz has integrity when it comes to the law.

  2. This so-called Judge is an utter disgrace to America. The Lawfare operatives are all disgraces to America. This is exactly how America gets taken down from within. By empowering illegality in the name of “Democracy” or some such utter bullshit

    1. The judge is being leveraged by the Mafia/Dems over the 100’s of millions the judges daughter is receiving in “consulting” work. I’m not sure the judge is happy about embarrassing himself and watching his judicial career/reputation being destroyed, but he soldiers on, to protect his daughter’s business.
      That’s how the Democrat party works, find dirt or use patronage, to leverage what you need from anyone.

    2. Heh …
      Isn’t it that the communists in the communist ruled countries were justifiably accused of the same actions?
      They used to put people in mental institutions for the well known and just killed off those anonymous proletariat.
      The Americans are not there yet, just wait a moment ….

      And it has come to pass ….

  3. As for the TRUMP show Trial…whatever the outcome, if He is prevented from running…???

    All bets are off as to what would happen NEXT. The Dems should understand that the Rank n File of Police in the US support the Donald, they should also consider that there are likely 80-100 MILLION Vets aged 25-70 that are still fully capable of Locking n Loading…and would Fiercely DEFEND Their Constitution.

    Well, whatever sparks said REVOLUTION I predict it will percolatre thorughout the Western Hemisphere…Could be Gang warfare, not against ea. other, but against the Migrant Invaders…after a report I saw.?? THAT could happen at anytime..!!

    Epicentre: CHICAGO

    Majority of Canadians will sit back – pontificate & allow themselves to be corralled like the gutless sheep they’ve proven themselves to be… Ab/Sask somewhat Exempted.

    1. Steak
      Saskabush and newfberta= ontario lite!
      It was the bible pounders in AB that helped authorities to put back construction barriers around that church, were some one had taken them down.

    2. Trump is still the duely elected President, with Biden as the fraud President.

      Trump is backed by the US Military, running the States as the Commander in Chief.

      If Biden were the real President, why would he not have repealed the Executive Orders Trump enacted which placed the US under Military Law 2 weeks before the ’20 election? Biden has now extended those very EO’s which keep Trump at the helm.

      There is a lot of information about this out there, but not in the MSM. Derek Johnson does a fabulous job in laying out the legalities of all this.


  4. a judge that strongly reacts and vehemently objects to . . . . . . . a raised eyebrow?
    operating on emotion, not rationality. l think the strategy is to ‘do something’ to keep Trump off the ballot. ‘we can seriously nail his ass afterward to make sure he’s gone gone gone in ’28’

  5. A ‘randomly’ selected judge who also was ‘randomly’ selected for Bannon’s trial. In New York, ‘randomly’ is synonymous with corruptly.

    1. … lessen, John, lessen. Click to edit is your friend, you have 5 minutes.

  6. After all is said and done, the jury gets to decide. They may be biased but that doesn’t mean they’re corrupt; they have to be appalled at the blatant anti-Trump performance by Merchan and the prosecution(?)…
    The Appeal is likely being prepared as we speak, on the chance that the Jury is indeed brain dead.

    1. Every action taken by the judge to prevent evidence in support of Trump from being introduced poisonously taints ANY decision made by the jury.
      If Trump is convicted (of a crime as yet undefined) that conviction will almost instantly be overturned.

      1. “Every action taken by the judge to prevent evidence in support of Trump from being introduced poisonously taints ANY decision made by the jury.”

        Not to mention actions taken by the DA’s office to deliberately withhold exculpatory evidence.

        GUARANTEED overturn on appeal, either way.

        1. Rush the trial, slow walk the appear with an unheard of fine that has to be paid before he can appeal?

      1. Robert; what I was getting at is, speaking from my own pov, is that I know when I’m being conned and I hate it. I just assume most folks feel the same way about having their strings pulled. All it will take is for one or two jurors to dig in their heels and cause a hung jury.

  7. Its quite clear the UN/CFR/Globalists don’t want Trump to be reelected in November

  8. Meh.. Its not possible to be oligarch and not be dirty.. Its also not possible to be a politician and not be dirty.. Trump is both and for that sin he will burn.. He crossed the line..

    The only question is.. Was a stupid wall and affordable energy worth it?.. Or should I say stopping that.. 8 blow assed years he would have been gone .. The next democrap could have reversed it all?..

    Or could they?.. Yes, we are here to make everything suck again :).. Meh destroy him..
