29 Replies to “The Part I Like Best”

    1. Alright. At risk of revealing my own stupidity (for smoking dope) let me share a story of my own that happened just a few weeks ago. Just last month. We were in So Cal for Easter break, and spent an evening at my sister-in-laws mansion in the canyons of Orange Co. We had dinner, some light drinking, and had retired to their outdoor patio when my brother-in-law (?) whipped out a joint he was excited about … saying the salesdoper at the local dispensary claimed the paper was soaked in fine wine.

      Well … cut to the stupid part … in order to be social and show my wife that I didn’t really loathe my sister-in-law’s douchebag husband … I took a couple hits. What happened next certifies everything in this article. After a short while, the room started spinning … and I started feeling nauseous (not high, not mellow). Before I knew it … I was on the toilet with explosive diarrhea after which I immediately fell to my knees and proceeded to vomit continuously for the next 1-1/2 hours … interrupted by bouts of more diarrhea. My head was spinning so badly, I couldn’t even get off the bathroom floor.

      I finally managed to make it into her guest room, and slept fairly well through the night. I awoke the next morning feeling fine … with no residual “high” whatsoever. All I could think was how utterly STUPID I was for taking this douchebag’s word for what this joint was, and where it came from. Gawd knows what it could have been. BTW … he evidently got the “high” he craves … and did not get ill like me. Perhaps the difference is that he’s a fat, loser, doper … while my body is a temple that refused to be defiled by the evil weed.

      A cautionary tale … told by someone who lived it. And survived. And yes, my wife contemplated calling 911 … the episode was THAT sudden, frightening looking, and unprecedented. Yes. That was my LAST moment of stupidity and LAST contact with the evil weed … ever.

      1. Sounds like you had a bad reaction to it.
        Have you ever tried it before, Kenji?
        Usually first timers don’t get a buzz, the first time I tried it, my buddy stole an eighth of hash off his brother and we smoked it all in one sitting, I got nothing!
        The next time, however, hoo-boy!

        Some people are allergic to it, I’ve known a couple. Similar nausea, vomiting, but no diarrhea. It’s supposed to be calming for the stomach, CBD, especially.

        As for the intoxication, mentioned below, yes, the new cannabis is much stronger than the old ditch weed. Hashish used to make my heart race, when I was younger.
        I prefer concentrates to flower, these days, the isolates have less negative effects for me than whole flower. I think it’s the lower order cannabinoids that bother me,

        Some strains are supposed to energize you, others, relax you, but the effects are sometimes uniquely personal.

        A long time friend has an adult son that gets Marijuana induced psychosis, the father, can’t be without it. For him it’s necessary, not just for enjoyment.

        Sometimes, pot is just not for certain people, like alcohol.

        1. Dude. I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s … of course I’ve smoked it before. I even did bong hits … and drank the bong water once (not advisable, as I was high for about 4 days straight). NEVER had a bad reaction other than a mellow high … and losing all track of time.

          And I occasionally imbibed during yearly ski trips with my hippie friends in the 1990’s, but essentially haven’t touched the stuff since then. Nope. This is not your grandfathers (me) dope.

          1. Damn Kenji. you were the kid who drank the bong water?!? Theres one in every group.

            I smoked regularly for a long time. Never had a problem. From shady mexican brick to good clean hippie crack,
            ‘Overdose’ just led to demolishing a whole bag of cookies and a good nap.
            After legalization, I can’t touch the stuff without exactly what you describe happening.

            Something with the way it is grown or processed. Dispensary stuff is loaded with mold. Or maybe the super purple bud blaster fertilizer they use, full of questionable plant growth hormones and chemicals that are not used on food.
            The whole industry is shady as hell. The cartels, despite everything, at least provided an enjoyable product.
            Whatever it is, it sucks.

          2. Couldn’t agree with you more, Bunny … perhaps that’s why the “black” (rather open) market is still doing a Lions share of business … not to mention homegrown for which nobody keeps statistics.

            God knows what was in that supposedly “wine soaked” joint. Cause it sure as hell didn’t taste like wine to me … more like harsh chemicals.

            Well … my body gave me a good “talking-to”

        2. First time..?? 1972 Hot knives of some Afgani black Hash
          Did it work..?? damned straight it did….

          Still to this day, have a said of burnt knives sitting in a drawer somewhere – Just no desire these days, I’d rather have a glass of single malt.

      2. Kenji,
        Your bro in law said it was “soaked in fine wine” according to the sales dude.
        That is a tell.
        It was likely laced.
        PCP (angel dust) is a common ingredient for laced doobies.
        I know, because it happened to me long ago.

        1. Bummer. Sorry you went thru that. I doubt it was PCP because I didn’t go all homicidal on the extended family … or perform feats of superhuman strength …

          1. Ha!
            Thanks, Kenji.
            I survived it, like so much else we all survive on this long, strange trip we’re all on.

  1. I suspect a major cause is the potency of today’s pot compared with the floor sweepings of the ’60s and ’70s. Much of the bud has more than 20% thc compared with 2% or 3% for Acapulco Gold back in the day. And many of the vape pipes these days have 90% thc. The potency in edibles (gummies etc) varies wildly, often within the same package. So oldsters taking more than a few tokes can get unexpectedly high these days.

      1. For somone that has smoked pot for so long, I hope he has forgotten more than I know, because he mentioned a few falsehoods.. Hashish does NOT derive from pollen. Pollen occurs in the male plant, which you do not want. Pollen causes fertilization, which produces seeds and lowers the quality of the buds. Sinsemilla, literally means “without seeds” and comes exclusively from female plants. Dealers don’t want you growing your own from those seeds, or you wouldn’t need thier services.

        Also, saying it’s the same plant, well yes, technically, it is, but there are different cultivars, just like tomatoes, there’s Roma (the ‘original’ tomato) beefsteak, cherry, all are tomatoes, but with different properties,
        grown for those same properties.
        All dogs are Canis Lupus Familliaris, but the differences between a Chihuahua and a Great Dane, are obvious. Different breeds for different purposes..

        Saying that all pot is the same as it was back then, is misleading. Perhaps he has just built up a tolerance, over all this time?

        1. @Zon – “Perhaps he has just built up a tolerance, over all this time?”

          Don’t know, I’m not an expert, just put another “experts” counter argument to the other Paul’s comment as food for thought.

          That said, I’m pretty sure there’s a difference in the quality based on income and availability in the 70’s & 80’s compared to today. A millionaire movie star living in LA probably didn’t get the seed filled brick from Mexico that a Toronto welfare teen smoked during those same years.

        2. Tommy is misremembering to some extent, but he is right about the hash and thai sticks back then.
          As for today’s bud, it varies in THC amounts.
          High test Indica can be up to 30%, as compared to the mexican ditch weed of yore, which was, at best, 5% or less. There is lighter stuff, usually Sativa.
          Bottom line….weed has gotten more refined through chemistry, not unlike the metaphorical example mentioned in this thread with respect to tomato varieties.

    1. Paul true that.

      Indica vs Sativa – big diff in potency.
      I managed to acquire some Indica Seeds as far back as1983. Me and a buddy acquired a cpl of 1000W Metal Halide bulbs and starting growing said seeds in hydroponics….it worked beyond expectations: we had a 12X 14 ft Room and it was full…

      6 Months later – just under 4.5 lbs of very valuable product – we both drove cab at the time, and sold it there….(no heat score at the house). I even had a guy who thought it was beyond Awesome to buy a lid and use his cr crd. on an old click/clack Chargex manual slide unit we used bk then… wrote it up as a trip to Banff.

      Those were the days.
      To be honest, Nowadays – which is VERY SELDOM, I’d prefer the Sativa any day.
      My normal go-to is single malt scotch

  2. Just remember that JAMA is the same rag that swore up and down that The Jab ™ was “Safe and Effective ™” and still says so.

    Also that “cannabis poisoning” is not a thing. There is no fatal dose of cannabis. (No, really. Look it up. There -is- a fatal dose of tylenol, but not cannabis.)

    So when a journal famous for LYING about quite a few very important things comes along and LIES about cannabis, what does that mean?

    One thing it means is that the USA is strongly considering making it legal, and certain parties make a really big pile of money from it being -illegal-.

    1. Outside of Cannabis feeding the scumbags of the world from street to cartel, the “poison effects” and long term health issues pale in comparison to what the western governments knowingly & scientifically feeds people on a regular basis.

      Pick your poisons, but the government will insure you and your family ingest the most toxic.

  3. Well, what can one say?

    It is amazing how Darwin’s theorizing is coming to be true.

    Natural selection in action.

    Smoke some soma and relax.
    Everything will be fine on the other side.
    Go in peace.

    1. Article is about senior citizens. They’ve already reproduced.

      Big problem with natural selection is it doesn’t account for DeAndre having 6 kids with 5 different mommas BEFORE he shoots himself in the dick making a youtube video.

      Take that Darwin.

  4. The fact is, some folk use weed. If you don’t like that, that’s a you problem.
    People who run screaming to the state to protect them from a freakin’ plant have deep issues, but this is Canada, where the safety Karen reigns supreme over a population of limp-wristed pussywillow buttercups.

  5. I really don’t care if people smoke or not, just don’t do it while driving or if you have a important job that requires cognizance.
    You can die consuming too much water, anything can become toxic. Don’t pretend it’s totally harmless, it’s not.
    Sounds like Kenji smoked something laced with something.

  6. An American MSM story on marijuana?
    It is to laugh.
    Liberal Cabinet Ministers are less full of it.
    Reefer madness man.

    “Johnson & Johnson also quietly funded the 2013 launch of “Growing Pains”, “a new social networking site for young people with pain”. This effort to market opioids to teenagers aged 13 and up was shut down only as of 2021.
    From Oxy to Heroin to Fentanyl to … Buprenorphine?

    Today nearly every 10th adult has lost a family member to an opioid. All major candidates for president have tapped into the anger — which, however, they have chosen to direct at Chinese and Mexican cartels.’


  7. @sackler sh*t – “Today nearly every 10th adult has lost a family member to an opioid”

    Two uncles & two cousins.

  8. ‘Poisoning’ is an interesting choice of terms…

    I get where you are coming from Kate but I would guess that the only reason these people go to the hospital is because they ate too many edibles. An old saying goes with that… ‘you think you’re gonna die but you never do’. Anybody who has experienced overdose on edibles would understand this phrase. It is definitely an unnerving and anxiety-filled state and can last longer than a person wants it to, easily several hours, and I have no doubt that those with a pre-existing schizophrenia or an underlying mental illness could be affected.

    And I agree with others above me, today’s weed is much more potent. No question.

  9. As planned, pot became much more dangerous to consume with government involvement.
