11 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. Our ancestors knew better than us. The Komagata Maru incident staved off Canada’s assimilation into the third world for almost a century.

      1. What a f__cking wind bag!
        There must be a way of getting rid of him and his ilk!

    1. “Our ancestors knew better than us.”

      Amen to that. They knew right from wrong and when to dig in and defend what was theirs, because they earned it and knew they did.

      A very interesting bit of Canadian and Sikh history. Did not know of that at all.

      Thank you kindly, Arty.

      Hey Arty, I heard of an Arty that’s wanted for choking.

      The sign said Arty chokes 2 for a dollar. Or so I heard.

      1. I’d hire Arty, but I don’t have enough $2’s to choke all the people that I need choked.

  2. Didn’t Blackie dress up as one of those boat people? In the 1990’s.
    When PP becomes PM his office is going to have to supply a steady stream of apologies for Juthtin the Black-faced Pride Parade cum-bucket.

  3. “They were detained for two harrowing months without food, water, or medical care.”

    Two months without water eh?

  4. Re: the Saint George Floyd biopic … I can’t wait to see it as I have always wanted to learn how and where he obtained the counterfeit money … and how much of it he successfully passed around the Minneapolis retail community.

    D’ya think the film will cover that?

    1. I think LeBron James could play George. Require only small amount of face putty/makeup
