29 Replies to “Great Success!”

  1. The safe and effective genetic slurry will take care of the rest of their liabilities.

  2. I see so many “Hand of my CCP signs” as to wonder about basic intelligence. We live in Bananada and it’s got a mushy yellow middle and so many bruises we mistake it for multiculturalism.

  3. Be interesting to know what the CPP return was versus say Quebec’s, and the Ontario Teachers’ Fund.


    Any other big pension funds?

  4. Index funds usually outperform active management in bull markets, which we have experienced over the time period in question. Article is a bit misleading. Plus, who cares what Andrew Coyne thinks, another Laurentian Elite.

  5. Just wait till the TruJag starts building houses, based on the Transmtn and ArriveScram cost over run formula of approx 7 times the budget the average door will cost $500,000 x 7 = $3.5 million x 3 million homes = 10.5 billion.
    God help us.

  6. This is why I’ve lost faith in so many Albertans. Getting our own provincial pension plan is a no brainer. Youngest population in Canada, etc etc. The less we have to do with Ottawa the better.

    1. The “no brainer” solution is to not having public pension plans at all. Adults can look after themselves.

    2. See what happens when a province controls its own pension plan by looking at Quebec and their enthusiasm for investing in Bombardier and SNC Lavalin, among other losers.

      I don’t trust Danielle Smith, or Rachel Notley, or any politician to leave any pension plan alone unless there are explicit and legislated controls keeping them far away.

      1. the only party that has expressed an interest in using CPP funds for their ideas is the liberal party

  7. If you invested the 7% that CPP takes from you, to it’s maximum at a 4% return, paying the same amount they currently do, you’d never run out of money, and it would continue to grow every year when you stopped contributing.

    Additionally, when you died, that money would be yours, to go to your estate or heirs, not disappearing into the ether like the CPP does.

  8. The fund could have been handled by a single manager getting paid a moderate salary making boring decisions.

  9. with the numbers of that size, statistical probability dictates one take the proven path. whatever that is lm not a portfolio manager.

    and if indexed funds are the way to go, the overall grand total average according to rigorous probability is . . . ta da !!! didnt crap it all out and didnt make everyone millionaires either (because odds dicate against that happening soooo . . . dont go there)

    bottom line (pun intended) the Liberals fcuked up agin Martha. Marrrrrthaaaa !!!!
    get me outa here !!!

  10. It is likely that the actual value of the ‘private equity’ is less than reported so that makes all the bonus collectors into thieves.

  11. Typical conservative (UCP) politicians , promising to give people the power to control their own lives and fiscal responsibility. Then they get voted in and start enjoying all the perks and privileges and forget about what they wanted to do. Then a few months before the election they say well there’s no time to do anything about it now so we better not say anything to stir the pot.

    Just do it Danielle!!! Do it !

  12. Warren Buffet pays himself $100,000 US for a yearly salary.
    No stock options, no bonuses.
    Just saying.

    1. Meaningless when he’s already the biggest shareholder.

      Since pledging to give all of his money to the bill gates foundation, his net worth has increased by $100 billion. Cannot give away money fast enough before he dies.

      Since he’s bros with Obama, how bout redistributing some of that wealth?

      1. You are free to buy as much Berkshire Hathaway stock as you like.
        Don’t expect taxpayers to fund your life (Biden and Trudeau are not going to be in power much longer).

  13. Canada and the USA are in a debt spiral. All they can do now is print more money to cash flow the interest on the debt and maybe sustain the social programs.
    Canadian chartered banks (BMO, Scotiabank) have started buying Bitcoin ETF’s to front run/compete with the poors.

    We are on our own.

    Study Bitcoin.

    Lyn Alden
    Lawrence Lepard
    Natalie Brunell
    Jeff Booth
    Greg Foss

    Buy Bitcoin.

  14. While this criticism is somewhat valid, I think he misses a key point. The CPPIB exists for another (somewhat holy, in my opinion) purpose.

    It works to keep even worse people – the politicians – from playing with the money. Absent the CPPIB, all the ‘influencers’ saying “but the money is just _sitting_ there!” would be tempted to put the money in fur-bearing trout farms in the Yukon, or jackalope ranches in Manicouagan, or some other such idiocy.

    As incompetent as the fund managers at the CPPIB might be, at least they’re not politically-motivated spendthrifts with their eyes only on the next polls. Maybe that’s worth the price?
