Learn To Code

Sorry guys, we didn’t make the new rules. But those are the new rules.

Media Matters produced a hoax report on X, in which staffers refreshed posts dozens of times to get ads to show up next to objectionable material. This lie was then used to pressure advertisers into leaving X and cause financial losses to the company.

X fought back, and the Missouri Attorney General fought back with X.

Now the organization is experiencing the biggest mass of layoffs, with over a dozen terminations.

They f’d around, they found out.

Let that sink in.

26 Replies to “Learn To Code”

  1. These stories are starting to pile up but I read each and every one. Like a sip of fine wine.

      1. A good year for the Bidenconomy … its LAST year

        Remember when we were told that Biden received 81 million votes because everyone HATED Trump even MORE than they LOVED Obama? Yeah … later this year Biden will find out what HATED politicians is really all about …

  2. Just like Hamas “fooled around and found out”. I truly wonder at people’s mental acuity – do they not think about the consequences? Of course, the IQ of the average Israeli is 120 and the average IQ of the peoples surrounding them is 80 (I saw a map of country IQ’s once and was struck at the huge disparity).

    1. so often exaggeration to make a point but that one, 120 vs 80 somehow the ‘ring of truth to it’ is sounding like one of those klaxons in an old b&w movie.

      just saying.

      and God Bless lsrael.

  3. FA – FO.
    Am agreed that these MOFO’s aught to be jailed…100%
    This is literal criminal activity.

    But then have a look at the Canadian Liberal party…right.?

  4. I have never read anything on Media Matters that didn’t sound like it came directly from the DNC. Perhaps they should have tried journalism.

  5. People who work for an organization with the sole and only purpose for it’s existence to dox, cancel, and get people they disagree with fired, are whining about getting fired. LOL

  6. We are winning. I know it may seem most days that there is mayhem all around – which is true to a certain extent – but make no mistake about it – we will win in the end. You just need to keep your chin up and keep fighting. And like Reagan – be a “happy warrior”. Always!

  7. Well … there’s always the paid “protestor” gig at ANTIFA. Soros will pay them “Shock Trooper” money.

  8. According to their 2021 tax filing, they had ~$25 million in assets.

    And the IRS allows them to remain a “non-profit” while explicitly partisan.

  9. Just a side note, but as a software developer I’m starting to find the “Learn to Code” meme irksome. I was okay with it when it was used to mock “journalists” who mocked the unemployed coal miners, but now it’s starting to become a disparagement of people who spent years training for software development. BTW, I think I’d feel the same way if “Learn to Farm” was the meme as I don’t believe any of the afore mentioned journalists have the physical, intellectual, or psychological stamina to survive in that profession.

      1. Based on the farmers I know, I think they’re more qualified, and able, to do my job than any “journalist.” 🙂 Now, there are journalists out there who would be able to make a switch, but no “journalists” that I have seen to date would be able to do the job.

        1. Agreed.

          For example: look what that short, FUPA, ugly Journalist grad Chrystia Freeland has done to the Canadian economy …

        2. I know a lot of farmers and they would be the first to say “here, try my tractor”. You can talk or drive. it’s up to your mouth. They don’t get fussed up about talking.

  10. this is proof that not all billionaires are wired the same.
    Elon really is different, and in many ways a good way.
    intolerance of BS top on his list. regardless anything else good bad indifferent he’s
    my hero ’cause he did a great big richest ever ‘see what us autistics can do’.

    vapourized a few glass ceilings he did.

  11. Activist media is a thing.. Going after them later hardly fixes the problem of new start ups.. Fire it up, and burn it out.. A job well done..

  12. Another sign that the Patriots are in control, lots of blackpilling going on this site. Cheer up and watch the media reaction to Trumps rally in the Bronx last night, its all good.
