26 Replies to “It’s Not Easy Being Green”

  1. And eucalyptus come from Australia … ohhhhhh mommmaaaaa … we’ve appropriated the Abbo’s culture !! Ohhhhhhhhh mommmaaaaa !

    ”You ask me what I think about the starvin’ chilren’ in India? I say ohhhhhhhhhhhh mommaaaaa” – Randy Newman

  2. Heh, we have a big Japanese dappled willow bush in my front yard area, over the well spot, it loves it.
    So I’m a horticultural racist now?
    Gonna need a white-board for this fluidity.
    …wait, was that racist too?

    1. White boards are so 1980’s … now we AI to sort out all our racist lifestyles … for instance AI reminded us that George Washington was actually a Blasian woman.

  3. I’m doing a big patch of collard greens and watermelon this year. In the front yard.

    I have stick to things from my ancestor’s homeland?
    Blueberries, moss and tree bark ain’t gonna cut it.

    1. Plant some fried chicken and you’ve got a heck of a meal there.

    2. I don’t trust myself to gather the truffles or mushrooms that don’t kill you

      1. Exactly. The guy’s wife said “I’m just going to plant a few flowers”.

  4. The Cult of Racism goes after gardening. It’s true, I guess, that parody is dead because nothing can compete with the absolute ridiculousness of wokeism. Future generations are going to think that early 21st century people completely lost their ability to reason due to some weird mind virus that made them crazy.

    Remember these are the same type of “experts” in academia and media that want to you listen to (obey) them about medicine, pandemics, gender, relationships, climate change, politics, nutrition, etc.

    1. If gardeners are diverse, then aren’t we all guilty of racism, so it cancels out in the end?

      1. Newsflash: it’s all canceled itself out long before they got into our gardens

      2. Not sure if the diversity of gardeners makes gardening diverse. Then again, I’m long past listening to anyone who is quoted as an expert. Experts are batshit crazy, imo.

  5. Europe can have their dandelions back. With the ever increasing idiotic municipal decisions to not use chemical weed control, the dandelions have replaced grass in every municipal controlled area.
    Maybe it’s the elites plan as a side dish for grasshopper ragout.

    1. Well be eating them soon enough.
      Dandelions, if left alone, will self-regulate in about a decade.

  6. With this, and the growing threat of floral obesity from too much CO2, I’ve just about had it with plants!!!

    1. But who do the potatoes belong to? I don’t think Irish works. Gotta be Incan or something.

  7. Japanese knotweed. You can’t get a mortgage in England if this invasive plant is in the yard. Grows about a foot a day. Some 19th century horticulturalist introduced it to North America. Is it racist to use Roundup?

  8. I don’t give a sh*t and have never given a sh*t about this crap.
    How about sheep sh*t for your garden?
