31 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. I have posted it before; Monte Python’s Flying Circus predicted this 50 years ago.

  2. Time for the West to come crashing down. It’s time is done.

    1. You can trace it all back to:
      tolerance of the intolerant
      Self esteem for self loathing
      Anti-bullying of the bullies

      We thought we were being … nice. We were being played.

    2. It’s close , it’s real close, as Roach told us in Apocalypse Now at 2:10 and unfortunatley the people that made the decisons that destroyed this beautiful experimnet will not be punished and we will all become serfs, slaves and peasants again.

  3. How to decimate a once mighty army, one cosmetic application at a time.
    And one cosmetic surgery, for those still wanting to sever their balls.
    It is all 4 dimensional, assymetric chess (sorry, cant seem to spell asymitry )
    No life like it, and all that rot.

  4. When random Alpha & Sigma males meet they treat each other with a certain mutual respect that recognizes the potential for conflict with the understanding that bad things can occur otherwise.

    Beta males shit all over that evolutionary normal as they feel empowered and protected by “the system”.

    For example – There is a great divide of these ancient societal norms with western engagement and Russia over the Ukraine conflict.

    Evolution wins every time.

  5. The word tranny is banned lots of places.
    Is the term ‘gearbox girls’ an acceptable substitute?

        1. ebt
          Yes Kenji does excellent stick handling, or so the COLON says.
          Butt that probably because Kenji is looking for that gay gene.

          1. At least I’m not a Supreme Court Justice who is still looking for her female chromosomes …

  6. So Monty Python and 1984 weren’t warnings the were blueprints. And as they continue to tell us what they want to do – reality is denied, denied, denied.

  7. Its all part of the movie to wake up the normies and I see from some of the comments, that its working, at least on some of the sleepy villagers. It had to be this way, but things should get better next year, have faith.

  8. A Nancy-boy military … what could go wrong?

    Oh. Wait. He’s a highly educated and specialized Farsi translator … Right? Isn’t THAT the reason Obama’s military gave for accepting Trans and Pfhaggs in the military? Allowing them to “practice” their perversions openly?

  9. Biden out here turning the U.S. Navy into a gay bathhouse while at the same time actively trying to start WWIII in Europe. Amazing.

  10. The same people that want to silence “Silence of the Lambs” told you we’re Buffallo Bill?

  11. Just wait till Biden gets in his head (I know not nearly plausible enough, but bear with me), that a DRAFT will be a great way to off as many Young Americans as he can.
    All of whom will 100% be headed to UKRAINE – Cannon fodder for Russian Military ROV’s

    & am Betting that they, Canada, Australia, NZ etc will ALL likely institute a DRAFT….EU Nations to follow

    Any New arrivals from the southern border need not apply….
