18 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Chart Of The Day”

  1. Don’t you know, chinese and indian emissions are magical and have no effect on climate, according to the watermelons.

    1. Agreed.
      China’s graph is shrunk to 50% of USA graph (China’s coal consumption is 6 times USA).
      India’s graph is enlarges to 2 2/3 USA graph (India still consumes 50% more coal that USA but only 1/4 of China).

      1. uh huh.
        well thats where l got it from, but right clicking and saving to a tab separates the image display from the restrictions of the web site and as such l cd zoom in and see VERY FINE DETAIL HOW THIN SOME OF THE PATCHES OF COLOR WERE AND ZEEEEERO CONFUSION WHAT COLOR I WAS LOOKING AT WHAT THE H-E- HOCKEY STICKS IS IT WITH SOME OF YOU RIGHT WINGERS INCESSANTLY NIT PICKING WELL ATTABOY THIS TIME YOU WERE ALL WRONG.

  2. Dancing to a different beat.. International politics reduced to a one trick pony, either way.. How long will it last and will it give you a return on your money?.. Cleaner is good.. Hypochondriasis bad..

    Illness anxiety disorder, sometimes called hypochondriasis or health anxiety, is worrying excessively that you are or may become seriously ill. You may have no physical symptoms. Or you may believe that normal body sensations or minor symptoms are signs of severe illness, even though a thorough medical exam doesn’t reveal a serious medical condition.

  3. Tell us what “significant” is. 0.5%, 1.0%, 5%, 20% ….? Then tell us if that’s nameplate or actual production. There is a huge difference when providing data for wind turbines.

  4. That’s funny. The only thing significant about “renewables” (i.e. unreliables) is the fact that they produce virtually nothing in times of need. “Renewables” are a farce. Like you.

  5. It’s funny that less advanced countries, like China and India, are ramping up coal-based energy, while we are ramping it down.

    We are slowly ramping up renewable, which are lame. We should be ramping nuclear to 50-80% of our energy production.

  6. What’s just as important is the vector DIRECTION of these graphs … the USA’s energy use is flattening, and turning downward despite 10’s of millions of *ahem* … “newcomers” … over the period of the graph. Yes, we are being driven back to the Stone Age by our “green” overlords.

    You will own nothing, do nothing, and be happy … they say

  7. “Renewables in the US have grown from nearly irrelevant to significant in just 5 years.

    And that rate of increase will continue”

    Yes, hydroelectricity is the ultimate ‘renewable’, and will only continue to increase as more dams are built.

    Glad to have your support, Jenn.
