28 Replies to “Democratic Defiance”

  1. I saw only one error in that column.
    The writer claimed that the ballot box was the last option.
    This would be incorrect as the US constitution has the last option listed as the 2nd amendment.

    1. the Ballot box is only the second of 4 boxes, and the democrats seem determined to open the last one.

      “The 4 foxes of liberty are: The Soap Box, The ballot Box, the Jury Box, and the Cartridge box, which must be used in that order”

  2. Larson
    Another educated idiot, are you reading in here cghCOLON?
    Now you know my view on edukation.
    Putin jailed Navalny bc he was trying to set up a colour revolution, he, or one of his cohorts was filmed asking a CIA, or State person for 10-20 million to finance said revolution. Larson should set his preconceived notions aside before post opinions for the public to read.
    Larson is said to be a european conservative, but there is NO such creature in existence.

    1. You simply have to be part of a St. Petersburg troll farm. Nobody is that obtuse without a paycheque.

        1. cghCOLON
          You are about as informed as this Larson turd.
          I was anti Putin, till AFTER this “war” started, then I read opinions from people who were much better informed of current, and past events.
          Unlike you, I am intelligent enough to see when I am wrong, and change my opinion, I’v had to do that on many occasions.

          BTW: my IQ is far higher than yours, and that is why I can admit when I’m wrong.

          1. “my IQ is far higher than yours”

            Yeah, that’s what Biden says.

          2. That’s what Biden’s teleprompter says. Biden says, “Murgle genush normf.”

        2. Here ewe goat cghCOLON, educate your self, and see if you can link this to current USA political events and see why there is a war between NATO (CIA) and RUSSIA (Putin)

  3. From the linked article:
    “Still—I would like to know what makes the Washington elite hate Trump so deeply that they are willing to sacrifice anything—seemingly even what remains of the integrity of our constitutional republic—to stop this man from returning to the White House. “

    Ahhh, something Canada and the U.S. have in common; corrupt centralized governments that are only interested in enriching the members of the “club” and to hell with the people they govern. It’s all self-interest and not a whit of public or national interest. “What’s in it for me? How much can I skim or rake in?”

    Our (Canada, U.S.) governments are now a business, a racket, and have nothing to do with running the countries for the benefit of the citizens.

    In the U.S., Trump is a threat to the D.C. business model. He was never a politician and never a member of the “club”. His goal is to drain the swamp that is D.C. He is a direct threat to the D.C. business model.

    In Canada, Poilievre is a member of the “club” but claims he wants to reform the club for the benefit of Canadian citizens. I read enough here to know that Canadians are rightfully suspicious that an insider, a member of the club (but not in good standing with the other members) will be able to or even have the sincere will to make necessary changes.to reform Canada’s “club”.

    Anyhow, Trump is a proven threat to the D.C. business model and Poilievre is positioning himself as a threat to the similar Ottawa business model.

    As you can see in the bought and paid for media, they are both a “threat to our thievery democracy” and must be stopped.

    1. Rizzy
      Government consists of more than one person, try and grasp that concept .
      When you’re surrounded by stupid people like you, you may make a collective mistake, as Trump did.

    2. “Never forgive, never forget: Operation Warp Speed”

      There are people who should be held accountable for that, yes…but Donald Trump isn’t one of them. He was deliberately given bad information by people who knew better and were using the pandemic to enrich themselves (and (embarrass Trump where possible). Save your anger for the real guilty parties.

    3. Without Operation Warp Speed, Trump wouldn’t have won the 2020 election by the wide margins he did. Not a single polling place would have had to STOP counting votes in the middle of the night, only to resume in secret.

      Without cooperating with the US Government’s top medical experts … really top people … top pandemic experts … Trump would have LOST in a landslide. You may not care about politics … but politics cares about you, and determines everything.

      1. “Without cooperating with the US Government’s top medical experts … really top people … top pandemic experts … Trump would have LOST in a landslide. You may not care about politics … but politics cares about you, and determines everything.”

        Oh, absolutely. We faced the same thing here in Canada when it came to emergency pandemic relief, and our Conservatives did not dare oppose what the Liberals did in offering emergency funds to people. They tried proposing additional emergency funding for businesses (correctly thinking that it might be important for people to have jobs to go back to when this was all over). They were met with the predictable cries of “You love business more than the people!” and “Why do you hate the poor so much?” They quickly backed down, finding themselves in a lose-lose situation.

  4. You’re certainly entitled to your opinion and I agree,
    GYM is suitable for mockery.

  5. Trump is fighting something way too large.
    Big Government exists for Big Government.
    Its a metastasizing cancer.
    He needs a lot more allies.
    Winston is a low IQ clown,
    People who vote for Joe Pooh are anti-freedom and anti-American.

    1. “No? Then why are they going to such great lengths to stop him?”

      Because everything they attempt to throw at him just makes him *more* popular. These are people who fit Einstein’s definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result. It just never occurs to them to try a different tactic…they just double down on whatever they have been doing and hope for a miracle. Slander, impeachments, lawsuits, criminal charges…NONE of it has worked so far, yet they keep stubbornly hanging on to the same tired old strategies (and destroying their own credibility in the process).

      A guy like Winston puts on a brave face just so we don’t notice his lower lip trembling.

      1. Ha. Another tactic? You mean like enacting policies that actually protect the American people and help them prosper? Sorry, that’s not in the UniParty script. No, it is far easier to destroy people and lay waste to the American Dream for all but a select few Elite.

        Pssst … those tens of millions of “newcomers” flooding across the Southern non-border? They’ll all work far cheaper than you, and won’t complain about working conditions. D’ya wanna hire a United Farmworker UNIONISTA? or thousands of “Refugees” who will take whatever shit you give em?

        1. “Ha. Another tactic? You mean like enacting policies that actually protect the American people and help them prosper? Sorry, that’s not in the UniParty script. No, it is far easier to destroy people and lay waste to the American Dream for all but a select few Elite. ”

          The interesting thing is that guys like James Carville (and to a lesser extent people like Piers Morgan and Bill Mahr) have seen the writing on the wall and are trying hard to get the Democrats and their MSM shills to start talking about what *positive* things they themselves may have to offer, and not just doom-and-gloom about how terrible and devastating things will be if Donald Trump gets re-elected. Carville comes right out and says “stop talking about how bad Donald Trump’s policies are and start talking about how *good* ours are!”

          They just refuse. No matter how low their poll numbers sink, they don’t don’t have the maturity to do what is necessary to beat Trump (or at least come close to doing so; I firmly believe that there is nothing they can do at this point to beat him, he’s that popular…).

  6. The part of Sven Larson’s commentary that I wasn’t comfortable with, was in the first portion of his post where he seems to be at unease, that he isn’t comfortable with his support of President Donald J. Trump, while he sets the stage of acknowledging how widespread Trump’s support is in the normally unsupportive Bronx and then in New Jersey.

    In the latter stage of his post he has the “coming out” moment when he declares it is his “duty as an American…”
    Well that’s such a relief!

    My extended family which mostly resides in Regina, SK. have been at pains to say anything positive about Trump while continuing to voice support of the current entirely inept President, yet when pressed to show something, anything, which Biden has done and is demonstrably “good”. They cannot. It’s back to whatever the 3 letter MSM types have said in the past months.
    My closest sister continually states that she “cannot watch the news” now as it’s all about Trump, and she cannot tolerate hearing his name. In her last cogent moments my mom only referred to a video image of how Mrs Trump had once not held hands with Donald, and had moved her hand away from Donald’s hand in a show of defiance? The others in the family, offer much the same in cutting edge analysis of their support of Biden.

    Strangely enough, the line between my Calgary centred family and the Regina centred family of my parents appears to be drawn on the same line as the vax scam was. We haven’t discussed Trudeau, maybe that’s why we’re still able to converse in some moments. The trend in these topics seems to be in what lies beneath, what secrets were never supposed to be brought to the light. Are the child sex circles still a topic? When will the truth of the Ukrainian bio-labs be accepted in the media as “fit to print”?
    I suspect that when Hillary Clinton said, “if that bastard gets in, we’ll all hang” …. is very near to what Larson alludes to when he asks, “I’d like to know what they are hiding”

    Note that in Idaho, because of “rising costs” the Governor wrote into law the use of the firing squad.
    I don’t know if this applies only to state trials or could apply to federal trials as well, so for the moment I’m hoping some of the trials are held in Boise Idaho, if only to settle some of the arguments.

    1. civil wars do that.
      divide the nation, the cities the neighborhoods and families. damn them

    2. If Trump isn’t the author’s cup of tea, then do tell us exactly WHY. And if his aversion is for all the personality nonsense and braggadocio of Trump, that only reveals a double standard he holds for politicians, and shows what a shallow, emotional, thinker he is. No, when someone couches their faint support of Trump in such terms … they reveal to me that they are REALLY a “Bush man” or faithful UniParty voter.

      Do tell, dear author … name your ideal candidate. And if you cannot name one, then give me a construct of your ideal candidate. Would you have them speak in polite, non-offensive, meaningless, political platitudes? Would they embrace the Queer nation as more important than NORMAL Americans? Would they acknowledge that global warming is killing us because NOAA and NASA say so? Do tell us who you would rather vote for? Or are you just covering your bet on Trump? That if he loses his first election in Nov. that you are staking-out some plausible deniability?

      Sorry … you’re no better than Saint Peter who denied Christ three times to save his own skin.
