Unsafe and Ineffective

Utah resident Brianne Dressen participated in a clinical trial of a Covid vaccine at the beginning of the pandemic. After only one shot, she suffered a severe vaccine injury which has plagued her ever since. What’s just as bad as her injury is the near total indifference of the drug company to her plight. John Campbell explores these issues in a recent interview with Brianne.

69 Replies to “Unsafe and Ineffective”

  1. And once again, Campbell does not address the elephant in the middle of the room, namely…

    In any specific case, how do we differentiate between true vaccine injuries and ailments that simply occurred after vaccination?

    For those advocating for large-scale compensation for vaccine injuries, this is a vital question to address. But I hear little on it.

    1. This is an issue, but if we look at the overall picture, what events have happened in people’s health that didn’t happen prior to December 2020. Then look at what happened in late 2020, that may have precipitated these events. I would say that you are trying to above the precipitating event, which is much larger than your pantomime elephant.

      1. Bresser is suffering from neuropathy, which I can assure you did occur before COVID vaccines. Given her good health before vaccination, her ailment might have been caused by it. Or not. There’s probably no way to determine for sure, although Campbell dances around that issue.

        According to this article, the medical evidence for COVID vaccines causing neuropathy is murky at best:


        1. She said the symptoms started after 1 hour, and then her next day of teaching she could not complete, and then her first few weeks were horrid.

          Also, she clearly has an auto-immune disease, as diagnosed by the specialists, who are advocating she take a drug to wipe out her B cells. The one thing to provide relief was an immunity drug.

          Vaccines are all about immunity.

          So “might have been caused by it” – the probably must be very close to certainty. There is a 1 in a million chance that something else that caused it.

          1. “the probability must be very close to certainty”

            I disagree. When over six hundred million shots are given in the U.S. alone, coincidences must happen. If you dig up one of those coincidences and make a video of the patient, the feeling that the vaccine caused the ailment will be near impossible to avoid, even when it’s not so.

            So that puts us in a dilemna. Compensating for severe vaccine injuries might be a good idea, but is extraordinarily difficult in practice.

          2. The varmint claims to be an applied mathematician, but seems to lack “street smarts.” That is something one uses, when one doesn’t have ample time to use all of the long-term tools of analysis, such as in a fire fight, or other fast moving emergency. Covid seems to have been a planned event I was not expecting and not some unexpected novel catastrophe. As such, you run by the seat of your pants and accept that the experts were compromised and the authorities don’t have my best interests in mind as much as I do.
            The Varmint is either a Schill, or will fall for the next scheduled calamity.
            I posted my earlier comment, waiting for him to jump on it. The show was fun, but now tedious

        2. From your bs site:
          “Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice…”
          “Red Ventures, a portfolio of digital companies headquartered in Charlotte, NC, has acquired Healthline Media”
          Every single site you post can be traced, you know.
          You are such a effin shill its unreal. I bet you own stocks in Pfizer.

        3. “So that puts us in a dilemna. ”

          Us? Just you. There is no dilemma.

          You have no understanding of statistical probability – if you were to find a number of people with a similar condition unrelated to vaccines, then your argument might have merit. There is more to the equation than the number of people who got the shot.

          There is a large number of very rare conditions that are known and proven scientifically to be caused by vaccines, such as Guillain-Barre. The fact that occurrences of Gullain-Barre are rare, and not always caused by vaccines, has not hindered confirmation of this well-known scientific fact, so your argument is absurd.

          1. You have no understanding of statistical probability

            Actually, I am an applied mathematician. I often uses statistics in my work.

            if you were to find a number of people with a similar condition unrelated to vaccines, then your argument might have merit.

            Over 5% of adults over the age of 45 suffer from some type of neuropathy. It’s very common. Guillain-Barre is far rarer, but I was trying to determine if she is suffering specifically from G-B, and I couldn’t find it. Perhaps I just missed it.


            There is a large number of very rare conditions that are known and proven scientifically to be caused by vaccines, such as Guillain-Barre.

            This is not true. The scientific evidence that the vaccines can cause neuropathy is not clear cut. There is some evidence for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, but not for AstraZeneca, which is the vaccine in question here. But nothing can be said to be proven.

        4. Good God do you ever listen to yourself. I wonder how many should die for the covid vax insanity, how many do you think should die?

          1. “Over 5% of adults over the age of 45 suffer from some type of neuropathy. It’s very common.”

            Over 5% is a fudge, is it 5%, 5.1%, 5.9%, 6%? Given some implied uncertainty, around 5% is not “very common”, it isn’t even common. Someone who uses statistics in their work should realize that 5% implies a 95 % confidence that it isn’t common and even less “very common”.

            Nice try.

          2. GregN:

            “Someone who uses statistics in their work should realize that 5% implies a 95 % confidence that it isn’t common and even less “very common”.”

            Wow, that’s mathematically illiterate.

          3. Mathematically Illiterate? Perhaps. Although clearly 5% is not “very common” nor is it “common”. That is completely wrong.

    2. One must remember the people who herded the elephant into the room with their blind trust of big pharma, like John Campbell. He steadfastly promoted the vaccine, and took years to wake up. He is among the densest of people. A man who could not find his own butt unless there were a trail of breadcrumbs laid there for him to follow.

      How a man of “science” could believe a .06 micron sized virus would not go through a mask with .3 micron holes?
      A man of “science” who supported a vaccine developed in 1/10th the time of normal development?
      A man of science who accepted the term vaccine despite not having attenuated or killed microorganisms?
      A man of science who approved a “vaccine” without trials or data?
      A man who would promote knowing all of the above?

      Campbell is trying to save his bacon without admitting he was one of the leading advocates. I have no tolerance for the man. He’s a fool who thinks himself much higher.

      1. Hear! Hear!

        My sentiments from my first exposure to nurse Campbell. And don’t forget the needle aspiration failure theory.

      2. The doubling down portrayed by the “safe and effective” crowd will eventually be replaced by cognitive dissonance and further doubling down. Even when they are shown the proof, there is no way in hell these people will concede to those smelly, uneducated mouth breathers that cheered on the truckers convoy and questioned the jab.

        1. But what is that proof? I keep asking for solid evidence. I generally get insults in response.

          1. Let me give it a try.

            “Bugger off, rat butt!”

            How was that? I fear I lack the old guy’s elan.

      3. “Campbell is trying to save his bacon without admitting he was one of the leading advocates. I have no tolerance for the man. He’s a fool who thinks himself much higher.”

        Was it deliberate, though (for money?)…or was he simply fooled like most advocates of the jab? Makes a big difference to me.

    3. If you take your car in for an oil change and tire rotation, then on the way home the wheels fall off and the engine explodes, you’d blame the shop that last touched it. It was working fine before.

    4. KM:
      How do you differentiate between someone who died with covid or someone who died because of covid?
      How do you differentiate between someone who did not die from covid thanks to the “vaccine” or someone who did not die from covid thanks to something else?

    5. I think the nature of the symptoms should signal vax injury, vs.unrelated illness. There are large databases recording suspected vax injuries. When patterns emerge we should be very suspicious of vax injury. This should not be an insurmountable problem. Moreover, even where there is a suspected vax injury of sufficient seriousness such as the large number of cases of myocarditis), the vaxes should be withdrawn.

    6. Well she had her reaction within 14 days of the jab (21 days if she was from BC or Saskatchewan) so obviously she’s ill from COVID in an unvaccinated person. Her symptoms have continued longer than 28 days after her jab so obviously her case is also unrelated.

      We must never ever under any circumstances admit that the jab might cause harm because there is no greater harm to anyone or anything on the planet than the dreaded “vaccine hesitancy.”

      ~heavy sarcasm~

    7. Killer Marmot
      “And once again, Campbell does not address the elephant in the middle of the room, namely…”

      Campbell’s channel is closely watched by Youtube and if he expresses his COVID opinion directly Youtube will terminate his channel . He uses a technique of showing published COVID data which is contrary to the COVID agenda , which Youtube cannot use as evidence to cancel him , and leading the viewer to draw their own obvious conclusions without him actually saying it … that is the reason for the “dance”.

  2. Why would such large scale incidents all have occurred in the same time frame? Well that’s a perfectly valid question.

    Let’s dovetail it with some states adopting the firing squad as a means of execution so as to save on costs, so that in widespread events certainly only where the need arises, the state doesn’t fall short of the means…

    Remember when it took decades for cigarette manufacturers to admit some responsibility?

  3. Ok, I’ll bite. Why in the hell would you participate in a clinical trial?
    Good Grief!!!!

    1. For $50? $100? It’s amazing what some shills will do for a truckload of empties.

  4. Does anyone here have anyone they suspect got sick or died because of the vaccine, peace be upon the vaccine and all who love and defend the vaccine?

    People HATE SCIENCE when it comes to their religion of jabs so all we have are a huge number of anecdotes. I’m willing to wait out the pro-jab crowd though.

    1. I have been sick for almost three years. Started a few hours after my second Moderna shot.

      1. Well if it started within hours and you’re in Canada then obviously you had COVID in the unvaccinated not a vax. Good thing you got the jab or you would be far worse since COVID already made you sick. I suspect you will never qualify for compensation either but our lack-of-health care system would be happy tp provide you with MAID.

        I apologize if it seems like I am making fun of your injury. I’m not. I am merely pointing out how are Public Unhealth department under the dislustrious Dr. Tam determines such thing. I sincerely hope you find a cure and can get back to a normal life.

    2. I have lost three relatives to turbo cancer/intracerebral hemorrhage/heart attack. All were over 70 but otherwise in good health and there is no history of heart disease, stroke or cancer in my family tree.

      I have a friend who has never smoked a day in his life who came down with an incredibly rare form of oral cancer so aggressive half his tongue had to be removed.

      I have another friend who developed a particularly disturbing form of dysmenorrhea.

      All of these people developed these pathologies within months of each other, and within months of receiving the second boosters.

      1. We just had a 24 year old man in our community end up in hospital with a heart attack. He is now proud owner of three stents and has to give up farming due to his heart damage. He was taking over the farm for his grandfather who is in his 70s and a healthy stubborn old fool who wouldn’t listen and refused the vax.

    3. Next door neighbour had one shot. Broke out in a total body rash. Didn’t take any more. Her grown son had a stroke after the shots.

      Another neighbour , grown daughter had a stroke after the shots.

      Thing is the medical community and Big Pharma lied about the shots. The shots were claimed to stay in the local injection site , but due to the nano-particle size rapidly spread throughout the body.

      No one in Gov or medical community is interested in researching excess deaths and crap media like the Guardian try to blame it on … everything BUT COVID.

  5. I wonder if she is more in agreement of her neighbours opinions. She said that they would choose not to wear masks, while she and her children wore masks from day one.

    Her neighbours have more skepticism of authority, including the authority of medical professionals. Her full faith and lack of skepticism is the reason she jumped in full-throttle to an experimental study, even though she had two children. And she paid for it.

    Also, she had faith that the corporation would help her. Clearly she had not worked for a corporation. Her skepticism is lacking there as well. I have nothing against corporations or corporate power, I am just not delusional that they are something they are not.

  6. Utah resident Brianne Dressen participated in a clinical trial of a Covid vaccine at the beginning of the pandemic.


    Brianne Dressen as a child. “Hey Bri, what do you think happens if you hit a bullet with a hammer?”

    “I don’t know. Let’s find out.”

  7. I am convinced that my first vaccination (Pfizer) caused my “familial essential tremor”, which came on, full bore, out of nowhere, and which I have to this day, and will have forever. I do not remember anyone in my family, on either side, having a tremor, but the neurologist says it is what I have. I only took the vaccine, which I never believed in, in order to have a life. Which Trudeau threatened to ruin if I wasn’t vaccinated. Has anyone else here ended up with the same condition?

    1. The Covid vaxes were hastily developed and never properly tested. Coercing people into taking the experimental vaccine was a violation of human rights. I believe Health Canada, Trudeau and the Provinces violated the Nuremberg code.

      1. And it’s not like they weren’t warned. Lots of doctors and scientists spoke out against the vax but instead of listening they punished any naysayers, often severely.

      2. Its important to remember during any debate on this subject that the criminals who run the Governments across this country knew beforehand that these shots were not , “vaccines”.

        These shots are mRNA shots, they are not “vaccines”.

        Why would the Government knowingly lie to the public in this regard ?
        The Government was deliberately lying to the public in an effort to push a dangerous and deadly pharmaceutical product that they knew was not a , “vaccine”.

        Why ?

        Using the word “vaccine” to describe these mRNA shots is perverse and a sinister known deception.
        This was a criminal act… an attack.

  8. What’s not to like really…volunteer for a clinical trial of a totally unknown substance and wake up in the morning with a Baboon’s ass.
    No thanks.

  9. The burden of proof has been reversed for pharmaceutical products. It is now up to the individual to 100% prove that a novel drug caused their injury instead of a multibillion dollar pharmaceutical company proving that their new drug didn’t cause the injury. Talk about an impossible David and Goliath situation – the individual patient has basically zero chance of winning against a massive corporation that is allied with government, the researchers, the regulatory agencies, the medical industry and the media.

    At the beginning of the covid vaccine rollout and mandates, I said that people were going to be on their own if they had adverse reactions. That the pharmaceutical companies and government won’t help at all, not even sending flowers to your hospital room or funeral. They don’t give a damn about people, they’re all about profits and kickbacks.

    1. Almost all the time, you can neither prove nor disprove that a drug caused an injury in a particular instance. You can talk of probabilities, but certainty is normally beyond reach.

      1. And that’s how we end up with thalidomide, Vioxx, Pandemrix, etc. Even after the pharmaceutical companies suspect/know they have defective product, they keep promoting it and their allies in government and regulatory bodies cover for them. It’s a rigged system. Getting governments to mandate a defective product complete with segregation and discrimination policies…is just the cherry on a very lucrative cake.

        1. I said “in a particular instance.” You can determine within reasonable certainty whether a drug is causing a specific side effect in general by employing large-scale controlled studies.

          It may seem strange that you can prove such a thing in general, but not in any specific instance, but that’s the nature of the beast.

      2. Can we prove definitively that the vaccines (or for that matter any pharmaceutical) resulted in a cure. No, you can’t. Same issue.

        1. Vaccines prevent disease, they don’t cure disease.

          But in any one specific case, you are right. You cannot show that a vaccine prevented disease in any one person.

          But through large-scale controlled studies, you can show that vaccines prevent disease in general. You just can’t say who specifically.

          1. And when you reclassify any illness that happened days 1-14 after the jab (1-21 in Sask and BC) as COVID in the unvaccinated and anything over 28 days as unrelated you can then easily prove that the vaccine is not only safe and effective but it saves lives too.

          2. “Vaccines prevent disease, they don’t cure disease.”

            REAL vaccines do that, yes. They also don’t injure or kill us. That’s why we have no problem recommending them.

      3. It’s funny. After getting my chemical engineering degree I got a math/CS degree, and the thing I found fascinating was the mathematics undergrads, grad students and faculty had a bizarrely unrealistic faith in the absolute infallibility of any “scientific” study or paper. I suspect it was because in mathematics certainty is absolutely within reach outside of certain obscure disciplines, published papers are much more rigorous, and so they just assumed the same was true everywhere.

        When I described some of the shenanigans I’d seen in various research and applied labs and pointed out that no engineer that wanted to keep his license would take any study at face value, it was like watching a Windows box BSOD. They literally couldn’t accept the notion.

        I suspect something similar is going on here. I realize it’s deeply disturbing to realize that a cornerstone of one’s worldview is in fact completely invalid, but reality is that which doesn’t go away when you stop believing in it.

    2. It’s an impiety to suggest any action or relationship that questions the safety or efficacy of vaccines. It’s really weird. If you do, you become unclean. All medications have a safety profile, and many can cause Drug Induced Peripheral Neuropathy, especially chemotherapeutic agents. My current group of doctors agree with that statement, it’s actually counterproductive to ignore adverse events, this creates an environment of mistrust. My serious adverse event required a ridiculous amount of advocacy to get filed properly, now it’s an adverse event of special interest on file with my local public health unit, Health Canada, and the manufacturer’s drug safety division. It’s absolutely defined as vaccine causal, with identical diagnosis as Mrs. Dressen. There were barriers to reporting and care that were the direct result of deficiencies in our healthcare system. Bri’s no charlatan, she’s a plaintiff in a case before SCOTUS right now, and is a major factor contributing to the push for accountability in the States.

    3. I strongly suggest you all follow Drs. Peter Mc Collough and Pierre Kory and The Midwestern Doctor on Substack. You’ll get to know exactly what’s going on re: the the shot effects, studies being done, big pharma and related stuff. The Epoch Times also regularly carries updates.

  10. I had arrythmia very shortly after my second Pfizer shot. It took weeks for me to be able to walk properly among other problems. Yet when I underwent tests here in Saskatchewan with the help of a private heart doc. he claimed that he simply couldn’t connect the two events. My shots and my arrythmia. I’m a baby boomer, I went through Polio shots, TB shots, German measles etc, etc etc. I never reacted before. This video however opened my eyes. Thanks.

    1. I know a Naturopath treating several myocarditis cases, including a 17 year old male, jabbed with Pfizer. I asked him if the cardiologists are aware of this and his answer:

      “of course they are. But “Omerta” means they’re not going to say anything publicly. It will all be just one big coincidence.”

  11. You gotta love how the lovers of jabs and big pharma rely on “peer reviewed” studies to discount anyone who provides reports that contradict their slavish belief in “the covid jabs saved the world” narrative. Anyone with two functioning brain cells to rub together can see that in the last 2-3 decades “peer” review has become “paid” review or “crony” review. Hide the decline anyone??
    Global warming was the start of peer reviews being rendered useless by government money (pay offs). Covid was just an extension of that except peer review is the vehicle used to discredit any truth that the jabs were not only useless, but dangerous. It was called censorship in more sane times.
