20 Replies to “Monday On Turtle Island”

  1. Is Justine going to cosplay a Paratrooper?
    Maybe a quip on how if Miss Second Grade teacher were there, he’d of done it better.

  2. I wonder when canadians will wake up and realize their enemies live next door and vote liberal, and n d p.

  3. A reminder that’s missing. Today mark’s the 3rd anniversary of the announcement of the unmarked graves in Kamloops. To this point, not a single speck of evidence has been reported from this site or any of the other multiple sites where unmarked graves were claimed to be found. Money continues to flow yet with every passing day it becomes more and more clear that this is a hoax.

    1. “A reminder that’s missing. Today mark’s the 3rd anniversary of the announcement of the unmarked graves in Kamloops. To this point, not a single speck of evidence has been reported from this site or any of the other multiple sites where unmarked graves were claimed to be found.”

      I remember during the last federal election that CTV chose to station one of their reporters in a campaign office in Kamloops so the local native candidate could get some air time to promote this scam. After the second time they did this I switched to Global.

  4. Father Pierre sympathized with the Vichy French fascists. Perhaps son Justin learned from Pierre given his strong support of China’s Xi Jinping.

  5. If somebody punches Charlie Angus in the face I’ll buy them a case of schnapps.

    1. “If somebody punches Charlie Angus in the face I’ll buy them a case of schnapps.”

      A man who embodies the term ‘sleazy politician’.

  6. All of the Hollywood celebrities are “has-beens” trying desperately to stay in the news. I could care less as to what celebrities think.

  7. Justin 2016 “We have no more to give” replying to a Cdn Afghan Vet
    Yet This POS gave Ukraine Plenty – While starving our own Soldiers of Equipment and Food.

    This POS has zero business being at a D-Day Ceremony. Neither he nor his whimp of a supposed father ever served. PM does not count.
    I’d see the current one with a cranial exit wound – sooner than later…as well as most of his Cabinet
    ALL WELL DESERVED….its what ya do with NAZI’s…no.?

  8. Trudeau is blaming Netanyahu for the failure of the “Two State Solution”, by trying to destroy hamas.

    If he and his partner in crimes against canada decide to recognize “palestine” then everyone should recognize “quebec” as a nation. Just like we should recognize both Catalonia and Basque regions as separate nations.

    1. “Trudeau is blaming Netanyahu for the failure of the “Two State Solution”, by trying to destroy hamas.”

      What ‘two state solution’? In order to create that, *both* parties have to want it, not just one.

      The ‘Palestinians’ have made it quite clear over and over again for years now that they DO NOT WANT a ‘two state solution’. They want a one state solution, period.

    1. “In observance of Memorial Day, @USSLibertyVets ask the #USA
      to please remember the fallen sailors of the #USSLiberty.””

      Unmitigated BS. Tiny Israel, fighting for her life, decides to deliberately attack the most powerful nation in the world and her only real *ally*? Get a grip.

      (why am I not surprised that you actually believe this far-fetched crap? Oh yeah…JEWS…)
