22 Replies to “Transgender Is A Stalking Horse For The Normalization Of Pedophilia”

  1. The greatest medical scandal of the modern age. Thalidomide was worse, but that catastrophe was an accident.

    Transgender is a -policy-.

      1. “Kudos to you, it sounds so much better than baby murder.” Hahaha ha ha

        Kudos to BC … for not saying Female genital mutilation out loud, in public. Yes, the leftists don’t want to be outdone by the Muslims in the arena of FGM

    1. And when they realized the mistake, they stopped doing it.

      These people just keep driving towards the brick wall.

    2. I liken it more to the Stanic Ritual Abuse hysteria of the 1980s. Just as ridiculous, just as damaging to children, and no one involved has ever seen justice done.


    Impressionable, wanna-fit-in teen girls: “Oh, I’m so tired of this nose piercing thing. I think it would be so cool to cut off my breasts. It’s hip to be trans and all the other cool trans kids are doing it. I don’t want to be in the ‘out’ crowd.”

    Any surgeon performing that operation should have their head surgically removed. (Upon reflection, a sloppy job of removing their head would be OK, I suppose.)

  3. I’m sure they are hard at work developing self-service booths like the suicide booth in Futurama. Ghouls gotta ghoul.

  4. I have a solution. Stab every normal person in both eyeballs with a pair of scissors. Then nobody will give the freaks funny looks.

    Better do the ears too. That fake lispy accent is a dead giveaway.

  5. I’m kind of at a loss on how this nonsensical process continues to flourish. A scant view of a layman tells every nerve ending that it’s wrong. This isn’t vague innuendo. It’s cold hard fact. Anyone who is paying attention concludes that the “patients” they are recruiting are mentally unstable and (at the very least) unable to make life changing decisions with permanent ramifications. Essentially, the medical community is perfectly ok (and encouraging) harm to minors.

    The only explanation that I have been able to even partially accept is that the medical community has been strategically overtaken just like all the other institutions. Key administration (decision making) positions have purposefully been sought out and acquired by those willing to propagate this behavior because they, themselves, have the same mental shortcomings. Still, how the general medical community can go along with these outlandish decisions is another dilemma. I can only assume that the physicians have some sort of threat hanging over them if they decline to participate. In short, those purposeful and artfully placed administrators have the power to end careers unless the physicians play along. Surely, a vast majority of doctors possess, at least, some semblance of common sense, and understand fundamental biological make up.

    1. Long way to say the lunatics have taken over the asylum, but all good points. Another poster said the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest was extremely damaging to how we approached mental health, let me add the T.V. series Roots as equally damaging to race relations. It’s their agenda, go along or be crushed. Oprah was pushing trans early in the game, then Bruce Jenner and here we are. This isn’t organic, it’s all top – down. The correction however will be completely organic and starts at the bottom, all of us poor peons.

      1. my daddy of strictly working class grade 4 education and sired 6 post secondary degrees certificates called them pee ons.

    2. I don’t care who threatens me with what. I would not be responsible for doing what they are doing.

    3. You’re basically correct. The type of individual who has the time and energy to invest in medical politics is often, although not always, a dysfunctional, narcissistic ideologue who craves power and gets off on dictating to others to make up for the fact that most normal people, including many of their patients and colleagues, can’t stand them. The result, unfortunately, is an ideological reign of terror which usually comes to an end in an implosion of lawsuits and recriminations vis frontal lobotomies, ‘repressed memory” syndrome, “signing” for cerebral palsy sufferers etc., etc., etc. Psychiatry is particularly vulnerable to these fads due to the inability to demonstrate clear histopathological or anatomic pathological findings which can be objectively audited.

    4. I’m kind of at a loss on how this nonsensical process continues to flourish
      Rest of life treatments : $$$ in perpetuity.
      Part time “medical” work in retirement : $$$ in perpetuity.
      Psychopathy enabled.

  6. The term “vulnerable group” is used.
    PM F*cktard uses that term as well.
    Nothing says compassion like mutilation.
    Why not just go Full Retard and give them MAID?
    Its easier if you just pretend they’re only an 8-1/2 month old fetus.

  7. Diabolical Insanity – Particularly the pushing of this Demonic Garbage on 5yr olds.

    The agenda of mad men/women pushing this filth makes the Nuremberg “Hangee’s” seem tame by comparison. The Goal here (Gender reassignment & “Planned Parenthood”), is to prevent procreation or to murder their soon to be offspring of ALL Euro Centric Humanity as is All of the CABALS other BS…Climate Change, EV’s, Crickets for food, 15 min Cities, Vaxxines etc.

    THEY WANT US DEAD (by any conceivable means),…and THAT my friends should be freaking OBVIOUS to even the most obtuse among us.

    WHY..?? Cause Western Hemisphere Euro Centric Folks Built the greatest civilization ever known to man & we are supposedly the only ones who just might resist this Global Cabal of NAZI Filth.

    I for one have NOT complied nor will I in the Future
    F em all with their Filthy NAZI inspired madness.

  8. regarding psychiatry, howcum its the only branch medicine reeeeFUSES to discuss diagnoses?
    at hamilton psych (the one they tore down heh heh) l was ‘uncooperative narcissist’ apparently pointing out some 5 ambiguities in the quiz, they didnt accept ‘the best l can do is get clarification’.
    so in large type l spelled out the ambiguities and refused to complete their ‘loaded questions’ qiuz
    then in London its ‘paranoid delusional’ over ACTUAL EVENTS.

    1. oh gawd l had a regular non-stop comedy series at hamilton.
      called the shrink on the pay phone across the hall from his office bytching once.

      cracked a joke what year is it why do the shrinks all walk around with beards like sigmund frued?

      ‘saved up’ 2 ginormous boogers and blasted them out of my nose on the nurses station counter complaining about dry air and 2 months still no nasal spray relief.
      it worked !

      1. a while after l got out l files a foi request and got my records and pointed out the time a patient punched me hard in the arm passing by right in front of them in the hallway didnt say a word.
        l knew they were waiting for me to pop my cork but never did.
        the guy never hit me again l traded my quota of cigarettes for peace treaty.

        l kept outsmarting the weirdo beardoes.
