Burn The Capitalists!

At this rate, will any businesses be left in the Winnipeg core within 5 years?

A rash of violent incidents targeting a Winnipeg grocery store came to a head Friday with a brazen daytime arson attack caught on camera.

Security footage from the incident shows the moment two women approached a couple of cars belonging to co-owner Tarik Zeid and his cousin. They smash a window, douse the car with a flammable liquid, and set it on fire.

He believes the suspects are the same women involved in a shoplifting incident inside the store the day before.

Just over two weeks after the first incident, three staff members were assaulted when five masked attackers stormed the store.

33 Replies to “Burn The Capitalists!”

  1. Winnipeg has a 16% problem. Lift that, and everything goes back to civilized.

  2. “…adding the business is implementing cultural sensitivity training for their staff and working to draft a policy to address shoplifting.”

    Curious that “cultural sensitivity” and “shoplifting” occur in the same sentence. It must be one of those unexplained coincidences.

    1. Not a coincidence, sometimes “culture” and “shoplifting” go hand in hand.

  3. I’m a long time grocery store worker. Shoplifting is ten times worse than it was before June 2020.
    Thankfully, I work overnight. Only have to deal with ‘customers’ for two hours before I can lock the doors and actually get some work done.
    I have had my tires slashed twice since 2020. Had a crystal clear video of one incident. Fat black woman I refused to sell gift cards to with an obviously stolen credit card. Came back an hour later. Cops did nothing. Will not or can not arrest a black person for anything short of murder.

    1. Disgusting. But I thank you for your service. Funny, Bunny … I expect the government who declared you an “essential” worker … would have protected you with a bit more effort, eh?

      1. Cops were great the first night of the riots. They helped me carry all the flower pots and benches inside so they couldn’t be thrown through the windows.
        Used to let them use the bathroom at night, kept a pot of coffee and some pastries ready. Great just having a squad in the lot. Management put an end to that. ‘Liability’
        Shoplifting is up but threats of violence are WAY up. Used to be, you caught a shoplifter, all you had to say was “run away and never come back”- now they all want to fight.

        1. Holy!!? What happened to just stocking and facing the shelves and putting out the price tags? You deserve combat pay … which will drive the retail prices even higher

    1. I thought it meant progeny of Scott Young and the Guess Who. Oh, and mosquitos. I know, I spent a week there one day.

  4. Winnipeg downtown. At least when you are watching where you walk to miss the piss and vomit on the sidewalks, you don’t see the uncleaned up spit on the store windows.

    1. Perhaps Winnipeg saw this coming years ago when they made it possible to navigate the downtown core without going outside. /sarc

  5. Food, natural gas and power should be shut off to urban areas that allow this kind of nonsense to go on. Let them tear each other to pieces and then rebuild.

  6. Saskatoon isn’t much better.

    When the cops are patrolling INSIDE the grocery store, there’s a problem.

    1. Charlie Clarkkk has built a diverse and committed community full of hope and uplifting spirit…we’re blessed.

      We’re keeping up with the sh&tholes of NA we now have stabbing on public transit and assault on drivers, etc. Cool, so “urban”

  7. I don’t see “cultural sensitivity” being part of the solution.

    El Salvador offers a lesson on how to repair the problem. No, I don’t care if that’s culturally insensitive.
    As well, the murder rate in El Salvador is now at 2.4 per 100k which is quite a bit less than the +4 per 100k Manitoba / Saskatchewan murder rates.

    Perhaps in the next 5 years that Dennis mentions in his post above, the WPG core area will become a “food desert” … kinda like what Michael O’Bama mentioned a decade ago.
    Will the NDP Manitoba Gov’t start a food distribution company modelled after the Venezuela money losing operation?
    Call it “Man Food” and let the jokes fall where they may…


  8. lve been exposed to some evil people. their mentality is ‘how dare you take actions against out shoplifting’ at which point it becomes vendetta time. its like its the worst of the ignorance of middle ages, wild west and slathered with plenty of technology to communicate the threatening hostile language.

  9. Over two million people going to food banks now. And rising. What is the distribution across the country of these food bank users? Do Provincial and Civic policies contribute to these numbers in any way?

    1. I suspect many food bank users are food bank abusers. No checks, so for many it’s a freebie. There are not millions of people who are that poor that they can’t afford to eat. Some for sure, but no where near the number who are in on this what can only be said to be a scam.

      1. The TRUTH of what you speak was revealed when I saw the COVID queues of late model European SUV’s lined up at the FREE FOOD giveaways … and plenty of shiny new Lexus SUV’s. Mostly occupied by people of Asian descent … make of that direct factual observation what you will …

  10. Winnipeg’s current crime fighting plan is to leave the roads in such a state of disrepair that the sinkholes will swallow the pan handlers.

  11. The brethren south of the 49th are going to realize there is a market north of the 49th, and no amount of federal regulations are going to prevent a bloodbath, with a lot of Whiteys bearing the brunt.

    The race war the lefties want is going to happen.

  12. Let me quote the BLM rioter and looter apologists …

    “It’s only stuff”

    Meaning, all the burning and looting was just targeting … “stuff”. And that doesn’t matter. It won’t matter when there are no grocery stores. Right? “It’s only stuff” … and they DEMAND your “stuff” for FREE

  13. My FIL has a great idea.
    Put a large pile of drugs (fentanyl, meth, heroin, cocaine, oxy, etc) in the middle of the street, and human nature will take care of the rest of the problem.
    The bushdwellers are anything, if predictable!

  14. L – If Canadians were to put a high wall and a moat around Ottawa, they’d rediscover “Peace, Order and
    Good Government” arises only from responsible citizens exercising their civic duty. Remember any
    responsibility, you fail to rise to will be seized by people, who do not have your best interests in mind…

    Every institution in Canada is broken, badly in need of repair. The Help Wanted signs are everywhere.

  15. I was in Winnipeg for a hockey game. Stayed downtown. It makes Regina look like paridise. Winnipeg is a shithole

  16. Ha ha … we all know the problem …never had a job ? YES / , can tell time? NO. / ever purchased a can of paint NO ( spray paint YES (but can NO, requiring a brush NO ) / FAS? YES / huge chip on shoulder? YES / pushing crossed eyed kids around in baby strollers that they stole or someone else paid for? YES / been seen buying a tooth brush ? NO / stink YES / live up north , get vehicle loans – then get pissed when the car gets repo’ed once the ice road is in YES , then get more pissed when banks won’t give them or their neighbors car loans? YES / sniff more gas $$ then they have or will purchase with their own $$ YES /.

  17. I’ve traveled through Winnipeg many times, staying overnight most times. Much of Manitoba and Saskatchewan used to be sketchy (Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Flin Flon, Prince Albert, La Ronge). Now they’re downright dangerous. 15-20 years ago there weren’t many “people” wandering around bumming smokes, asking for money, looking inside cars. The last time I was in La Ronge a drug gang got into a shoot-out with the RCMP and nobody was arrested. This was the day after someone stole two bikes from a roof rack at our hotel in Prince Albert. Right in front of the security guard apparently.

    Something has happened to the northern “gate-way” cities across Canada as troubled FN moved south, usually banned from their communities for bad behavior. They seem to get around in these “white-cities” with impunity. Even Thunder Bay, Sudbury, North Bay and Timmins are moving in that direction quickly.
