12 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. I’ve been reading about mental illnesses being triggered into paranoid psychotic delusions and fast moving dementia. Maybe De Niro got boosted one too many times.

  2. Gentlemen … you are both such likable people, but let me answer the question Dennis Quaid hesitated to answer when Jordan queried: “what do you like about this face to face interview?”. My answer? It’s HUMAN. It’s who we are. It’s what we DO. We interact with one another. And we are fairly complex communicators in that we use facial expression, body language, and send subtle signals – both verbal and non verbal. Speaking directly to one another is … simply human.

  3. Quaid must have FU money. Playing Reagan (and admitting he was his favorite president), announcing that he’s voting for Trump, and then doing an interview with Jordan Peterson. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have the cost of a public relations representative.

    1. On the contrary. This is all public relations. He knows the target audience for this movie .

      Just an attention grab. It worked. I wasnt even aware there was a Reagan movie. Viewers of green haired, hog ringed tranny podcasts won’t watch it either way, so of course they’re targeting conservative media.

      1. Wasn’t there a Nancy Reagan movie where they depicted her as a Marie Antoinette character replacing the White House silver setting and “just saying NO to drugs” as an automaton with Alzheimer’s?

        Hollywood is rotten to the core

        1. The funny part Kenji.

          When TopGun II they (Hollywood) hated it……………………… But look at the numbers of folks who went to see it.

  4. Well said Kenji. Thanks for posting Kate, I’m sure I would have missed it otherwise.

    “Unfettered communications” as a term is worth the watching. Because the limits applied were so stealthy that they could be easy to miss within the communal “this is the news”.

  5. Does Jordan seem a little star-struck talking to Quaid? Now I’d like to see Jordan interview Dennis’s much more out there brother Randy. Good interview – thanks for posting Kate:

  6. Haven’t set foot in a theater since 1986 and never will.
    Zero interest in the product
