39 Replies to “From Alex Jones’ Lips”

  1. This is why when I hear people are moving to Alberta for greater freedom from WEF policies I hesitate.

    1. Calgary council just voted to embrace the WEF policy of making it a 15 minute city. Many Calgarians are starting to wake up to the fact that their biggest investment, their home, will be devalued under this new regime. They now realize that next time they need to vote out all of those counselors who ignored their wishes. Or, like most Canadians, they will shrug, do nothing and hope it all works out.

      1. That one ^^^ A nation of cucked, dependent cowards will do nothing, hoping they are killed last. Canada deserves its fate.

  2. I grew up in Edmonton and could not wait to shake its’ dust from my feet. It has been known as Edmonchuk and Redmonton. It is so very left wing (I am a strong supporter of capitalism!).
    I used to live in Calgary, but left 10 years ago. It too has become very left wing with first Mayor Nenshi (AKA Spendshi) and now its current mayor – the crazy chick with the nose ring and the pink hair.
    So I am NOT surprised at the comments of city council.

    1. I escaped Edmonchuk 10 years ago.
      It is a lefty city with crap weather.
      It has gotten much worse in the last 10 years, just like everywhere in Canada has.
      At least here in the Okanagan the weather is better and, where I live, it is closer to conservative with a small c.

      1. Lived in Edmonton as a kid in the 70’s it wasn’t that bad then, even though the interest tates were in the 18-% range at the end of the decade. I drive by the old house in the old neighbourhood when I visit, I don’t remember living in a slum, before?!

        We moved back to the okanagan valley in the 80’s, got out again after 25 years and returned to Alberta.
        Growing up in the ok valley in the 80’s and 90’s was awesome, you couldn’t get me to move back now, expensive and the ppl are even more cliquey than before.

        Alberta is getting just as bad, slowly being replaced by the new demographic.
        My grandfather came to Alberta in the early 1900’s, I’m glad he’s not alive now, to see what’s become of it, what he helped create, has no resemblance to what it is now..

        1. My SIL is from the Okanagan… and grew up there when you did. He loves the place … but mostly because of his good memories … from the 80’s and 90’s. I love all the lakes there … gorgeous … and more beautiful farmland than I ever expected in that slice of Canada

    2. I’m all for building walls around cities and letting them survive on their own, while the farmers keep the food. You can keep the health care too, and we’ll keep our money to care for ourselves.

      1. But, but, but … how would you get vaccinated from all the diseases brought in by … the newcomers?

  3. To whom are you directing your venom? If you’re attacking whom I think you are, it appears your defense of their policies lacks a bit of substance.

  4. The concept of 15-minute cities just won’t work. You really want them where the population density is highest to have the greatest effect. But these tend to be the areas of most expensive housing. So how does the maid, janitor, cook or gardener get from the slums to your 8,000 sq ft McMansion or 4,000 sq ft condo? By subway. Toronto is already interconnected north-south and east-west, well beyond any 15-minute boundary. The commuters are the people who can’t afford to live in the downtown. If you keep those people out of the downtown core, you kill the city.

    Also, existing cities are layered. Business in one area, manufacturing in another, housing in yet another. Do they really want to integrate business, manufacturing and housing? Obviously some ideological moron lived in a small French or German village for a few years and thought the world should be like that.

    Plus I’ve said for years that Alberta is a rich communist province. The idea that people are somehow independent and hate government is a joke. People in rural Alberta are real, but the people in the cities are only there courtesy of the high living standard. Take away the oil & gas and you have poor communists who would move back to Ontario in an instant. Good luck forming a national government with those people.

    1. Well, I don’t think that is totally correct. Ontario is not homogeneous. I often thought that the biggest mistake the Reform Party ever made was to even TRY to run in places likes Ottawa, Toronto, etc. They “golden” triangle can be defeated. And if not, the other option for “forming a national government” is to change the nation itself.

  5. If you listen to the video they actually say people are being asked “to satisfy their needs within 15 minutes” of their home. At the 1:15 minute mark. It’s a bit hilarious that you are making fun of what was pointed out that was actually said.

    1. “It’s a bit hilarious that you are making fun of what was pointed out that was actually said.”

      Hey, he’s a ‘progressive’ troll…logic and reason are not really his forte.

  6. Steve I think you are absolutely correct. When the NDP had a majority government they implemented policies to shut down oil and gas development. When they were defeated they left a 60 billion dollar deficit. They claimed their deficit was caused because oil and gas prices were low. HYPOCRITES. They do not want any oil and gas but they sure want the revenue to spend.

    1. When the NDP got into power, oil was around $50 it went up to $72 during their rein of terror. When Covid hit, the Conservatives lost all the gains and it dropped to $41 and again started climbing once everybody slowly figured out the Fauci and Trudeau bullshit.
      The NDP stifled growth while the price was growing by hiring anti-oil activists. Calgary oil stocks fell while the rest of the world prospered under Trump. When Biden got elected and Notley was sent packing , oil stocks in Calgary finally started climbing. If Trump gets re-elected, I could see our industry getting hit by American competition.

  7. So, let that be a lesson. You should have handled it the same way you commie bastards handle all your other plans; disguise it and sneak it in incrementally when no one is looking or listening.

  8. And then one day, for no reason whatsoever, the people in their locked down cities and homes began to storm the mansions of the elites and hang them all.

    1. ^ This.

      Soon, this is going to start happening.

      The illusions of fairness, of justice, of law and order, are breaking. When this happens, people will use the traditional methods to restore liberty.

  9. Anyone who thinks big government is not a problem never had to apply for a building permit with the City of Edmonton.

  10. Edmonton city council and its minions do not equate to above average IQ.

    Or even average for that matter.

  11. I haven’t spent much time in cities, but if I did I would like a living in a place where most things are in walking distance. But not if someone is pointing a gun to my head and says this is the way it is

  12. If the city planners succeed in implementing 15 minute cities then anyone who hates the concept will move to suburbs, small cities and small towns. Won’t this end up in a 2 system, 2 class society? The cities being tightly controlled and surveilled while everyone else in the province lives free as bird without surveillance outside of the cities. Kinda like East Germany and West Germany during the USSR. We know how that turned out economically, politically and socially. “Tear Down that Wall”.

      1. They can’t even keep up recruitment levels in the military and police, with what army are they going to keep people there?

    1. Don’t worry, LC. There’ll be 15 minute farms too. And if the subsidies offered are deemed sufficient, voluntary acceptance will be just about universal in this Country.

  13. So, what they are proposing is that cities go back to the time before they amalgamated, but leave all the power in a centrist government. Not bloody likely.

  14. From the book Green Hell by Steven Milloy. Remember the nineteen seventies toy the Habitrail, a see through hamster habitat where you could observe what your furry friend was up to during the day. No doubted you had hours of wholesome fun watching the little guy. So while that is still fresh in your mind put yourself in his place, welcome to the 15 minute city or how the greens allow you to live.

  15. Would you prefer to call “15 minute cities” as ‘ghettos” or “concentration camps”?

  16. Central planners, cooking up UTOPIA.. A one size fits all circle jerk that can only end in tyranny.. This is aimed at the middle class.. You know the ones who actually pay taxes.. Your elected officials hate you.. Well, after you elect them they do..

    Who goes farther than they need too?.. A Sunday drive lifestyle?.. I went the the beer store 100 miles away because I like a sore rear end and a 20 dollar gas bill.. This problem doesn’t exist..

    That is the main reason politicians want to fix it.. Global warming style..

  17. Canada really is a collectivist’s dream and a reality nightmare. Thank you for being an example to the world of all that can go wrong with the best of intentions.
