12 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Our cat turned 18 in February. Now, he’s arthritic and tired. He’s pretty much a retired assassin.

    Yeah, he was quite the little killer back in the day. We’re semi-rural and now and then a field mouse would breach the perimeter of the house through the basement. The first two or three mice he caught he promptly dispatched.

    Then he decided there was just no play value in a dead mouse. We also had two female terriers, a Scotty and a Cairn (since passed on to that great kennel in the sky), and they were sweetest ever little stone-cold vermin killers: mice, squirrels, rabbits.

    Anyhow, he started catching the mice that foolishly made it into the basement, then he’d bring them upstairs, drop them near the dogs, ‘the girls’, and then step back to watch the carnage. Now that was his idea of fun.

    I’d say the average life expectancy of any mouse that managed to get into our house was about 90 seconds.

    My workshop is in the basement so now that he’s retired, it falls to me to notice when a mouse has invaded and set out a mouse trap. B-o-o-o-ring. Nowhere near as entertaining as that old trio of killers.

    He’s sitting next to me in the recliner right now. He tucks it right in and snoozes while I surf the interwebbies. Now and then he starts up, looks around, and then either has a snack attack and heads for his food bowl or heads downstairs to his litter box for a whiz. Then he hops back up beside me to snooze some more.

    I will miss the little guy very much when he is gone.

  2. Kate? Cat respect? My golden (bronze retriever cuz he hates fetch) retriever is 14 and falling fast. BFF who knows more than a few secrets. Going to miss the guy soon.

    Cant believe you are giving cats(spit) love here!

    I will submit respect to responsible pet owners but I left a really hot girl in the early 90’s cuz she liked cats.

    lol Everyone have fun with this tonight

  3. More can be said regarding this statement in the article.

    “The common house cat is also known as the “domesticated” cat, but this is a misnomer.”

    It is indeed a misnomer; cats were never domesticated. You cannot train a “domesticated” house cat to do anything. Fact is, all cats are squatters. Thousands of years ago, they just moved in. They were tolerated because they were useful at ridding a dwelling of common pests like rats, mice, insects. They moved in and stayed because human dwelling were warm, comfortable, humans kept all their other lethal enemies away, and cats could sleep most of the time, which they all prefer to do as much as possible.

    1. Cats are not Squatters. They are usurpers. They move in and take over. Who provides the food and shelter? Who does the sanitation duties? Yeah, not the cats.

      Love every cat I see…

    2. I had an F2 Chausie. His name was Montague (reverence in that name). They are one of those African Jungle Cat (felis chaus) hybrids. After owning one of those for 19 years, you would see that there is indeed a big difference between a wild cat hybrid, and the “domesticated” house cat. Not for the weak.
