None Of Your Business

Stop asking.

Blacklocks- Keeps $8B A Secret From MPs

The Department of Industry is refusing MPs’ order for terms of billions in federal climate subsidies to manufacturers. Deputy Minister Simon Kennedy called it “highly sensitive confidential information to be safeguarded.”

Deputy Kennedy in reply said terms must be concealed to protect corporations that received subsidies. “Disclosure of sensitive business information without prior consent of the third party including commitments found in contribution agreements would put the government in violation of its contractual obligations,” he wrote.

15 Replies to “None Of Your Business”

  1. When politicians speak it must on camera and they must move their lips.
    Otherwise the deaf will not know when they are lying.

  2. Honestly, eff everything like this. If you’re not willing to have the information disclosed, do not take taxpayer money. No exceptions, except possibly national-security contractors where the funding directly relates to national-security projects.

      1. Kickbacks, tho.

        But I mean that should actually be government policy: no taxpayer funding without public disclosure.

  3. The evidence continues to pile up.
    Plannned – Coordinated – Continual THEFT of Tax Payer $$
    Much of it gleaned from Alberta via the utter BS of Equalization. ~ 45Billion annually..?

    And yet, many in this province (Ab), appear more concerned with some BS Bird flu…or ensuring 6 yr olds can view Drag filth..

  4. So how are we to determine if the libs just enriched their donors via a green funding scam?

  5. It’s our money the Liberals are spending, not their own. There should not be backroom deals between multimillion dollar corporations and our elected politicians that hide how our money is being spent. This reeks of corruption and collusion.

    The Trudeau Liberal-NDP government has repeatedly been using cabinet confidentiality, national security and corporate secrets to evade disclosure of documents and financial arrangements. How does anyone thinks this is appropriate?

  6. At least when you “transfer your income” to the taxman … there is documentation of the transaction. However, after that … you have NO RIGHT to know where your money went.

    Our Western economies are being LOOTED by Leftist thieves. In the name of “saving” you … or something.

  7. Did Simon Kennedy stand up and beat his chest, and shout “‘All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.'” while telling MPs that they aren’t allowed to know?

    Because that’s what it is, the government is giving money to companies that toe the government line.

  8. Whats the problem?
    We currently know that 8 billion dollars has been stolen.
    This is the only reasonable assumption ,that can be made ,when Mr Transparency and his minions refuse to account for tax payer dollars.
    So under their new rulz,hang the whole bunch.
    Later we will consider holding an investigation,but only if there is no paint to watch dry somewhere.
    Once upon a time,we might have argued for a “proper” investigation,for public servants to actually do the job,the one they swore such oaths to perform..
    But those days are over.
    Confederated Canada is bankrupt.
    Polish this “nugget” anyway you want,nothing changes..
    We cannot pay the debt our Dear Leaders have created.
    The country is done for.
    All that remains is a little payback and retribution.
    Such is end stage Kleptocracy.

  9. You want the free money?.. You put the lotion on the skin :).. Or else you get the hose…

    What that means is.. Propaganda follows government policy.. They were paid 8 billion dollars to shine sunlight on Trudeaus rear end.. Money well spent in their opinions..

    OK.. So they all love Trudeau because of the gifts.. In turn, they will hate him if they were to get audited.. Trudeau did NOT pay 8 billion dollars of your money to be hated.. Obviously, its a national secret..

