11 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. This made my day, and the Joos had to round up the pieces that broke loose. Where are they going to unload all that foreign aid money ? Islam is Hamas.

  2. Well I’m certainly not going to be the one who asks if the ‘piece’ that broke off Biden’s pier was 10% of the total.

  3. Obama’s navy and army. Biden’s expertise.

  4. Brought to you by the new DEI infused US Army Corps of Engineers! Stay tuned!

  5. You will have a tough time convincing me that this wasn’t just a floating piece of fly paper in the Med.

  6. There was a Commander (US Navy rank) that was commenting on this. This particular kit can only whitstand 3 foot waves. He was obviously familiar with the Planning Process and suggested the Decision Brief to whomerver authorized this be made public. A decision brief shows all the factors, risks, guidance from authorities, etc. This allows whomever is in charge to make a decision to go ahead with something, or modify the plan.
    This would show if there was inept planning or inept decision-making or political interference with the knowledge this thing would fail. It’s perfectly possible Joe pissed away $350 M to curry favor with Palestinian symphatizers and Israel at the same time.

  7. Makes Jimmy Carters Hostage Rescue Mission seem like a raging success. Yes, we finally have a President WORSE than Jimmy Carter. And Carter may actually outlive Biden … hahaha ha ha … I amuse myself

  8. That was war. (And the U.S.A. was great in that, too.) This is just a political pretence.
