You Can’t Cheat Father Bell Curve

Via Instapundit;

[N]ew investigative reporting shows that the anti-meritocratic ideology of “diversity, equity, and inclusion” has even infiltrated some medical schools — to disastrous results.

These revelations come from the Washington Free Beacon’s Aaron Sibarium, who just published a remarkable exposé on the University of California, Los Angeles, medical school. It alleges that the university has systemically violated laws prohibiting race-based admission and held applicants of different races to wildly different standards, all in an effort to boost diversity, while instead producing incompetent and unqualified doctors.

More: Over 50% of UCLA med students failed standardized tests on family medicine, internal medicine, emergency medicine, and pediatrics.

13 Replies to “You Can’t Cheat Father Bell Curve”

  1. Canadian medical schools aren’t much better. I train family medicine residents. The main reason for scores dropping is that the med school curriculum has gotten woke. They teach climate alarmism, anti-racism, First Nations mythology, social determinants of health. This is replacing clinical skills, physiology, anatomy and real medicine. University of Calgary mandated pronouns on name tags to promote “trans-rights”.
    After George Floyd the University of Calgary created a separate admissions process for Black applicants. The leftists run med schools and national curriculums.

    1. I almost died from anemia in April 2018. My doctor claimed that I was obese ( was a size 14 in university and am now a size 16). He finally ran the correct blood test and phoned me to tell me to get to a hospital ASAP before I dropped dead. I was in Regina Pasqua for 4 days, with 2 blood transfusions and 2 transfusions of Iron to get my iron levels up to normal levels. I now take an Iron pill daily as my body does not seem to be able to produce iron (I eat red meat and lots of broccolli)
      When I tell people this story, I always ask the question “What do you call someone who graduates at the bottom of his medical class? You still call him doctor!” And I now have a new doctor who is much better.

      1. It reminds me of the quality of intellect demonstrated by … President Poop-in-Pants.

    2. Recent graduates doctors are not much smarter than your local drug dealers. A good doctor graduates and then accrues 50 years of rural experience working without most pharmaceutical drugs, and then lives near his patients to see the results of his treatments. He spends his free time reading about exercise, nutrition, and environmental effects. Alas, that would make a qualified doctor a minimum of 75 years old. I had a doctor once many decades ago who worked until he died at 95, and he was skilled. Once he died, every other doctor seemed incompetent. It has been over 50 years since my last checkup. But I continue his methods of learning, understanding and absorbing the lessons around us, and know that ignorance may kill me, but it will not be of my own doing.

      It is best, each and every person, learn about their own bodies, blood types, habits, limits, and responses. Because no one will ever know you, as well you do, thus you are in fact, the best doctor for your body. You are responsible for your own body. it is up to you to maintain it, feed it properly, review it’s operating efficiency and continually strive to increase performance. I would no less for my farm equipment.

  2. May I find a non-woke doctor, who lives to be 100, is still in good health and is still practicing in 40 years. Doubtful.

  3. Solution to their problem: eliminate standardized tests. Because … RACIST. Just wait, it’ll happen.

  4. Meh. I haven’t got a doctor, I haven’t seen a doctor in a decade. I just assume that if I ever need one I’m going to die. It’s a good thing I pay so much tax to get my free healthcare.

  5. My excellent doctor retired about 6 years ago at the age of 71. Since then I”ve been on a conveyor belt…passing by nimrods who only know how to recite nonsense they memorized. “Based on the results of your blood test…”
    No thought of even discussing my health and lifestyle with me. Factory medical care is pretty useless.

    1. I experienced a similar retirement. Fortunately a young female doctor took over the practice. She is pretty much like doctors used to be, discuss your health face to face, do hands on physical examinations, do some tests as necessary. So far so good, she did not push the clot shots either.
