But… The Privilege

National Post- ‘Overwhelming majority of the Canadian poor are white,’ report finds

At the low end, defined by low after-tax income, some 58 per cent or 1.6 million people living in poverty are white, or what StatsCan refers to as “not a visible minority nor Indigenous.” For the other figure, which measures poverty based on the cost of living, 2.5 million people or 64.4 per cent of the group living in poverty are white.

“In other words, the overwhelming majority of the Canadian poor are ‘white,’ and thus cannot receive race-based allocations from governments if unchangeable characteristics such as skin colour or ethnicity are accounted for in policy,” the group said in a press release announcing the findings.

17 Replies to “But… The Privilege”

  1. THEY…Want us Broke, homeless, hungry and without the means of earning a decent living.

    For the past 7 months I have been looking EVERDAY for a decent job.
    Am not without Skills nor Education.

    I’m getting the feeling that the slew of Newly hired HR folks over the past 15-20 yrs of predominately DEI hires are passing by qualified potential new hires based soley on skin colour and ethnicity.

    The CBC, RCMP and I’m near certain ALL Public Servants across this land are all basically hiring anyone but Euro Centric Canadians

    Institutionalized WOKE anti White RACISM 100%
    Tell me I’m wrong…??

    1. Go to interview in black face, it worked for the pm!
      If they looked shocked, tell them you identify as whatever, play by their rules, hold them

    2. Let’s see …

      – strategically impoverish white folk through affirmative-action hiring practices
      – white folk get angry when they’re broke
      – blame white folk for “white rage”, as if you had nothing to do with it

      1. “Bitter clingers” – Sounds like Hillary & Obamba should have helped start a war where they and their friends could reap Billions and watch some of the bitter clingers slaughter each other – oh wait.

    3. I have been to interviews where the HR lady was clearly dissapointed I was just a white guy. I guess my name and employment history make me sound black. A few quick questions to see if I qualified for any disability tax credits then ‘thank you, well get back to you.’

    4. The AI that most HR departments run your resume through are probably doing the filtering.

    5. Steakman-You are in the same business as me, and having worked at the big Oilsands projects you would know that a goodly number of the client side QA people don’t have , we’ll say Irish surnames. Makes it hard for us Canadian fellas to get gainful employment out that way and I might add even in some of the other areas where our expertise is needed.

      1. True that Rabbi….same is true of the “Engineers” that are hired as well…Most from out of the country so as to pay them well below what a Euro Centric might make.

        Yep seen it for 20 years. I will not go back up N.
        Last gig was a CNRL TA just this past early in May, Cokers of all things which I detest.

        …they put us up in Fort MaKay “camp” an utter Shithole with closets for a room, no carpet, a single bed caved in the middle..and GANG SHOWERS. then we’re told we would be moved to ATHABASCA Kamp, a 40 min drive in and out after 13 hr shifts with no travel pay.

        SCREW that shit…did 10 days, and did not go back.

  2. And as you know, our guiding, munificent Liberals are ALL about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion! They won’t stop until ALL Canadian whites are living below the poverty line – it’s just the Right Thing To Do…

    1. “They won’t stop until all non-French speaking whites are below the poverty line.”
      There, fixed that for you.

  3. I’m somewhat perplexed by this. This tax has existed for most of my lifetime to varying degrees. The recent change by the Liberals should not impact this woman if she performs this transaction before the June implementation date. I have my axes to grind with this new rate but this story is not an appropriate stone on which to grind it. This was going to happen to this woman regardless and should not have come as a surprise – or at least not to anyone who’s done a modicum of estate planning. If you’ve reached sixty and have not thought about the dispersion of your assets and the ramifications for the direction you intend to take, you have only yourself to blame. That are lots of services to guide seniors along these line. And many hire those services precisely to avoid the surprises such as these. Or they do their own research and figure it out.

  4. If you are going to be white you sort of have to jump into the LBGTQRS/2+57(H-7×98) category to get any respect… Either that or amputate something. Blue hair die works wonders. Otherwise the system is not in our favour and we are the enemy.

  5. Real data has been hidden since at least 1985. This is my biggest bugaboo about so-called conservatives. Every argument can be settled with real data. Nope. Can’t have that. What’s the reality?, no, no, no, that would make certain demographics appear unappealing.

  6. “unchangeable characteristics such as skin colour or ethnicity”

    Unchangeable? You sure?

  7. I swim like I’m black. I dance like I’m Chinese. I play ping-pong like I’m Norwegian.

    Somehow I got seriously ripped off.

  8. Anyone living on CPP, OAS and the supplement in Canada is way below the poverty line. Hell, they can’t afford rent anywhere.
