55 Replies to “May 30, 2024: Reader Tips”

      1. So a minor CCP academic is your go-to source these days?
        A much more telling event is the fact that The Telegraph is running a weeklong series of articles under the title ” What if Putin Wins”.

        1. A Chicom expert on russia and not a minor one. It is interesting to learn what russia’s masters predict. He would not have written this without the expressed CCP approval. Mene, mene, tekel, parsin.

    1. It’s the economist, a lefty neo-con magazine these days. Yes, I know, weird combination.

      1. Why do you always insist to deflect by missing the point? Again for the cheap seats: CCP authorizes their leading expert to pen this piece in an outlet that they know it will be noticed by all the right people. Why?

        Let’s retrace the recent events. Shortly after the article is published Pootin and his junta fill out two airliners and pay a visit to their masters. They are hoping to get something. But while (depending in estimates) between a third to a half of ork trade is with China only less than 3% of Chicom trade is with orks. So the vassal has no leverage and the vassal does not get what vassal was hoping to get.

        Instead Chicoms propose a peace plan. Shortly after russia proposes the same peace plan minus opening of the trade routes. Notice something about the new plans, no more word about “denazification” or demilitarization. “Just let us pause and give us time to regroup, so we can attack again when the timing is right and we are better prepared”.

        Not going to happen this time. After the “offensive” there will be another peace plan. The last one possibly. Ukraine needs to be secured by NATO, only this will allows for peace. And for russia to agree to it, the whore needs to be neutered more, hopefully to the point of collapse.

    2. Russia continues to advance westward, as Ukraine runs out of its senior citizen soldiers. Who is next? Children, just like their Nazi Bandera forefathers? Fight to the very last Uke, huh? Oh, except the comedian, as he retires to his Miami $35 Million mansion, sitting on his Swiss bank accounts.

      1. At this rate they will reach Kyiv in 2210 and after spending 10s of millions of lives.

        GLSDB has arrived and proven to be effective. The Czech shells and F16s are arriving within weeks.

        1. “At this rate they will reach Kyiv in 2210 and after spending 10s of millions of lives.”

          The Russians are massing hundreds of thousands of troops in the area…Ukraine is not.

          “GLSDB has arrived and proven to be effective. The Czech shells and F16s are arriving within weeks.”

          Too little, too late. Only *manpower* can win this, the Ukrainians simply don’t have the numbers.

          1. ^^^ The resident anchor for the IQ scale chimes in with two pure conjectures based on wishful thinking, that he presents as indisputable facts because he read so on Gateway Putz.

        2. GLSDB are not that amazing. These seem to work only when russian electronic warfare (jammers) are weakened or neutralized. The problem with GLSDB is that they need pinpoint precision that is difficult to achieve when jammed. Unlike the case with larger warhead the warhead for GLSDB is often too small for near misses to have the desired effect. ATACMS on the other hand have proven diabolically effective (especially with submunitions).

          Within last month russians lost at least four S400 batteries (not launchers, they lost a lot more of these) but radars and command vehicles that are a lot harder to replace than launchers. And they lost them primarily to ATACMS. So an 90s missile routinely penetrates and defeats one of russian top SAM nets. Remember those circles representing air defense bubbles on maps that orks loved to draw so much. “None shall pass” they said. Oooops they are being passed on like a divor(ed russian mail order bride applying for a job. No wonder India and Chicoms are rethinking their orders for russian SAM systems.

          As an aside, S400 depending on configuration should have four or five radars. Those deployed typically have only two…

      2. Standard ork boiler plate that you have been repeating ever since the three day war started.

  1. Welcome to Canada where corruption runs rampant…

    Builders can’t build and make money because of current elevated financing charges. Buyers aren’t buying because they await cheaper mortgages. Without presales, the construction guys can’t get building loans. No orders, no financing, no shovels in the ground or new cranes in the air. And so it becomes impossible for Canada to erect those 3.5 million new homes Chrystia’s government has promised, spending billions bribing cities to trash their zoning regs. Quelle mess.


    Even that show of Jade City, they will be fined a hundred thousand dollars a trip should they move their rock that has finally become economically viable by technology that they brought in and invested.

    1. The interest rates are not high, just high compared to the historical lows brought about the historical stupidity.
      Governments f**ked with the Free Markets.
      Modern Monetary Theory is to finance what adolescent tranny mutilation is to puberty.

      1. I agree with Buddy. I bought my first house in 1983, age 31, single self-employed female. The interest rate on my mortgage was 16%.
        After 3 love affairs went south while I was in my late 20’s, I decided to concentrate on my business and start saving money like crazy because I wanted to own a house. I purchased a true fixer-upper. My parents loaned me $ 50,000 which I agreed to pay off at $ 500/month, so every December, I would send them 12 post-dated cheques of $ 500.00 for the next year. Thankfully, my business did well in the 80’s, and I was able to pay off the mortgage after 5 years and then I just owed my parents. My second house’s mortgage was 14% and I was so thankful that it was down by 2%. Again, it was an extreme “fixer-upper”. It all worked out in the end.
        Most people in their late 20’s and early 30’s want what our parents had after 20 years of work. My daughter and son-in-law have beautiful stainless steel appliances and stackable washer/dryer. No “making do” for them. But their mortgage is $ 368,000 at 4.65%. I guess it depends on what you are willing to accept to make life work for you.

  2. The usual suspects sure are hoping for a bird flu pandemic. Like this fine Canadian.
    Media seems to have received their marching orders. Google news pushing lots of identical headlines. Probably nothing but a chance to make meat more expensive.

    Don’t worry, Moderna will have a mRNA vaccine for that.

    1. What Helen doesn’t realize, in this graph, is that the cows are not suffering from a respiratory H5N1 avian flu, but conjunctivitis (pink eye, in human parlance). Just like the first reported human case in 1996, or the latest reported human case in the US, the humans are also suffering from pink eye, not avian flu. No cow or human has died, either, while avian flu in chickens has a 25% mortality rate.

      So Helen doesn’t understand the observations made. She is just repeating the WHO narrative that avian flu MIGHT cross the species barrier (it never has to date) and MIGHT cause a 25% mortality rate in humans (which it has not). She is a fear spreader and must be dismissed for spreading lies. Just like COVID, the presence of the infective agent (bacteria or virus) does not mean that the patient is in fact sick with the disease.

      1. Were cows ever tested for influenza in the past, or is this a new thing?

        I get the feeling it has been circulating harmlessly for years. Just now testing for it.

        Look at some of this “expert’s” past tweets. She’d love to return to the glory of 2020

    1. I’ll say this, BoBo, your post is proof that the population has lost faith in all institutions, as a result of the plandemic lies. This is why volunteerism is down, military recruitment is down, politicians and government reps and media are scorned … and they deserve it.

      Only by reducing the role, size and power of unaccountable governments, trans-national organizations (Tranzies) and NGOs, and making them more locally responsive, can any trust, at all, be restored.

  3. I wonder how many the Liberals have imported to Canada?

    Maniac screams ‘I’m gonna kill all the Jews’ as he tries to run down students outside NYC Jewish school in antisemitic hate attack

    … Police and sources identified the alleged attacker as 58-year-old Asghar Ali, a Pakistani immigrant livery cab driver with a history of mental illness…

    1. … a Pakistani immigrant livery cab driver with a history of mental illness islam…

      There, corrected for you.

  4. Remember?:


    Remember when Hillary Clinton and Mother Theresa started an orphanage for infants in Washington DC?

    “In her autobiography, Clinton writes that Mother Teresa was a “relentless lobbyist,” pushing Hillary to follow through on her promise to get Mother Teresa “her center for babies.””


  5. Bank guru Jamie Dimon warns about questionable private credit:

    The problem is this. Publicly-owned companies have to report public-domain financial information every quarter. This is not true with private equity owners. They operate like any privately-run firm (the Irvings in New Brunswick). Business media reporting states that the private lenders have been growing in relation to publicly-owned lenders. So we have no idea about the quality of lending of private companies. A rerun of 2)07 could take place.

  6. A CTV hit piece against Pierre Poilievre:

    I have been folowling Canada’s housing crisis carefully. A number of media have reported on Canadian retirees, on fixed pensions, moving to other countries where housing costs are cheap. It’s feasible for retirees to move to these locations, since pension money is just transfered to their new location, and since seniors do not have to speak the language in retirement.

    In this hit-piece,writer Rachel Aiello (remember that name) simply ridicules Poillevre’s point without stating exactly why he says is so wrong. She just regurgitates Liberal attack lines. In doing so, she belittles the problems seniors have living in urban areas.

    1. How dare you criticize our media!

      Why, we have the best media that money can buy.

    2. Yeah… I’ve outed Ms. Aiello quite a few times in the last several years. Glad to see someone is paying attention to the fact that Ms. Aiello is nothing more than yet another lie-beral mouthpiece hack in the corporate media.

  7. Steve Kirsch will feature Shawn Buckley (Canada’s Natural Health champion) on his show tonight. Some nasty things are happening to restrict access to Natural Health products in Canada. Buckley is a lawyer and very knowledgeable about the natural health products industry. This will be worth watching for anyone who values Canadians’ rights to natural health products and food.

    1. I should add, this issue is not being covered by MSM. Another example of their running cover for the government, and in this case, an abusing bureaucracy. A Parliamentary Committee decided 8 or so years ago, that change to how health products were treated was NOT needed. What we have now is Health Canada deliberately ignoring the decision of Parliament and going ahead with yet another power grab. Some US Health food product producers have already decided to drop Canada as part of their market.

  8. Teen driver of reckless crew who doused unsuspecting NYPD traffic agent with fire extinguisher arrested

    … Ammar Alhesheshi was behind the wheel of a gray sedan with three passengers when the car slowed down on Saint Nicholas Avenue near 118th Street as it approached a marked NYPD cruiser just before 7 a.m. last Thursday, cops said.

    The front passenger yells “Yo!” at the 43-year-old traffic agent and unloads the fire extinguisher into the cruiser’s driver’s window, disturbing footage of the encounter shows…
