“A Free and Independent Press”

Read the whole thing.

Macdonald-Laurier Institute- The Ottawa Declaration on Canadian Journalism 

Today the Macdonald-Laurier Institute (MLI) unveiled The Ottawa Declaration; a public call by some of Canada’s leading independent news and current affairs outlets for the media industry to reject the federal government’s payroll subsidies for journalism.

Since the 2019 federal budget, the government has established multiple programs for digital news outlets to subsidize their journalism. The majority of this support has taken the form of payroll subsidies totalling some $489 million in budgeted funds. Currently, most private digital news outlets can claim up to $30,000 in payroll subsidies for every journalist they employ. With the implementation of The Online News Act (C-18) payroll support could conceivably double and see half or more of the salaries of most journalists working in Canada for private digital news outlets paid for by government coordinated subsidies.

17 Replies to ““A Free and Independent Press””

  1. Who knows, maybe some are realising the press prostitution is worse than the real thing. They get totally abused without any chance of satisfaction. Doubt it will amount to much, but at least some are getting upset at the johns.

  2. If it’s bad for the State to pay for journalism, think of all the other things the State pays for (e.g., scientific research, education, healthcare, etc.).

  3. Just a reminder that the Sun chain also took the Trudeau Media Bribe.

    I don’t consume any product from compromised media.

  4. There is no pravda in “Izvestia” and no izvestia in “Pravda”.

  5. I am a HUGE supporter of capitalism. I had my own business for 25 years. The 80’s were great and then the recession of 1990 hit and design and construction (in Toronto at least) hit the toilet. When I applied for assistance with daycare costs, I was told by a civil servant that “perhaps you are not very good and you should do something else”. I survived, but I am even more convinced that if your business model is not succeeding, then change how you do business, do not go “snivelling” to the government for hand-outs.

  6. Too little,way too late.
    Sure the independents are issuing a formal warning to their compromised comrades,but they will be ignored.

    The current Urnalists are unable to understand this declaration..too many “Big Words” and too much logic.
    The Tax Payer already knows.
    The stench of corruption already encloses the whole “news” industry..
    The trust is long gone.
    And ,if the majority of “The Press” started reporting accurately and attacking their comrades who lie..a mighty huge “IF”, the public will still not trust them.
    So they may as well lap at the government trough,preach the “official Lies..er Line” and pray that the Liars Side wins.
    Their lies are information,if they were to reform,I would have to adjust my analysis..
    Current default being;”What is the rest of the story”?

  7. Hey, I’m entitled to my entitlements. How else could my thighs look like I beat Rosie Barton in an eating contest, and the rest of the Librano presstitutes in a swallowing contest?

  8. Jeez, Polly Wells signed it! Maybe there’s a shard of hope. Wonder what Catherine Tait is waiting for?

  9. Is Andrew Coyne going to quit his Glob and Flair gig, because his employer is taking the subsidy

  10. from this l take it the tipping point happened among the closet remnant of legit investigative journalists.

    they got tired of the bile tasting BS they were expected to regurgitate like a mother gull.

    couldnt stand the taste.

    as previously pointed out out too little too late it just glorifies your exit but youre still out.
