26 Replies to “Canada Is Burning Or Something”

  1. It is long past time when we need to elect serious people into office. Not children.

    1. Art, for that to occur, we would need serious people to come forward.
      That is the bitter irony. Serious, principled people with integrity are loathe to enter politics, which is why we get the opportunistic egotistic children at the trough.

      1. There have been lots of serious people to come forward. Of course, the media does their best to sully them for their Ottawa masters.

    2. Serious people don’t seek public office because serious people want to actually solve problems not let them perpetuate indefinitely because they gain political points by doing so. A serious person wouldn’t put up with all the BS and would get things done.

  2. Best example of ecocide going on in Canada right now is the fact that we’re paving over half the country to house tens of millions of third world migrants. If they really cared about the environment, they’d stop.

    1. Exactly.
      How much farmland and forest has been obliterated just in Southern Ontario?

    2. Too bad the CPC can’t be convince to put out an immigration policy that we will only accept immigrants from countries that have a higher per capital carbon emission.

  3. So then Trudeau would be charged as a individual for his massive personal carbon footprint, right?

    “And the rise of right-wing populist governments all around the world and declines in democracy are also a direct threat to our survival on this planet,” she added.

    By definition, a populist government is a government that’s elected by popular vote, which is also the definition of a democracy. How can an increase in democracy be a decline in democracy?

    Lefties are nuts,

  4. It’s one thing that May is simply a mad cow but that people vote for her is something that makes one ponder the question of whether people should be allowed to vote. A dictator who is a successful gun man would do less harm than people like May who are essentially clones of Jimmy Jones.

  5. “A majority of mass environmental destruction is greenlit by a few powerful individuals…”

    I always thought the arsonists who started all those Quebec forest fires were more sneaky than powerful.

    But hey, if Lizard May wants to give ’em life in a solar cooker, I’m okay with that.

  6. These lunatic Leftists just need to keep talking. They reveal their malignant pathologies with every word they speak. Populism is anti-Democratic? What? Ecocide is matricide? What? Canada is burning … because your carbon tax isn’t high enough? What?

    The lunatics walking our grass are self-revealing. For that, I thank them.

  7. This is going nowhere. Lizzie May and Bowl-a-Rice are at most bit players in Canadian politics. May had to evewn stage the overthrow of her own successor in the Green Party to get any attention whatsoever.

    They have zero clout to influence the World Court. No one cares what they say, and after Justatwit and Jughead’s electoral demolition before October 2025 it will matter even less. This is what gerbils do when they and their cause is being ignored by everyone.

  8. How about we dramatically increase the criminal penalties for arson? Would they vote for that?

    1. Ohhhhhhhh mommmaaaaaaa … the homeless “newcomer” was just trying to keep warm …
      They would say

      PS … I’m old enough to remember when the Nat. Park Service sat idle and let half of Yellowstone Park burn to the ground. Why? “Because Fire is Natural”. Funny … once Global Warming became connected to forest fires … I haven’t head a single word about FIRE being … nat-ur-al

  9. “And the rise of right-wing populist governments all around the world and declines in democracy are also a direct threat to our survival on this planet,” she added.

    When there is something really stupid going on in Ottawa, chances are real good that Batty May is right in there.

  10. Canada has the lowest annual average temperature of any country: -4C. Russia is in second place at -2C.

  11. If they add any of the “-ocides” to the Rome Statute, please let it be retardocide, and we can get all these yahoos convicted before ruining everything. I love how over the last 30 years more leftist governments have run things than other governments, but it is ALWAYS the rise of RIGHT-WING Populist governments that are the cause of this fake climate change… well in 30 years what the actual EFF have all you retardoicdial maniacs ever actually done, except spend more taxpayer money!
