Estevan for the reactor win

Premier Scott Moe came to Estevan to announce that if SaskPower builds reactors, they will be near Estevan. It’s been narrowed to two possible sites (maps in story).

Here’s the reactor portion of his speech, verbatim.

And in it, he talks about how SaskPower just might keep its coal fleet in operation until the reactors are built and operating. That would be well past the federal mandate, which Saskatchewan just might ignore.

And the premier’s social media shared the story, too.


23 Replies to “Estevan for the reactor win”

  1. All of this would be soooo much easier if people would just state the facts that CO2 is not a thermostat for the earth and that the predictions, claims and hypothesis of “climate change” – previously known as global warming – are, were and always will be fraudulent.

    1. Here’s a suggestion: read the story, where it references, several times, the possible sites on Rafferty Reservoir or Boundary Dam Reservoir. And you might even notice the map, with blue on it.

      Just a suggestion.

      1. Quite right, Brian. And depending upon the reactor design, open or closed circuit cooling towers have a massive effect on cooling water demand at any given time. Ontario’s reactors need no cooling towers because of the huge heat sink in the Great Lakes. Other reactor sites in the United States such as North Anna use artificial cooling ponds.

        Estevan doesn’t need it with at least one large lake available.

      2. pretty thin layer of water there , the coal plant is already making the water green. saskatchewan has lots of deep big lakes up away from people.

        1. The only reason the reservoir exists is to provide cooling water. Coal plant slated for closure. Why not use it? Be a shame to have to build another one, ruin pristine native land.
          Also, transmission costs money and efficiency. Closer the power is to where it will be used, The better.

    2. Any thermal plant (nuclear, coal, etc.), only uses water cooling because it a) increases the efficiency of power production (since surface water is typically cooler than the daily high air temperature), and b) is much cheaper if water is available.

      You don’t have to have water cooling. We choose too.

      Direct to air via air coolers is possible, but then the efficiency of the plant drops when the air temperature is above the “typical” local cooling water temperature (via lake, river, or cooling tower). Direct to Air cooling when the air temperature is below the normal water cooling temperature is more efficient, but can only go so low before freezing is a risk (a very manageable risk – there are special condensers just for this type of service).

      Indirect to Air, using a heat transfer medium like an EG/water or TEG/water mix, would be slightly less efficient then Direct to Air at temperatures above the typical water temp. This would require more exchanger area, but would allow the efficiency gains of the lower temperatures – allowing a heat transfer fluid temperature close to 0 °C most of the winter, plus has little to no risk of freezing at any temperature down to the freezing point of the heat transfer loop.

      We have hundreds, if not thousands, of winterized air coolers, both direct and indirect, all over northern Saskatchewan and Alberta.

  2. Would you rather do without electricity? You could try heating your cave by rubbing sticks together.

      1. You missed the part about dark matter and the new, proprietary ground state of hydrogen.

  3. Thanks for another important Canadian news flash, Brian.
    So refreshing to read about something besides freaks and thieves.

  4. You have tons of Oil, and Coal but will ignore the cheap, time tested method, instead you will engage another Massive Marxist Industry that can’t follow a budget or a schedule. You are where Ontario Premier Bill Davis was in 1971…don’t do it

    OPG is a disaster both fiscally and culturally, a Cultural Marxist Cabal of useless Sociopathic Genz’s and Millenials that hate white men but love their Trans Days, Rainbow Crosswalks and orange T shirt days and patronizing the local indian tribes.
    You may think you bought a Reactor, but you bought into their International bodies that govern them. WANO, INPO, IAEA. you know, the UN…Have fun.
    I’l enjoy travelling there to make bank and then I’ll enjoy leaving.

      1. Leave it in the ground. Burn your Oil FFS. Burn Coal. Burn FILTHY LIBERALS
        Or, Get ready for MASSIVE Electrical bills to pay for me and my Nuke buddies to come build it. You have a million Taxpayers…don’t do this to them Moe

  5. Rubbish. Certainly there’s no need to close coal plants, keep them. But nuclear is still cheap, even with all the eco-induced paranoia.
