91 Replies to “Guilty on 34 counts”

  1. Cops not going after the politicians for lying to the public has consequences as they should have been looking at the economic books of the regions, cities or towns that politicians say one thing and either not do it or do the complete opposite as they were voted by what they claimed.

    You really want to be a cop right now!
    It could be very hazardous to your health.

  2. I hope whatever potential Attorney General nominees are waiting in the wings for Trump’s election are already formulating a list of criminal charges to be brought against Joe Biden and his administration in February of 2025.

    That Trump did not have an Attorney General in his first term with sufficient commitment to the preservation of both law and order and free and fair elections to bring charges against Hilary Clinton for her illegal actions in the runup to the 2016 presidential election now appears to have been an enormous tactical error.

    1. Enormous tactical errors are all Repubs/Cons have.
      Just like always, both ostensibly “conservative” parties, elected or not, will spend the coming years on their knees, with their asses in the air, ever ready for their regular rousting from the Libs/Dems.
      Just like always.
      Twas ever thus.
      Twill ever be.

  3. Here’s hoping that after the Jan 6 fiasco, Trump supporters will be very cautious not to fall into another bogus insurrection trap.

    Let Palestine terrorists or the next Saint George riot draw first blood this summer.

    YOU have no enemies, you say?
    Alas! my friend, the boast is poor;
    He who has mingled in the fray
    Of duty, that the brave endure,
    Must have made foes! If you have none,
    Small is the work that you have done.
    You’ve hit no traitor on the hip,
    You’ve dashed no cup from perjured lip,
    You’ve never turned the wrong to right,
    You’ve been a coward in the fight.

    Charles Mackay says it’s Time To Fight.
    Presidents can only be under House Arrest.
    Secret Service issue

  5. Every lawyer knows what ‘reversible error’ is. This was not error…this was deliberate.

    So the judge instructed the jury to ignore the fact that the ‘crime’ the entire trial hinged on was *unspecified* (among other jaw-dropping decisions). After the appeals court throws out this bogus conviction, there NEED to be consequences levied against the DA and the judge for the legal convolutions required to bring this case to trial in the first place, then for bending the law to the breaking point to get a ‘conviction’. If not criminal charges or disbarment, then at least civic lawsuits. This cannot go unpunished, period.

    This was not justice by any stretch of the imagination.

  6. You’ve obviously given this a lot of serious thought. Is abandonment of Trump why his campaign donation site crashed twice today after the verdict was announced?

    1. I have watched as Americans have done worse than Canadians when it comes to government and freedom. This trump persecution should have millions in the streets but no, just BS and bafflegab are all we are seeing. good luck.

      1. We were all educated by the January 6th show trials and people are keeping their powder dry.

    2. You sound like the “Associated Press” reporting on South Africa and how excellent the country is doing since the ANC took over.

      1. Don’t worry, South Africa is about to replace the communist ANC with the genocidal EFF

    3. Wanna bet you’ll be changing to a different handle/name after the Election in November?

  7. No chance. A bit dissapointed he might have boned such a sleazy prostitute .
    Democrats made cheating and whoring in politics acceptable long ago.

    1. Yes, it is a pity he did not locate an ethical, upright and virtuous prostitute.

  8. What shouldn’t be lost in the frey is that this isn’t just happening to Trump. The truckers ,Tamara , Coutts 4, Jan 6 attendees , and many others are suffering the joys of this lawfare. The legal system has been weaponized against both political opponents and ordinary people. It is hard to predict where the line is they won’t cross. It is not the time to feed their narrative by violent actions. Any protesters must be very careful not to be caught in a “Federection.” I still believe Joe’s reluctance to leave may be fatal . Of course MAGA will be blamed. These people have no integrity nor boundaries. It’s a sad time we find ourselves in. Let us hope for better days.

  9. The CNN article at the link begins with “A Manhattan jury…”. The authors could have left it at that.

    These NYC swamp rats are gonna learn the hard way. That liquid that will flow through their streets will be their flood of tears as Trump wins in a landslide. The rest of us normies will rise up and squash their naked tyranny. FAFO.

      1. “Yeah, keep dreaming in your little dreamland ya dummy. Whine whine whine. How bout you go donate another $100 to Trump ya dummy.”

        He doesn’t really need it, though…in the first 4 hours he raised $14 million, and in 24 hours it was *$53 MILLION*.

        (oh, and he also got a 6 point bump in the polls as well…:)

        Sucks to be you today, I guess.

      2. I just donated a shitload MORE $$$ than that so suck your own left testicle … if you haven’t “transitioned” into a eunuch yet …

    1. You haven’t really been following the matter to any depth, have you, stupid? The defence sought TWICE to have the entire trial moved….and of course, Herr Merchan denied it. Look up Roland Freisler and you will get an idea of what a joke Merchan is.

  10. I’m reminded of the old adage of:
    “Liberty stands on four boxes; the Soap box, the Ballot box, the Jury box, and the Cartridge box.”
    So, lets look at where Americans are today:
    The Soap box: Media totally owned by the Left.
    The Ballot box: Blatantly rigged elections in the US.
    The Jury box: Todays’ verdict, among others.
    The Cartridge box: This is the last box. Seems likely to be the only thing left to restore the other 3.
    This will go kinetic.

      1. Given the slightest excuse to declare martial law and suspend presidential elections…I think you get my point. The seeds of oppression were first sown when Little Barry’s IRS liberally abused conservative non-profit organizations and conservatives in government stood idly by.

        1. And things are no different here either.
          Trudeau is just breathlessly waiting for the next BS flu thingy – bamn, adios civil Liberties.
          This one will not let go of power so easily as an election… History is replete with Fcuks like this.

          If he allows an election, you can bet that 100% DOMINION Voting Tabulators will most DEFINITELY be employed… Seems to me that every Municipal socialist Mayor in this country used them…I know damned certain that miserable Bitch Gone-DYKE in Calgary did and was installed…NOT one person I’ve spoken to had ever heard of her let alone “voted” for her….I suspect the same with Sohi in Edm and across the Country.

        2. I remind you that Ukraine’s President Zelenski has suspended elections and is now ruling under martial law.
          As I have previously posted, I am a lover of history. I DO think that history is repeating itself and that the western world is now a parallel to the 1930’s in Europe.

          1. History is certainly repeating in that Cons/Repubs are on the “receiving” end.

          2. “As I have previously posted, I am a lover of history. I DO think that history is repeating itself and that the western world is now a parallel to the 1930’s in Europe.”

            I watched a lengthy interview of Jeff Sachs by Tucker Carlson yesterday where he covered the recent history of NATO and Ukraine. Fascinating (and scary) stuff.

          3. I’m halfway through the same video.

            So far, it’s pretty simple.

            The Yanks did it.

      2. I bet they have been organizing a “militia” for quite some time. There are millions of veterans who are pissed because they were tossed onto the battlefield over weapons sales, not security threats to the country. They will be organized.

  11. How ironic, 30 seconds into this interview, the interviewer asks Nyerere if it was a disadvantage not being put into prison by the British.
    It may well come to pass that an interviewer may ask Trump if he thinks it was a disadvantage not being put into prison by the Democrats.


  12. I got into an argument with someone on this and their final comment was “who cares how Trump goes to jail as long as he goes to jail”. That attitude is troubling.

    1. That’s my mother’s attitude after 4 years of nonstop MSNBC/CNN watching. She can’t tell you what Trump did wrong, just that she hates him for being a vile human being and that he should go to jail.

      The leftist media has absolutely locked into a large portion of America’s ‘brain-emotion-centers’ and controls those people like ‘It’ did in ‘A Wrinkle in Time’.

      1. I would say that Trump derangement syndrome is solidly infecting 85% of Canadians. last year at the local school graduating class one of the principals gave a long speech about how great a particular student was because he laughed at all her jokes about how incredibly stupid Trump is. And most of the audience laughed and clapped.

        1. Midwits require stereotypes and caricatures to make sense of the world. As for cheap melodrama ,that’s their red meat. Imagine living in a soap opera and you will understand their world.

      2. The majority of my family in Regina is exactly of this same thought.
        They can’t stop watching CNN and then saying how evil Trump is and they can’t stand to hear any more of it.

        I’ve failed to make ANY DENT in their TDS, it’s impossible to “win” an argument on anything related to this, and all I’ve got now is, “there’s so much they know that isn’t so” (Reagan)

        “November is going to be lit” applies…

        1. Don’t waste your time.
          I have friends & acquaintances who when they say anything on this you know they are brainwashed. To be fair a lot of people don’t give a shit, but that’s what media relies on.
          Some close friends are like I say, really buddy, you believe this bullshit? Then it’s end of discussion. It’s easier to lie to people than convince them they’ve been lied to. Words so true.

    1. The “funny” thing is, the “rule of law” was horribly broken during this “trial”.

  13. The important thing to note is that this is a precedent. There are other living presidents who are dire need of prosecution.

  14. For most of my life, I had no idea how corrupt and sleazy our institutions were/are. What is it about Trump that causes them to reveal themselves, in all their vile, mendacity? I don’t think Trump set out to do this. Like with Covid, I think Trump expected the scribbler, professional caste to be, well, professional and at the very least concerned for their legacies.

    1. This.
      The cadre has believed their own BS for decades.
      They insist the public will never hold them accountable,for they have nothing to account for.
      The even more delusional, believe they molest us for our own good.
      We are awash in “helpers” who see their parasitic,lecherous actions as “Beneficial to the public”.
      They believe that The State knows best!.

      Never bothering to observe themselves,their own inadequacies and follies..never will they acknowledge..They are “The State” they speak of.

      The State of Thuggery.

      Trump Derangement Syndrome hits this kind very hard.
      They have caught a glance of their mirror and hate what they see .
      Smash the mirror..so MAGNA must die.

      1. In the not too distant future Canada, I’m going to be a regular snitch to whatever we call the Stasi then.
        Help them start with the Media first in their people cleansing.

    2. The institutions were not always like that…..it really started with Obama and his Comrades….although the installation of Marxists throughout governments started decades ago and was hidden. McCarthy was right all along.

      1. I wish that I could agree with the notion that institutions weren’t always corrupt. I think that’s why America’s founding fathers were at pains to decentralize power and incorporate checks and balances. Honore Balzac l, in the early part of the 19th century, said that bureaucracies are great machines run by pygmies. I think he got it wrong. I’m more in agreement with Edward Hall (On Culture, 1970s) that there is an inherent flaw in institutions. In any case when it comes to legal corruption, my first exposure was Illinois’s governor Ryan commuting death sentences en masse due to prosecutorial and judicial abuse and corruption.

  15. Blood in the streets?
    Hopefully not as its usually innocent people who get it the worst – because Lefties will kill anyone and say its justified by their cause – see Hamas apologizers.
    But the “conviction” increases the divide in America.
    That’s not a good thing.
    Or maybe it is.

  16. The movie “Civil War” was real piece of dog shit. Don’t waste your time.

  17. Were CNN a newspaper, it wouldn’t be fit to wrap fish. Old fish.

    Hell it wouldn’t be fit to wrap dog crap.

  18. Precedent has been set. If they can go after and convict a president they can easily go after anyone. Rome fell when the rule of law was no more. As America falls so will Canada. You gullible fools who are relishing in Trump’s verdict better think hard what life will look like when Trudeau comes after you for wrongthink.

    1. Canada is already gone. We already have show trials and political prisoners.

    1. All of that is known….and the Dems also know this “trial” will be torn to absolute shreds on appeal. The whole purpose of this gong show was “felony conviction”…..nothing more. Merchan is a joke.

      1. They also know that everyone of them will skate.
        Zero pushback. Zero consequences.
        Which means the Cons really are the Washington Generals.
        Or the biggest cowards/pussies in history.
        Of course, lots of new Liberal entrants are not so blowup adverse and will be more than happy to start the revolution.

        1. “They also know that everyone of them will skate.
          Zero pushback. Zero consequences.
          Which means the Cons really are the Washington Generals.
          Or the biggest cowards/pussies in history.”

          I really hope you are wrong about that. If ever there was a real need for a real pushback, this is it.

          This precedent simply can NOT be allowed to stand.

    2. This judge was picked “at random” to preside over several high-profile cases involving Trump associates.
      The odds against that are astronomical, now about the same as Biden being elected to a second term.
      The only chance being he’s the only candidate on the ballot, so watch for “convicted felons can run for office.”
      Shown the man they found the crime; now they can count the vote, what really counts like good little Stalinists.
      None of whom will be available for comment when inevitably every stupid case against Trump gets thrown out.

  19. Republican govs should go after every single corrupt demorat politician and actor, give them a taste of their own venom. I can’t believe an entire justice system has been so utterly corrupted?

  20. And you a fool. The more they persecute him, the more support he gets.
    MAGA is for real. Trump gave them a taste in his first term. Biden took it all away.
    The public know who the villains are here.
    Anyone who scoffs at the mention of the election being stolen is a moron asleep at the wheel.
    The biggest sting operation is history is unfolding before our very eyes. The deep state have exposed themselves to millions with their tactics going after Trump. They have been disappearing people for decades, look at the list of Clinton contacts that have “suicided” themselves. Even JFK may have been a victim.
    I used to scoff at the idea 911 was an inside job, now after this debacle going after Trump all these years, I think it’s a sure bet. These people are evil and will do anything to keep power.
    I think they will try to get him in jail and create an accident.
    With the Secret Service he may be confined to house arrest for the short term.
    This will be appealed quickly because other courts have their reputations on the line after this clown show.

    1. “This will be appealed quickly because other courts have their reputations on the line after this clown show.”


      You bet they do. These clowns in New York have no idea what they have done to themselves and their profession.

  21. And that is what the “trial” was all about…..the words “convicted felon”….in the Dem version of the Volksgerichtshof. Those of low intellect like yourself are easily fooled. The “conviction” will be ripped to pieces so small on appeal it will be like a mist. Of course, that won’t happen until after the election. Which Trump will win.


    1. Like I said, those of low intellect like you are easily fooled. I’ll bet you don’t have a real clue about how the “trial” was held which is why I gave you the example of the Volksgerichtshof. Stupid people like yourself are incapable of grasping reality though. I’d suggest you maybe educate yourself a little bit. Just a little. It’s all your pygmy mind can grasp.

      Oh, by the way, the Trump campaign raised record $34.8 million in donations in 14 hours after this laughable “verdict”.

      1. It sure tickles the jocularity bone to see the former and soon to be current President (4 time billionaire with his name on huge buildings around the world/lives in a palace/own huge jet/TV star/employs 10s of thousands/gorgeous wife, etc.etc.etc) have derogatory epithets thrown his way by those whose single claim to fame is pretty much those very same mindless, pointless epithets that shine a glaring light on those poor wee excuses for human beings and the horribly sad hand they must have been handed in life to be so wretched.
        Maybe condolences are more in order.

    2. “You can’t vote for him! He’s a confected villain! er, a convicted felon!” See, all you have to do to stop Godzilla is shout “confected villain!” at him. It works better than power lines.

      Or so people often think, just before Godzilla steps on their heads.

  22. Probably will be a good investment. Down only 4% now and will easily recover. Maybe you should buy some shares in Solyndra. Moron.

    Oh and the Trump campaign raised a record $34.8 million in donations in 14 hours after the “verdict” (which will be ripped to shreds on appeal). Many thousands of volunteers signed up. Stand by, stupid.

  23. This will all be overturned on appeal.
    People are typically free on bail while awaiting appeal.
    The Left desperately wants images of Trump in handcuffs, so I think they will handcuff him and send him to jail, and his arrest will be leaked to the Press so they can be there en mass.
    This will also backfire. His donations will skyrocket, more than they are doing now.
    Can Trump prosecute them when he is President without appearing to be the same as them?
    I think he should, but only for real crimes, and actual felonies. This cannot go unpunished.
    This was an unprecedented violation of both the law, and normal decency.

    1. I think Team Trump, if he chooses carefully, aka no neocons or swamp swillers, can find plenty of crimes to prosecute without having to rely on “novel legal theories,” and the public will understand and support him.

      DeMarxists hope nobody notices their sh*t stinks, or that somehow, they can hold their turd by the clean end.
      They have embarked on a fight to the death of and with Donald Trump. It seems they’ll be the actual casualties.
      Except for the American brand, body politic and the integrity of the justice system, all which must be restored.

  24. “If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”

  25. Maybe this lunatic judge will get Trump into a Manhattan jail, where perhaps, again, the cameras fail just as Trump accidentally commits suicide. This fascist farce is already turning against the DeMarxists.

    The fly in their ointment will be his Secret Service. DeMarxists will need to get rid of them, like they did Trump’s executive and lawyer-client privilege, along with a plethora of other rights violations. Can’t see how they swing that.

    But put nothing past DeMarxists, who are the very least are onto Act 3.

    Act 1. The man shown.
    Act 2. The crime found.
    Act 3. Their vote counting.

    As they wheel John Gill 10% Big Guy Quid Pro Joe Biden Brand across the finish line.
    As normies realize what’s happened, especially if Team Trump can warp speed appeals, his support grows.
    So time to program in more and more lawfare and demands he step down, being a “convicted felon.”
    For a bookkeeping error. How many Independents wonder if they can be so, concerned about their “errors?”

    As intimidated as a Manhattan wayward juror, or not?

    With riots demanding Trump step down intermittently springing up. Voters having to choose between Democrats’ democracy and Trump’s democracy, a Soviet America or a Trump “dictatorship.”

  26. Wow! This trial result sure has brought out the Trump haters to S D Animals! Where were they all this time? Reading but not commenting for months? Were they waiting just so they could jump out and insult the pro Trumpers? I think so. What’s the point? Maybe just argue with someone on line. What a waste . Looks to me that the pro Trumpers bring facts and the others bring attitude and insults.

    1. Its just one fool with multiple handles, although they’re probably a friendless schizoid.

      1. “Its just one fool with multiple handles, although they’re probably a friendless schizoid.”

        Yup…it’s ‘Jenn’. I’m thinking he/she is a tranny…

  27. It’s been eight fricking years and the effeminate, emotionally and mentally constipated, still think it’s about Trump and MAGA. It isn’t, it’s a rejection of YOU. The smart Dems, and, yes, there are some smart ones, know it too, they are using Trump as their foil. They can rely on their, ahem Soap Opera women, the Rank and File, not to catch on. Most Normies caught on 7 years ago.

  28. So if I understand what has transpired in America over the last few months is that:
    a) the Justice department suspended the limitation statue to allow a rape case against Trump to be brought forward by a woman who couldn’t remember the date of her rape, a woman who professes that ‘rape is sexy’
    b) the justice department charged Trump for a crime where there was no victim and fined him 1/2 a billion dollars (otherwise known as financial assassination)
    c) the justice department charged Trump for retention of Presidential documents and then when confiscating said documents tampered and fabricated them
    d) the justice department again suspended the statute of limitations to charge Trump with a book-keeping entry
    All this has transpired after Trump has declared his intention to run for the office of president again and all of the TDS sufferers commenting here are doing cartwheels like the organ grinder’s monkey. You have to marvel at the average intellect of the Democratic voter.
    A simple question for the TDS commentators here, who blew up the Nordstream 2 gas line? What was Putin’s response? When the Obama/Biden administration gives the weapons and go ahead for Ukraine to launch missiles into Russia do you think Putin will take the same benign approach? So go ahead, do your cartwheels and handsprings and call us all conspiracy theorists and racists, like the organ grinder’s monkey you’re good at throwing pooh around, but when we come to start cleaning things up again as usual, this time we may not be so benevolent.

    1. Antenor, Excellent post. I would like to remind all positive SDA people,
      It’s best not to feed the Trolls!

      This will backfire on the dems/libs, they cannot see past their hate!

  29. No-one thinks much of your crap mentality. Not wise to advertise that one’s self is an idiot.

  30. Yup. It’s zoomed up to $70. Someone is making a lot of money with it? How about you?

  31. No need to talk to fools like you with no understanding of laws, due process or Soviet style justice politicization.
    But be sure to get back to when every single “case” against Trump is reversed by appeal.
    I’m sure you’ll expect everyone, including yourself, to stop whining and accept the judgments of the courts.
    Speaking of deluded crazy people, how’s your Trump is a Russian asset bullsh*t now? Missed your apology.
    TDS loons are not just mendactic morons harboring a special kind of hatred; they’re also projecting hypocrites.
