Legal Woes

Supporters of the guilty verdict in Donald Trump’s latest court battle might want to be careful what they wish for. Every court case creates a precedent, and as Connor O’Keefe points out, those precedents may not be as desirable as some believe.

There is no precedent for labeling a perfectly legal hush-money payment as a campaign expense. In fact, the law is pretty strict in prohibiting candidates from using campaign funds for these kinds of personal expenses. Campaign funds are meant to be used for campaign staff salaries, to pay rent for campaign offices, to produce and run TV advertisements, etc.

Yet this entire felony case against Trump rests on the unprecedented notion that the payments to reimburse his lawyer for a legal hush-money payment constitute a campaign expenditure.

59 Replies to “Legal Woes”

  1. Remember when Hillary lied about the money she spent paying that British spy to whip up a bunch of fake accusations about Trump, the “dossier,” which she reported as “legal expenses”? When is NYC going to drag her into court for winning New York State’s electoral votes fraudulently?

    1. But, but, but … the Republican Party paid the spy too … squawk squawk squawk go the Democrat Demons. Yes … we all understand how the UniParty works.

      Perhaps PDJT should have used the HRC defense … “what difference at this point does it make?”

    2. Ah, but Hillary continues to this day to deny the 2016 election, so part of an ongoing conspiracy, with her misdemeanours bootstrapped with “novel legal theories” into felonies, so still time to indict and imprison her.

      1. SHE even wrote a book “What Happened” … and went on highly profitable $$$$ speaking tour explaining “What Happened” … SHE memorialized and monetized HER own election denial.

        Denier !!!!

  2. You seem like the type who shoots that big mouth off a lot in public.
    Good luck in the future.

  3. Dear Bridods,

    Go eat a bag of dicks, sir. Go eat a bag of dicks and choke.

    Thank you.

    1. You guys sure have your talking points together. The intertubes are full of comments discouraging people from giving money to Trump. Stinks like astroturf to me. A desperate attempt to blunt the damage that this abuse of the criminal courts has created.

    2. “Dicks and Choke” is his next band. Or, escort agency. It really will depend on the bookings.

  4. Oh, I assure you that Congress is a target rich environment to apply this new precedent. Back in 2018, they did away with the tax payer funded “slush fund” that was used to pay off complainants of sexual misconduct against Congressmen. In case you are wondering how active said account was….let’s just say they paid out over $17 Million.

    However, in 2018, both the House and the Senate passed this:
    “Under the terms of the compromise announced Wednesday, members of Congress would be held personally liable for sexual harassment and retaliation settlements, requiring them to reimburse the Treasury. It would also publicly identify members of Congress settle harassment claims, along with any settlements.”

    So, considering that $17 Million was paid out previously, and there were many pending cases at the signing of the bill…you’d have to think there were a lot of similar situations in comparison to Trump’s felony cases. Of course, to address the hypocrisy you’d need a couple GOPers with marbles and a willing Red state DA to push the issue.

  5. In order for an appeal to succeed, one has to piunt out contradictions in the final order. It has to contradict the constitution, law, or judicial precedent

    Even if it contradicts judicial precedent, it can stick if the judge is able to prove that the original precedent is incorrect.

    I haven’t followed this case nearly as close as the erection fraud cases, but if anyone can point to where the order is contradictory I’d appreciate it.

    1. Hahahaha … how about this? The entire premise for the charges were erroneous.

    2. Nice Freudian slip. This judge committed many reversible laws. With any luck it goes to SCOTUS by election day.
      But now the NY justice system will slow walk appeals, to protect the prosecution from a speedy trial.

    3. One of the main ones is the Judge saying that jurors could individually find Trump guilty or not guilty of different crimes, in other words not unanimous, clearly and already decided as not correct, easy reversal.
      The crime was never identified until after defense had completed it’s closing argument, Judge identified the crimes in his final jury instruction! So defense never had the opportunity throughout the entire trial to understand what they were defending. Obvious reversal here too.
      Judges daughter was paid almost $10 million by the Biden Harris campaign in 2020, and has fund raised to $93 million off this trial since. Law clear that he should have recused (6 degrees of separation, this is barely 2)
      The judge is obviously corrupt and knows it will not stand, he can’t be this stupid. He doesn’t care, just wants to influence the election, but it will back fire

    4. Only a verdict has been issued, in which there was 40 pages of jury instructions, which were not provided in writing to the jury. The judge is also claiming that in order to convict him, the jury could select from a buffet of theories of the underlying crime, and they didn’t have to agree on which “crime” it was in order convict him.

      The only conflicting precedent is the John Edwards case where he used campaign money to pay off a floozy during a campaign.

    5. For one thing, the prosecutor lied to the jury, twice, that Trump had already been convicted in Federal court, which he hadn’t, and the judge allowed it.

  6. There’s been quite an uptick in these past two days from those who seek to ridicule, make light of, laugh at the “conviction” of President Donald J. Trump.

    Are these from real people? Are they from the #Librano Party of Canada headquarters?

    1. Exactly.
      How sick in the head does one have to be hang out on a conservative website all day just waiting to get the first comment on every Trump post?

      1. It’s an iron law of propaganda that the “first lie wins” If they can get their lie in first, the truth has an uphill climb.

    2. It does look a bit like the Liberal press room dealt out a stack of $20 bills with talking points down at the homeless shelter, doesn’t it? Or some adult care facility. They seem to share a similar nasty mental deficiency.

      Well, I shouldn’t get judgmental. They could read my old posts and say exactly the same thing. And this may be the closest to honest money these people have seen in a while. Let’s hope it does some good.

  7. Your blathering is meaningless. Get back to us when the appeals are all in. We might accept your apology.
    In the meantime, feel free to continue with whiny excuses for ridiculous lawfare and your TDS psychosis issues.
    We could all use a laugh in this bullshit era of lies as truth, fact as fiction, all of it ideologically interchangeable.

    1. Kindly remove Biden’s genitalia from your mouth before posting in future.

    2. Hey McStupid BriOdik, why don’t you comment on the $17000000.oo of public tax dollars use for silencing the law makers, who pork the wrong person. Trump used his own money for a perfectly legal transaction.

  8. The Democrats went overboard with lawfare against Trump, which just keeps his face in the news.
    Good or bad?
    Tis laughable that one man can be so popular?

    1. Trump is the most famous person in the world today, without doubt. Bragg is still a stupid, fat, ugly, pathetic man.

      1. Almost as fat and ugly as Letitia James, and don’t get me started on Fani. That dude lawyer she was banging needed a lot of Georgia tax money to put up with that.

    2. No
      And Trump only harvested 34 million in 24 hours , that is some stupid the libtards pissed on them selves.

  9. Trump did it again. He’s Toto pulling back the curtain exposing corruption, this time in our legal system. I used to be dismissive of minority complaints about our legal system but now I believe them, that the system is corrupt, and has always been so. Maybe that’s why he is garnering sympathy from minority voters. In Illinois, the governor had to commute death sentences, en masse, due to legal corruption.
    Anyway, Donald Trump is not likely to let an opportunity go to waste and will continue his campaign, including to the inmates.

    1. In a nutshell you have revealed the SINGLE reason the Leftists who have burrowed into every level of our government, courts, and culture HATE Trump … he EXPOSES them. And what do cockroaches do when the light gets turned on them? They scurry away deeper and deeper into the crevices of The Deep State leaving piles of feces in their wake …

      Oh, and make no mistake … their wake is coming.

      1. Yes, it’s very strange because I don’t think that was his intent at all. I think his plan was to stop the economic nose dive, especially for working America.
        The Dems are the ones who over reacted. They’re like the vindictive, enraged, jilted lover, though, lest we forget, they’d have done the same to Romney, et Al.

        1. I don’t think that was his intent at all. I think his plan was to stop the economic nose dive, especially for working America.

          And in doing THAT work for the American people … PDJT has EXPOSED the crony-crafted-Regulatory stranglehold the Leftists had on America as he rolled back harmful over-Regulation. And laid bare the garbage Trade agreements that favored multi-National corporations and foreign countries over the American worker. I’d dare say EVERYTHING Trump did … EXPOSED the graft and corruption throughout our government.

          1. Yes, that’s where I was going. I expected them to be greedy and the by products of networking and nepotism and certainly down with coverups. I didn’t imagine the level of sneaky, underhanded corruption and the disdain for America and Americans.

          2. And Exasperated! … the only “bitter clingers” I detect are the corrupt politicians clinging to their donors $$$ … and hence bitterly clinging to all their nefarious double-dealings in which they’ve SOLD OUT the American people.

  10. Look at it from this perspective. They gave the primary witness for the prosecution immunity on admitted embezzlement (a much more serious crime than what the defendant was charged) in order to testify against said defendant. Obviously, that in itself is not an appealable issue. But, it adds significant basis for those issues that are appealable on a constitutional basis. It shows motivation by the prosecution and is hard to overlook when addressing the valid appealable issues.

    1. Cohen is useless as a lawyer, he also admitted to the crime of “Structuring” on the stand, which he hasn’t be charged with. He’s also been convicted of perjury, which in normal times would make his testimony useless at best.

  11. Let’s put the Kangaroo court decision aside and think about that wonderful New York skyline that has changed over the last 40 years . Many are responsible but no one can deny that DJT had some part in what New Yorkers have today . Can that be said of Joe Biden , Alvin Bragg , Merrick Garland or any of the trolls on SDA . Compared to DJT how many mouths did Joe Biden et al feed through their entrepreneurship. The answer is obvious. It’s so typical of the left to vilify anyone who has achieved any success in life . Biden and his acolytes are pure and simple parasites who contribute nothing to society. Right now they are at the helm but when Americans come to their senses this fall it will be over. .

  12. For the math lovers out there, with 34 charges, and 12 jurors, the chance of securing a “unanimous” decision when each juror has only to agree that 1 of the 34 charges has merit is around 10^30 times more likely than the real standard of having to agree that each and every charge has merit.
    The chances of a jury all agreeing on 1 and the same charge out of the 34 is much more likely, at around 1 in 548 000 000, but they secured a “unanimous” verdict.

    With this “new standard” judge Merchand just made up, any given suspect can essentially be guaranteed a guilty verdict just by throwing enough charges at him.

    He should be disbarred, at the very least.

    1. I was on a SERIOUS jury once … for a white supremacist meth dealer who attempted to murder a Sheriff’s Deputy. We had an array of possible charges to hang on him … from the minor: assault to the major: attempted murder, grave bodily harm, etc. Our instructions were clear … we could choose a lesser charge or a greater charge if we all agreed that’s where the evidence led and the Law said … but we absolutely could NOT have a Jury split on which charges applied and call that a “unanimous” verdict.

      That kind of a verdict would be like saying: … “somebody did something” that was bad to the police officer. Hey! Maybe that’s the way these leftists think, eh? “Trump did something bad to someone …and we just don’t like him”

      1. Imagine the abuse this kind of BS could lead to.
        Man is caught stealing candy bars and turkey sandwiches. Man fits description of a murderer, but has solid alibi for the murder rap. Judge denies alibi evidence, instructs jury like Merchand did, and viola! Guilty of murder.

    2. had a thought- there were two lawyers on the jury (planted on the jury?). If they took the lead in guiding the rest of the jury to a guilty verdict that would indicate conspiracy, that combined with the actions of the judge and DA would be an excellent start for a rico investigation that would tie up the Dems for the next few election cycles. I am sure Trump has a team of investigators digging up dirt on the prosecution so interviewing a couple of jurors might be interesting. Comes down to inflicting maximum damage. Pass the popcorn!

  13. Another note, the 34 indictments leveled at Trump for falsifying business records of his corporation stated they occurred in March 2017, when he was the sitting president. Pretty sure presidents are in no way allowed to be involved in any companies or financial dealings that they may have owned or have been a principle of before taking office. This should never have passed the grand jury stage. I’ll say it again, it’s all pretend now.

    1. Given that Trump didn’t win New York, his dastardly plot to influence the voters, by paying his lawyer bills, seems to have had little effect. Especially since the “Stormy Daniels” story has been around for a long time.

  14. Still no new comments on this development from Hillary Clinton on her X/Twitter.
    I don’t follow her and haven’t looked at her usual haunts, perhaps there are things in her closet she’d like to remain out of the public view?

  15. I know there are a lot of people here more knowledgeable about real estate than I am. But I got the impression that (as Kevin O’Leary remarked) in the case of the real estate fraud where Trump was found guilty and fined $350M that: If you used real estate as collateral for a loan in NY state, the state can come in, decades later and find you guilty of fraud by “deeming” that the value of the asset you used as collateral was inflated (by you). The judge can retroactively set a ridiculously low value on the asset (irrespective of, say, the tax assessment), and find you guilty of fraud. Even if nobody complained and there are no hurt parties. Then the judge can fine you ridiculous amount of money. Am I wrong? In conclusion, any person in NY that used real estate as collateral for a loan now has a target on their backs, to be used at the State’s discretion.

    1. Indeed … but consider a scenario where a Republican President used the same tactics as have been used on Trump to prosecute a Democrat President using a corrupt Judge whose daughter is making $$$ from this fiasco, jurors who arrived with a guilty verdict prior to being sworn in. Every left-wing media , civil rights activist and legal scholar , and ACLU would be picketing both the President and the Judge. ANTIFA would be in the streets burning anything they deemed conservative , with fires in front of the courthouse all while the FBI would stand by and watch.

  16. It has been apparent for a long time: TRUMP WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO RUN! And with every passing day this is driven home.

    Yet, as the clock keeps ticking towards election day, the right keeps deluding itself that somehow between now and then something is going to change.

  17. Media douchebags like Andrew Coyne are madly dancing and howling with glee like characters in Lord Of The Flies.
    For the same reasons.

  18. Liberal lynch mob.. No point in sweating the details or the repercussions.. They got their GUILTY and now they are looking for the nearest tree to hang united part of the united states on.. A steep steep price for a hatchet job..

  19. So the lesson learned was he should have hired Stormy into his campaign staff.


  20. Conservatives will pretend to love Jesus and then fervently support a man who undisputedly committed financial fraud to pay hush money to the woman he cheated on his wife with. Please justify this.

    1. Andrew will pretend to know things that are not true, that any crime whatsoever was “proved” beyond his infantile Trump hatred, but the truly prescient and salient point is nobody cares what such a fool thinks.

      1. So ad hominem arguments aside, your justification is that, contrary to all evidence, he did none of these things? Even the cheating on his wife part that he’s admitted to? Or is that one OK?
