May 31, 2024: Reader Tips

We end this month with a funny/heartwarming video from Granger Smith entitled Merica.

Your favourite American or Canadian news tips are especially appreciated!

34 Replies to “May 31, 2024: Reader Tips”

    1. It’s a CAF survey, they want your opinion

      Liberal losers are getting millions to create this crap

      Leadership is frightened of making any decisions that might tarnish their glory
      Clown show.

      1. Filled i, as a young 18-24 year old woman, dissatisfied with working conditions. She’s pro-union. Under Trudeau support for the military has been so comically bad, why not have a union?

      1. Inferior intellect implies that it might have some intellect.

        I see no such proof.

        That’s into you can’t fix stupid territory.

    1. That right there is effing insane. If that man goes anywhere near an aircraft he deserves to be pilloried.

    2. I totally agree. Furthermore all government employees (federal, provincial, municipal) should not be allowed to take their kids on vacation ever again. For the planet…

    3. Perhaps someone in the 5000 Gazans they want to import can drag him behind their car for 10 hours?

  1. Statistics Canada has just reported that constant-dollar GDP for 2024:1Q grew by only 0.4%, much weaker than expected. And the agency sharply revised downwards the percent change for the previous quarter (2023:4Q) all the way down to 0.1%:

    Look for the Bank of Canads to reduce its bank rate on June 6. Essentially our economy didn’t grow at all in the past four months, while adding lots of new immigrants.

    Justhin says all of this is wonderful.

  2. File this one under “No Nazis in Ukraine” or “How the Liberals Just Barely Avoided Another Scandal in Ottawa”:
    Ivan Baker, a Liberal MP of Ukrainian origins, had arranged for a Ukrainian activist to visit Ottawa and give a speech to commemorate “World Embroidery Day”, whatever that is. The activists embroidery related activity includes reproducing the embroidered shirt of everyone’s favorite Ukrainian historical figure, Stepan Bandera. Once Mr. Baker had clued in as to what was about to happen, he cancelled the event, apparently having learned some small lesson from the Hunka episode where the Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation to an old SS member. He has since received some “feedback” from the Ukrainian community. (Right click to translate to English).

    1. Okay, I’m well aware of the “Nazi Ukraine” propaganda, and of course there is a substantial genocidal racist element in the Ukraine, as we see exemplified here on a regular basis, so the propaganda has all too painful an element of truth in it and is effective. But, other than the fact that it provides fodder for Russian propaganda, how is it in any way wrong to celebrate Stepan Bandera? And why should the fact that the Russians might exploit it influence us?

    1. Epstiened? Rumours that there were some fancy visitors to his farm.

      Canada’s favourite pedophile, pretty Justin, lived about a mile away with his convicted pedophile roommate.
