Oddments For The Weekend

Including an altercation with nude cyclists; a hairy man and his lemon dress; some untimely parking; a level-10 parenting test; and an offer of interspecies intercourse.

All this and more.

2 Replies to “Oddments For The Weekend”

  1. The Entire LIBERAL Party of Canada are starting to show their True NAZI Colours….

    The Rantings and Ravings combined with their inbred Anti Semitism & obvious allegiance to ISLAM illustrating their Seeming desire to destroy and yes, eventually Kill all Euro Centrics within this country is becoming glaringly obvious.

    Time to arm up folks…big time.

  2. Camels? There were camels, you say? I didn’t notice any camels.

    There was a video of an absolutely gorgeous, mesmerizing woman riding something or other. I dunno. I was too captivated to notice anything else in the video.
