Safe And Effective®

IN 2021 when the Office for National Statistics (ONS) started releasing its vaccine by mortality status reports we revealed that there were large spikes in the non-covid death rates in the ‘unvaccinated’. These spikes in mortality coincided with the first main vaccine rollout and did so for each age group (see this report, for example). […]

We asserted that these obvious anomalies were a result of the standard ONS procedure of categorising anyone within 20 days of their first dose as ‘unvaccinated’. However, in our own discussions with the ONS they maintained that, although that method was used for their efficacy calculations, it was not used when it came to mortality. They clearly said that a person dying any time after vaccination was correctly categorised as a vaccinated death in the mortality data they regularly released to the public and which formed the basis of a massive public communication campaign encouraging vaccination.

To ‘explain’ the spikes the ONS pushed the implicit assumption that there was a phenomenon called the ‘healthy vaccinee’ effect, whereby they claimed that people ‘close to death’ were not vaccinated. And they made this bold claim without any data to support it whatsoever.

Apart from the fact that this would have contradicted the NHS policy at the time we showed that, while a healthy vaccinee effect might have partly explained the longer term lower non-covid mortality rates in the vaccinated, it could not possibly have explained those spikes in mortality rates.

They could only be explained by categorising deaths shortly after vaccination as unvaccinated.

23 Replies to “Safe And Effective®”

  1. And Pfizer execs are laying on a beach collecting 20%.

    1. It’s fascinating data set. Let me tell you why…

      It shows that younger people with one vaccine shot were dying at a faster rate than those who were unvaccinated. But it also shows that younger people with multiple vaccine shots died at a much slower rate than the unvaccinated.

      Here are the numbers for August 2021 for those aged 40-49 (taken from table 2). All numbers are the monthly all-cause mortality per 100,000 people:

      Unvaccinated: 351
      One dose (at least 21 days ago): 444
      Second dose (at least 21 days ago) :114

      The same pattern repeats itself again and again for younger age groups, and continues into 2023. Getting a third dose delivers an even lower mortality rate, but a fourth dose much higher (reliable figures for more than two shots weren’t available in 2021, as few people had more than two). This is for May 2023, as just one example:

      Unvaccinated: 101
      One dose (at least 21 days ago): 192
      Second dose (same) : 98
      Third dose (same): 56
      Fourth dose (same): 179

      That makes no sense to me, at any level, whether you’re pro- or anti-vaxx. Before I draw conclusions from this data I would need an explanation.

      1. Vaccine does not cause immediate death.

        Immune system damage, inflammation take a while. Varies from person to person.

        1. “Vaccine does not cause immediate death.

          Immune system damage, inflammation take a while. Varies from person to person.”

          Yes, that’s the obvious answer.

          (well, to most us of, anyway…)

      2. Not that I trust any numbers anymore, but it does make some sense.
        Unvaxed = control

        1 dose = kills a certain higher number of people, maybe the weak or some genetic anomaly that makes them more likely to die + control anumber.
        2/3 dose = those weak are already dead, the immune system can take it still
        4 dose = reaching saturation point

        1. That’s one explanation, but there are probably countless others, including flaws in data collection. I honestly don’t know what to make of it. I don’t think a “saturation point” could have been reached, as the total number of deaths for any reason among younger people in any situation is pretty small (.02% per month is typical).

          One of the first question to ask is, is this pattern repeated in other countries?

          1. And of course, there was the constant adjustment of time frame when one was considered to be “vaccinated” after the shot itself. The real kill shot seemed to be the third one.

          2. You know if they could say safe and effective over and over again you think the honorable part of their position in society, and the integrity needed to keep any belief in science as a wonderful thing would be paramount.
            Instead it seems we had a bunch of no good drunks at the helm of almost everything that used to matter. What a shame. Maybe someday someone will get pissed and try and sort it out.

      3. Got your 10th jab yet? Make sure to get your Monkeypox double jab and your Bird Flu paranoia shot too, Dead Rat.

      4. Biased ascertainment. 1-14 day rule (1-21 in Sask and BC) and and all reactions to the vax are classified as COVID in the unvaccinated.

      5. Before I draw conclusions from this data I would need an explanation.

        The explanation you’ve been provided repeatedly remains the same: the data has been hopelessly, deliberately corrupted by malicious state actors in an attempt to hide their own malfeasance.

        Garbage In, Garbage Out, “mathematician”.

      6. The explanation you’ve been provided repeatedly remains the same: the data has been hopelessly, deliberately corrupted by malicious state actors in an attempt to hide their own malfeasance.

        Fine. If the data has been corrupted then we cannot draw any conclusions from it, either for or against the vaccines.

        And knock off the snark.

        1. Mercy sakes, looks like we got us a snark wimp. Hey, you give me any crap, I’ll get snide! So there! Hey, I might even snub! Don’t provoke me!

          1. Okay, you asked for this: SNEER! Too bad about those shit pants, but I didn’t condition those reflexes, you did.

            And I could be much less than a tenth as funny as I think I am, and still be pretty damn funny. Now run along before I taunt you further.

  2. -Government agency’s statistics were a complete mess during covid.
    -Governments used a campaign of fear, intimidation, violated human rights/medical rights and used other propaganda techniques against their own citizens.
    -Government rules implied the virus could only infect you when walking in a restaurant but not sitting. That walking one way in aisles to prevent infection somehow reduced transmission. They called this “science”.
    -They said the mRNA stayed at the injection site, it didn’t. They said it broke down quickly in the body, it doesn’t. They said it would be 100% effective at preventing infection and transmission, it wasn’t.
    -Governments downplayed and denied any and all adverse reactions
    -Governments have been slow walking compensation for the vaccine injured.

    Basically, governments and their employees lied their asses off and still are…anyone who still believes them is either incredibly naive or being paid to regurgitate talking points.

    1. “The censorship on this site beggars belief for a conservative site.”

      I’m not convinced it is deliberate, or personal. Go through your posts and make sure that the letters O, R and C are not present (and in sequence) in *any* of the words you have used.

      So, no mention of:

      the use of physical power/strength to compel or restrain (this one gets me a lot)
      two-wheeled motor vehicles
      surgical instruments
      British flashlights
      burn marks
      expensive flowers
      killer whales
      fruit tree farms
      small animals with quills
      dissolving a marriage

      (etc, etc…)

  3. There’s another issue that they didn’t even touch upon. This was a big roll out of a “vaccine”. As a result, super markets and pharmacies got in on the roll out. In more cases that you would want to admit, there were people initiating the shots that had no business near a hypodermic needle.
