Greenhouse gas emissions reporting coming for Canadian businesses

If you own or run a business, you need to read this. Greenhouse gas emissions reporting WILL affect you. Tammy Nemeth: Beware – The Warrior Accountants are at the Gate.

“The profound implications of these standards on our economy and society underscore the need for an open and honest public conversation, rather than relying on unelected appointed standard-setting bodies to make those decisions. Now is the time to engage in that conversation and shape those standards before they are set.”

27 Replies to “Greenhouse gas emissions reporting coming for Canadian businesses”

  1. As I understand it, not only will you not be able to get financing if your social credit, I mean ESG, numbers aren’t good, you will also not be able to get insurance, or possibly even debanked (without even donating to the truckers.)
    Plus, prepare to defend yourself in court. NGOs are lining up lawyers across the continent to take all the bad companies to court saying their numbers are wrong. Sure, you may win in court, but as Mark Steyn comments, the process is the punishment. But most likely, you won’t win in court either.

    Don’t think this will affect you? You are dafter than trudo then.

    You won’t be able to do any business, even personal business without dealing with this.
    Better pucker up, you are about to get FU’d.

  2. Delist. The public markets are no longer markets. Energy will have to be a private affair.

    1. Trudo, under the urge of Mark Carney and his demonic brethren, are already moving for legislation that will encompass private investment. Yup you heard that – your brother won’t be able to invest in your business.

      Your money isn’t yours, didn’t you know? It belongs to the gov’t, they have the right to tell you when you will personally make a bad investment, and protect you from yourself.

      1. If you don’t use their money or markets it doesn’t matter. Off grid will start to mean out of the net. There’s only so much a handful of p0rn addicts in Ontario can control.

  3. When I finished reading her column, all I could say was “Holy crap!”
    Dr. Nemeth has mentioned this to me before, but I never really got it until last night.

  4. When willthe government have to comply and report how much “greenhouses gases” the government emits, along with all the “offset credits” they allegedly buy, and which liberal connected firm is getting the slush funds for them?

    Once that’s done, we still have zero interest in reporting any of this information to the government for any reason at all, because it’s a ridiculous and destructive requirement that will end up having huge costs, resulting in yet another drop in productivity.

  5. Whole departments in businesses across the country are involved in pointless reporting activities that suck away from productivity and don’t do anything to make a company better. But the government calls it environmental management. Having to report on GHG is pointless.

  6. Posted this below, but relevant here:

    According to the IPCC’s latest comprehensive report: “For every 1000 GtCO2 emitted by human activity, global surface temperature rises by 0.45°C. See Page 19, Section B.5.2. This is equivalent to 0.00000045°C / megatonne.

    Canada’s total emissions in 2022 were 548 megatonnes. So here’s the math:

    0.00000045°C / megatonne x 548 megatonnes = 0.0002466°C / year

    This is equivalent to 1°C per 4055 years.

    Will these regulations save the world?

    1. Of course they will….All other countries, seeing how Canada has responded to the dire situation of looming climate catastrophe will follow suit with equivalent regulations. As a result unicorns will return to inhabit our future pristine world. /sarc
      And thank you PJ for the numbers

      1. grant,

        Every MP and Senator has this undisputed information. I sent it to them.

        The sad fact is that no political party or major media outlet has the balls to tell Canadians the truth.


  7. To paraphrase Juthtin, the Black-faced command economy idiotstick, “If we kill them, we win.”
    ESG (and DIE) are neo-Marxist roadblocks of individual and business freedom.
    What is this? Number 158 on PP and the Cons My-God-we-have-fix-this list?

  8. A government that continues to aggressively attack its own nation’s economy is not your friend.

  9. Grand Design:
    In the rush to save the planet, they are killing off its inhabitants.

  10. So Premiers Smith and Moe – are you going to continue to play footsie with the issue – because all that strategy has done is to cede the issue to the marxists.

    The only response is to call it out for the fraud it is.

  11. The totalitarian fascist state is now in place and all popular political parties want to enjoy its power. Controlling Co2 means controlling everything as hydrocarbons are what keeps us from being depopulated cave dwellers. The Ministry of environment (environment means everything around you) implies omniscience. Gun control was the first step.

  12. Dumping this crap is day-one stuff for a Poilievre government. Ottawa needs to come under the wrecking ball. Javier Milei is showing how to do it.

  13. Clearly.. Followed by Unicorn fart leftists audits.. Social credit by any other name.. We all sleepwalk into this JACOBIN BS like its just another day in Canada..

    Nice to say morons.. But from what I see that would be a compliment.. Brain dead is more like it..

  14. This government has less than 17 months left. Implementing a policy like this will take years especially if there is litigation. Industry has to stickhandle the new regs for another fiscal cycle before it is redundant. The thing to remember is that when the tide changes be ruthless going after the ecofascists. There will be four years. Best to hit the reset button hard in year one.

    1. I don’t believe there will be any government backlash against this 2 or 3 years down the road. Most large companies will go along, mostly willingly, because it helps keep small to mid sized competition at bay, since they can least afford the paperwork, and therefore the governments of the earth will implement it.
      Maybe protests will slow it down at best. Look what happens to protestors on the right side of an issue.

  15. FILTHY Corporations have already caved to the Demonic Fantasies of the unhinged Retards on the Left. These Reckless Cowards have sucked every turd that comes out. DEI, now this…

    When the Rebellion starts, it will be the Cowardly Compliant Destroyers that will be targeted. You will not be welcome in the new Canada. Marxists need to be eliminated. Permanently.

    You don’t vote out Tyranny.

  16. I’m worried I’ll label something wrong in the ledger and will end up being charged with 34 felony counts of fraud.

    Good times coming for lawyers and accountants.

  17. I want to eliminate all CO2 being emitted by government and politicians. That should make for a quiet and peaceful world.
