Pity Me; I’m a Narcissist

Debbie Dingell’s well rehearsed statement about Anthony Fauci, describing him as such a good man who just wants to help people, lead up to her question about the “credible death threats” Fauci and his family  received, was a sad attempt to martyr Fauci in a way most narcissists only dream about.

If you get a chance, pick up a copy of The Real Anthony Fauci, if you haven’t already.

32 Replies to “Pity Me; I’m a Narcissist”

    1. Sorry, but the experimental beagles sideshow is OFF TOPIC and a distraction which actually makes Fauxci appear all the more the victim of CRAZY EYED MAGA’s (sic) like MTG.

      MTG needed to stick to Fauxci’s COVID Authoritarianism and LIES … and forget animal testing … which is/was ongoing throughout medical research community.

    2. He is a doctor in the same way Mengele was.

      He would also be welcomed in Unit 731, as he may be funding a continuation of their work in China

    3. Tony (made man) Fauci got his MD in 1966, the year after my high school graduation. He never practiced medicine.
      I don’t call him Dr. Or Mr. I call him Tony.
      His full legal name is: Tony Made Man Fauci.
      The Mafia are punters in comparison.

      You wanna insight into his character, his drive: he’s 5’6” and was a basketball star in high school. Let that sink in.

    1. Yup! I…..and I believe…..most people would like the government to leave us alone. The actual greater good would be to leave us the f*^# alone.

    2. “The greater good” is one of those phrases used to justify or excuse monstrous crimes against the people.

      Anyone using it approvingly belongs on a watch list and if they have any sort of government power, they should be removed immediately.

  1. Hitler had forty two assassination attempts made against him — doesn’t make him a great humanitarian.
    And as for “the greater good”: if I want to speak to “the greater”, who do I call?

    1. Brilliant point! It’s sad the Republicans don’t have anyone as intelligent as you to develop responses to Fauxci’s all-too-predictable victim cards … to have uttered your comment in the public hearing would have ENTIRELY diffused Fauxci’s victim card. Then … all Dingel could whine about would be … “the Republicans called this great man – Hitler!” Perfect. Better than Fauxci position himself as a “victim of wild-eyed MAGA-types”

  2. Mr Fauci got a beating today, by MTG. It was beautiful.
    I hope they can put this full grown Midget through Hell.
    The Process is the Punishment.
    Mr Fauci’s Evil Deed hit every North American.
    I am glad President Trump put him in front of everyone everyday. It worked.

    I’ll Pray that he is exposed for the World to see his EVIL deeds.

    1. AAAAAAAAAANYBODY in THIS day and age engages in that torturous activity of subjecting various mammalians species to immeasurable suffering for WHATEVAH THE FCUK YOUSE PEEKING INTO STOP IT.

      give me the ‘buttons’ to push l would euthenize every animal in the facility, destroy all the reasuearc records, burn everything and flatten it all.

      for starters. l am NOT some namby pamby tilly hat type. l adore domesticated animals for their fresh approach to life and unerring companionship.

      the next revision of my will follows sale of my house and lots of folks get taken OFF because they are given their proceeds now and early so they can use the funds. the rest of my 1/4 million is going to my doggies’ vet clinic., and a huge amount to these folks:

      the rest of society scaREW YOU

  3. Fauci is a modern day Mengele. He should suffer in Hell for what he has done. As should Teresa Tam, Bonnie Henry, et al.

  4. I think many thousands need to do time. All the LEOs, doctors, employers, etc, who took part in relieving us in detail of our civil rights must be punished

    1. Hanged for their crimes against humanity. They have killed millions around the world.

      1. I hear he’s going to start a James Brown tribute act called Gain of Funk Research.

  5. Remember Dementia Joe’s car rallies with the beeping horns? The synchronized masked dancing nurses though were the worst. I was in the hospital all last week visiting mom and probably half are still masked. Mental patients all.

  6. Sounds like the lines from a soap opera. With a soap that can’t clean.

  7. Unimpressed by the preparedness of the GOP members of the committee, even MTG. This was about his previous lies on the lab research and his garbage un-scientific mitigation ‘policies’. The animal testing is abhorrent but a distraction. Stay focused.

    1. 100% ! See my comment above. And remember ahead of the 2022 election? And the Republicans all boldly proclaimed heads would roll when they got the House majority? They promised to hold Hearings, and create Committees to INVESTIGATE and PROSECUTE COVID misdoings? Yeah … well … after yesterday … all they did was to hold a Hearing by mostly UniParty GOPes who appeared too frightened to cite facts in any meaningful manner … and now Fauxci appears even stronger than before.

      Do the Republicans NOT prepare for these Hearings by game-planning the Democrap response? Did they not think Fauxci would have teams of Top PR Firms preparing every word of his testimony and answers to questions? How could the SAD Republicans not blow Fauxci’s victim crap completely out of the water?

      If I was in that Hearing, I would have drilled down on Fauxci’s claim of “credible death threats”. I would ask him how many of these threats have been traced and prosecuted by the FBI? How many of these threats have resulted in arrests? Sorry but weasel words like “credible” death threats are utterly meaningless when not a single “threatener” has been prosecuted.

      1. Oh … OK … he claimed 2 people … 2 people have been arrested for making death threats against him. OK … when? Date please? And how long was their arrest?

        Then, I would turn to every single Rep. in the Hearing Room and ask them one-by-one if they had ever received death threats? And if they’re honest, they’d ALL … every single one of them … answer YES, I receive death threats routinely.

        Part of the job. Sadly … but part of the job. And Fauxci gets $$ paid $$ more than any other Federal employee … higher than the POTUS and SCOTUS.

  8. As I read elsewhere this is the Cooling-the-Mark-Out stage we’re at now.

  9. Fauci is today’s chew toy to distract you from everything else.
