Embrace Hollywood!

“Democrats need to embrace Hollywood because this is where they need to come to learn how to tell a story.” – Michael Moore

Universe 25;

At the risk of engaging in “get off my lawnism”, it seems to me that over the last two decades, society and the culture have shifted significantly and are now promising the citizenry an existence free of misery, suffering, stress and anxiety… the great password in modern America has become “safety first.” This promise of total safety and security is impossible to deliver, of course, but even if it were not, I would use the word “existence” very deliberately. The world we are creating feels less and less like one inhabited by proud human strivers and more like a world filled with prey animals afraid of their own shadows.

What comes next? Maybe this…

Related: Hollywood stares into another cruel summer…

17 Replies to “Embrace Hollywood!”

  1. woke stories with Angelia Jolie body types beating up Hulk Hogans. never did interest the wymin and certainly not the men . or even either way trannies.

    1. “woke stories with Angelia Jolie body types beating up Hulk Hogans. ”

      Yup. I’ve abandoned more movies and TV series than I can remember offhand for that very reason.

      (and speaking of Angelina, I never did see the end to Mr. and Mrs. Smith…again, for that very reason)

  2. All I see these days is misery, suffering stress and anxiety, all caused by governments.

  3. The only good Movie to come out in the past 4 years…?
    Dune 1 & 2
    Nothing else even comes Close.

    As for those who consider themselves Notable in Hollyweird, IOW, if Di Niro is your preferred political mouthpiece & Idol, you require a Lobotomy.

    Many have stated that if Donald Trump wins – Which he undoubtably will, have professed a desire to Leave the US…One wonders just exactly where they would go..??

    1. “Many have stated that if Donald Trump wins – Which he undoubtably will, have professed a desire to Leave the US…One wonders just exactly where they would go..??”

      Nowhere. They said exactly the same thing last time he won, and before that it was threats to leave if George Bush won.

      1. I remember a bunch of people threatening to move to Canada when Bush beat Kerry. The one person I know who actually tried to follow through was told somethimg like ‘sorry, were only taking skilled labor’.. .probably should have just crossed illegally.

        Still waiting for Billy hoe what’s his face from Greenday to move to France.
        And Jim Carrey, Avril Lavigne, et al to return to Canada.

      2. I believe the only two to move to Canada were Randy Quaid and Michael Moriarty. They had other issues besides who was president.
        Their bravado about leaving the country ring about as hollow as Neil Young pulling his music from Spotify. They either don’t realize that few care or don’t really want to lose the income and come to the stark realization that there influence is nil outside of entertainment.

  4. Hollywood is where all the money laundering is done nowadays. It used to be done by selling books and paintings, does hunter biden come to mind?

  5. And let me add that human “striving” does not need to include climbing Annapurna or other $pricey EXTREME sport nonsense such as what this author was bragging about. No … human striving includes building a career, finishing an education, developing a trade, becoming an expert at something … or what used to be called “The American Dream” … home ownership.

    Every single bit of 6uild 6ack 6etter is EVIL … pure EVIL, and inhuman. “You will own nothing and be happy”? AYFKM? Nobody will be happy about ANYTHING. To eliminate striving is inhuman. Communism is inhuman.

    My Nieces husband has a particular genius for high tech machinery and software … so much so that a company in Denmark paid him boatloads of $$$ to come live in Denmark and work for them. They are (were?) good little leftists who couldn’t wait to live in the white man’s socialist nirvana of a Scandinavian socialist utopia.

    Long story short, they didn’t last a year. Why? They couldn’t fathom or tolerate how lazy and unmotivated the Denmark people and society are. They have nothing to strive for, because everything is given to them. Hence, you couldn’t get anyone to actually DO anything. They were busy … biking … taking their 12 weeks of vacation, or sitting in a cafe or something. Yes, a happy hellscape … like the mouse colony … without all the shootings, because guns are illegal.

    1. fyi kenji your 1st paragraph describes me *and* 6 siblings to a T.
      most of them were jerks otherwise but that aspect l couldnt fault seeing as l was one.

      1. Sometimes it’s hard to be a striver and not ruffle some feathers … as I am a classic “pain in the ass”. I just sound “affable” on these pages … hahaha ha ha

  6. “He who would give up a little freedom for a little security deserves neither, and will lose both.”

  7. “Habits have changed, perhaps for good…The strikes made things even worse…So far, there’s no substitute for Marvel…Unproven ideas are hard…”

    No, no, no, and no. If I can be so bold as to have the right answer (hiding like the nose on your face) it’s a 2-parter.

    #1: potential movie-goers expect full-on woke crap. When it comes to new movies, people aren’t even lifting their heads up anymore. You won (woke universe). Even the critics (I mean actual real critics, not cheerleaders) were puzzled that “The Fall Guy” and “Furioso” didn’t get more love because when they settled down to watch these movies they were shocked how not bad they were. Listen to the Critical Drinker as but one example.

    #2: the writing sucks. Let’s face it. If the writing sucks, no amount of CGI or celebrity can save a movie. There is no one out there writing good movie scripts because they can’t. The rules for writing have become ridiculous and recently re-engraved in stone by the writer’s guild. Who would submit an original screen play to a group of sharks led by the mobster’s union?

  8. “The world we are creating feels less and less like one inhabited by proud human strivers and more like a world filled with prey animals afraid of their own shadows.”

    Lawn darts, ciggie vending machines, seat belt and helmet laws, gun storage laws, knife laws, etc.
    The list goes on and on.

    Canadians on both sides of the aisle are snowflakes.
    We should replace our red stripe/maple leaf flag with a yellow strip/buttercup flag, as its much more reflective of what Canadians have become.

  9. The last movie I saw was May 2023 – I think it was “The Cry of Freedom” about going after pedophiles. It was excellent. I enjoy watching old British series on BritBox such as “Rumpole of the Bailey” (latte 1970’s); MI5 (early 2000’s) the Miss Marples and Poirot – again 1980’s, as well Inspector Morse (had seen the prequel “Endeavour” and was intrigued)
    I was a HUGE lover of movies and the Oscars – have not watched the Oscars or any awards shows for that matter, for at least 15 years.

    1. “I was a HUGE lover of movies and the Oscars – have not watched the Oscars or any awards shows for that matter, for at least 15 years.”

      Same here. Can’t take the woke virtue-signalling BS in the speeches and the ‘diversity’ nominations for people and movies no one has ever heard of.
