16 Replies to “How Dare You”

  1. Up to 3 degrees caused by the urban heat island effect, and up to 1.5 degrees cause removing aerosol from the atmosphere. Soon you’ll be talking real numbers.

  2. I do not believe that humans affect the global climate in any significant way. CO2 is 0.04% of the atmosphere and humans contribute only 3.9% of that. Climate change and global warming* are natural phenomenon.
    *Or sometimes global cooling.

    1. I’m with LindaL on this. We’re just too insignificant to be of much effect.

      1. “I’m with LindaL on this. We’re just too insignificant to be of much effect.”

        Absolutely…but there is no money to be made in that thinking.

      2. Quite so, even the Warmistas’ own calculations reveal insignificant effects … until the magic of undefined Positive Feedbacks is introduced

    2. yes, as you said.

      Ask this question. Is man a natural creature or a supernatural creature?

      Think about when people tell you we can control the climate.

      1. Our politicians are certainly super-human, claiming to be able to control the weather, with taxation, no less! Ah The Folly, the Folly, it hurts.

  3. Much of this thinking, that provides the ’settled’ science base for the planned Net Zero collectivisation, is supported by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

    Nice word … perfectly describing the GOAL of the entire Climate Change charade.

    In a related story, it has been a VERY COLD May and start to summer here in the Bay Area. But all my fully committed global warmist weather girls on the local news can report is … “well, it may be freezing cold, foggy, and nasty TODAY… but there is a HEAT WAVE coming!! It’s gonna be 90 deg.F by the end of the week!!!” … ohhhhhhhh mommaaaaaaa … we’re all gonna DIEeeeee of heat stroke … possibly … at some future date …

  4. More global warming = more forest fires?
    More forest fires = more airborne particles and less global warming?
    It almost sounds like a negative feedback mechanism.
    If so then Canada’s forest fires are cooling the planet.
    We should get paid for that, yer welcome, etc.

  5. Every major environmental catastrophe is now the result of a government policy.

  6. The sun controls the climate.
    Everything else is one girly fart in a hurricane.
