12 Replies to “How It Started”

  1. The Lieberals also said they were not going to increase the carbon tax above $50 per tonne.

  2. Reid Hastings, billionaire owner of Netflix is a full on DEI communist. He funds Price Harry and his harpy wife, along with the Obama’s for creating “content” which nobody watches. I’m not funding communism in America that funds election interference.

    1. Cancelled Netflix 2 years ago, I do not miss it and I will NEVER fund anything in which the Harkles are involved.

  3. “CBC: “Streaming services will be required to contribute 5% of their Canadian revenues to support the domestic broadcasting system the CRTC says””

    The CBC… isn’t that the network that did not broadcast the Oilers’ game and ran re-runs instead? I guess the domestic broadcasting system is too busy with Pride to worry about playoffs.

  4. It’s 5% of revenue (not profit), and H/GST will be charged on top of that, so expect somewhere between 5.95% and 7% increase to all of your streaming services that are not aligned already with a “canadian” partner.

    Just like the Industrial emissions tax that the PBO “mistakenly” used in it’s carbon tax calculations, eventually the end user pays it.

  5. You can count on the Liberals to lie incessantly. Lying is their first instinctive reaction. Their second reaction is to promise more spending (which requires more taxation), and their third instinctive reaction is to throw mud. Their last position is to tax anything that moves or changes hands.

    To win an argument morally, you have to use facts and reason. Liberals have neither the time, talent or inclination for that idea. In fact, they view a conscience as a deterrent that gets in the way of politics.

  6. I think it’s wise to use Pierre’s prime ministership as a breather while planning your escape from Canada. The liberals will be back and next time they’re going all in.

  7. is Canaduh some sort of science fiction nightmare, the majority of the populace subject to some disastrous generations long mass hypnosis?

  8. Liberals are further left than the n d p and flat out communists.
    watch and listen, this has been gong on just about all my fairly long life. I think mass insanity is closer to the reality.
