Say It Isn’t So, Joe!

Uh oh, even TIME knows.

Biden repeatedly mixed up Russia with Ukraine throughout his comments on the subject. He also mixed up Iraq and Iran at points, including his refutation of “the idea that you had nuclear arsenals in Iran, that were being, I mean, in Iraq…” At another point, Biden confused Taiwan with South Korea. Biden also said that America has “the strongest alliance in all of America,” before correcting his claim to “all of history.”

The interview also saw Biden trail off a number of times, ending an assertion about being “on a slippery slope for war if we don’t do something about Ukraine” with “It’s just not gonna…anyway…,” according to TIME’s transcript.

21 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

    1. “JILL who wants to be called doctor, will not let him step aside.”

      This became elder abuse two years ago (or more). She should be ashamed, as should everyone else invloved in this farce.

  1. Joe has lasted WAY longer than the sell-by date I predicted for him … sometime in late 2022. However, my primary prediction was that he wouldn’t last till the 2024 election. I still stand by that prediction.

    And no … there isn’t a single Democrat who will ride to the rescue without the cover of massive vote fraud. Not Mooschelle, Not slick Gavin, not even Oprah.

    1. I have been wondering what the heck they are doing running FJB again and it must be that he beat Trump last time and they hope he will last beyond the November election and then he can be declared a vegetable and Harris steps in as the first black female half-wit president.
      They know Kamalla isn’t electable on her own.
      Why they didn’t find a better two is beyond my comprehension.

      1. That’s the really scary thing! None of this makes sense. I don’t understand why Biden or Trudeau have any, I repeat, any support (alleged). Are the elections all rigged? Are people really that stupid (probable yes here)?

      2. Kamala Harris is Biden’s insurance against invoking the 25th amendment

        Cackle, cackle, cackle.

      3. That’s the point…

        They can and do control things through these mindless figureheads; they can’t do that with anyone else…

    2. I thought he would be drooling in his oatmeal now. They must be pumping some powerful drugs in him.

      1. “I thought he would be drooling in his oatmeal now. They must be pumping some powerful drugs in him.”

        They can do that (as they did for the SOTU address), but the crash afterwards probably gets worse every time.

      2. I’m sure theres a whole cocktail. Orange one to wake him up, blue one to settle him down…

        The way he trails off before finishing a thought reminds me of a Xanax junkie I used to know. Thinks of something to say, gets halfway through the sentence and forgets what he was talking about.

    3. Joe reminds me of the corpse of Vladimir Putin being pulled around on roller skates.

      1. Don’t be silly … The Daily Mail told me Putin has already died of cancer … and his body double is running Russia. Oh! And they also said Russia is losing the war … has no more conscripts to fight … has completely run out of munitions … and lost ground in some summer offensive …

        Yeah … The Daily Mail tells me all the truthy bits about Putin and Russia.

  2. Dude will get us all dead. I can see some similar stupid remark to ignite a nuclear back-and-forth. Not that big to wipe us all but big enough to descent entire mankind into Apocalypse conditions in a week-or-so.
    And those of us unlucky enough to survive and not be dead second one will be too concerned about living another day to care who was the idiot who messed everything up.

  3. Biden got 81,000,000 votes last time, should be easy to get 91,000,000 this time. Hell make it 101,000,000. No sentient being believes the 81M, but nothing happened, so go higher.

  4. America has been so weakened by wokeism and every other “-ism” extant, we don’t have to worry about nuclear war. China will take over economically once Biden finishes America off in his next term.
    The Republican States might as well start secession proceedings now as it’ll take years to get through the Courts and Congress.

    I wonder if the Democrats will have the guts to sentence Trump to prison. I doubt it.
    Hey, I have a great idea for the DNC campaign! Have the Judge sentence Trump to 15 years, then have Biden pardon him at the last minute!

    Landslide Joe.

  5. I went to the Time link and Jesus, he reads more insane than senile.
    The bragging is 5X worse than Trump’s and the bullshit is at least on par.
    His Depends Handlers may fill him with Adderall, but they’ve also made him seem crazy.

  6. Time has known about Joe Depends’ deteriorating cognition for as long we have. They chose to cover up till now.

    So why, at this point in time, do they open the blinds that they shut on purpose four years ago? I mean, its not like this latest example tops the embarrassing scale compared to his previous shit-stains.

    Why now, NYT?
    Why NOW?

    1. Because their support of a non-compus-mentis POTUS has driven everyone to vote for true HOPE and CHANGE … President Trump. The destruction of America and race baiting isn’t nearly as popular as they imagined.
