Tuesday On Turtle Island

Population Replacement News:  When cultural enrichment goes wrong.

Dementia Joe’s America:  White House sends Jill Biden to Hunter Biden trial.  A gay proclamation.

Blackie’s Canada:  Chickens For KFC.  Trudeau promises 1.5 million dollars to protect gay sex celebrations.

Today In Islam:  Joe Biden is appeasing Hamas.  We’re here to kill the whites.  And deemed anti-Muslim.

Your morning meme.  Another meme.   A cartoon.

18 Replies to “Tuesday On Turtle Island”

  1. Annnd here we are in our broken world and country, with no answers, and far too many stupid people in control.

    1. A long time friend has a theory that 80% of the population have below average intelligence.

    2. They are not stupid. They know what they’re doing.

      In their world, you are an object to be used and discarded at their whim.

      The vast majority of the unpleasantness you see around you is by design.

      1. I suggest they come on down and get their hands dirty and see how well they can do face to face with those of us they think are inferior.

    3. VOWG … allow me a postulate

      Because the show was being advertised on my local news, I searched out the cost of tickets to see the Grateful Dead tribute band at the Vegas Sphere …


      Tickets are priced $190 to $800+

      What does that have to do with stupid people in control? Well … Deadheads are running (read: ruining) our countries at the moment. Pot smoking, LSD dropping, Deadhead drop outs … are now in charge at every level of government. That’s the only kind of job they could get after the birth of their third Love Child … but they demanded Public UNION membership … and voted themselves all raises and gold plated pensions … and they now make wayyyyy more $$$ in their cushy, no-fire, public sector jobs than do the rest of us out here in Free Enterprise land.

      So, the idiots who are ruining our countries and cultures … can afford $800 Dead Tribute band tickets. They’re in charge … and they’re still getting high … on the best weed their fat wallets can buy.

    1. Hesen Jabr was warned in December, following a previous incident, not to bring her views on this divisive and charged issue into the workplace,” Ritea said in a statement. “She instead chose not to heed that at a recent employee recognition event that was widely attended by her colleagues, some of whom were upset after her comments. As a result, Jabr is no longer an NYU Langone employee.”

      Yes.. she really was fired after being warned about her conduct.

      1. “Yes.. she really was fired after being warned about her conduct.”

        Good. The problem with that is?…

    2. “This is the acceptance speech that got a Palestinian Nurse, Hesen Jabr, fired from NYU Langone. she was fired for honoring her own Palestinian heritage & extending her heart towards the mothers who are suffering in Gaza.”


      I shut it off immediately after “the current genocide in Gaza”.

      GFY, honey. No one buys your propaganda except useful idiots like Matt and Joe.

  2. “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Women and Gender Equality and Youth Minister Marci Ien raise the pride flag”

    But they are totally not going after the children.

  3. ” … and implementing a national strategy to end the HIV epidemic in this country.”

    Simple. Men … stop buttfkcing other men. Problem solved. Just Say NO to homo-anal-intercouse.

  4. Love the Pride people demanding that police not be allowed to attend their parades. Fine…pay for your own security, then. *Before* any permit is issued.
