24 Replies to ““When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.””

  1. “Mexico has elected its first female president in an historic landslide win.

    Claudia Sheinbaum is both the first Jewish and the first female president of Mexico.

    “Because of my Jewish origin, because of my love for Mexico and because I feel like a citizen of the world, I share with millions the desire for justice, equality, fraternity and peace, and therefore, I can only see with horror the images of the state bombings,” she wrote. “No reason justifies the murder of Palestinian civilians … Nothing, nothing, nothing, can justify the murder of a child.””


      1. An absolute communist. And my local news connected her to Al Gore’s Nobel Prize as an Environmental Researcher who gave Gore the groundwork for his seminal Power Point presentation … An Inconvenient Lie.

        Communists. Rich Politburo elites

    1. Isaiah 3:12
      “Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.” NLT
      Canada gets a child, Mexico gets a woman…………

      1. +++Davis. It is quite amazing how often the Bible is right. I guess that is why the evil people hate it so much.
        Under that umbrella you can include Trudeau, all liberals and all N D P supporters and politicians.

    2. ” “No reason justifies the murder of Palestinian civilians … Nothing, nothing, nothing, can justify the murder of a child.””

      Good thing, then, that no one is actually ‘murdering’ Palestinian civilians. Or their children.

      Palestinians, on the other hand, DID murder Israeli children. They recorded themselves doing it. They BRAGGED about doing it.

    3. Yahoo news: “Claudia Sheinbaum was elected the country’s first female president after a bloody election campaign that saw 37 candidates assassinated.”

      Wow, she is so lucky. I’m sure there is nothing to see there.

    4. The peso tanked against the USD and CAD the day she was elected. The markets know what’s up.

  2. But it’s OK to murder Israeli children & civilians? She’s about as Jewish as Trudeau is Roman Catholic.

  3. I suspect that those polling numbers also represent the views of the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims with the possible exception of the Muslims living in Israel. Now that anti-Semitism is back in vogue, I would be more interested in the same poll done on Canadians by political party they identified with. My rough guess would be for those supporting the attack: Green – 50%, NDP – 45%, LPC – 40%, CPC – 10%, PP – 2%. Other opinions?

  4. That graph is why I support Israel, and I hope they wipe Gaza off the map. Maybe they could do it before The Idiot imports 5000 of these “people” and their families.

  5. Hamas teaches children as young as two to hate, they spew the worse venom against the Jewish-people as the norm. Children are fed a diet of anti-Semitism, thus it explains the Islamic global hatefests.

  6. Unbelievable that Gazan’s support for the Oct 7th attack is much stronger in March than it was in December.
    The more Gaza is destroyed, the more radical they become.

    1. Not surprising. The fanaticism of Nazi Germany in the early 1940s rose as Germany’s war began to turn for the worse for them in 1942. The mass murder of Jews and Gypsies peaked in 1944 and 1945 even as the frontiers of the Reich were collapsing under Allied assault.

      Fanatics thrive the more pressure is placed on them. And they are fanatics, so it’s no surprise that the rest of the Islamic nations want nothing to do with them. The Palestinians have been shunned by the rest of the Arab world for the past 80 years. Jordan had to fight a civil war against them in 1970 to expell them from the country.

  7. So, now that Gaza is getting wrecked, the Palestinians are like, “yeah, I guess it was correct to go and start a war in which we will get wrecked.”

    Well, I guess this is what they want.

    Wreck them more.

    1. “Well, I guess this is what they want.

      Wreck them more.”

      Finish it this time. Make 100% sure they can never do it again, and ignore the whining and crying of the people who hate you and want you all dead.

    2. They do not have the highest IQ – you need 100 to graduate high school in Canada – and that is our “dumbed down” high school.

    1. If the Jews were given Ellesmere Island and every Jew in the world went there – to live in peace – the Arabs would eventually come a knockin saying that’s there’s too.
      Or the fckn moon.
      And let’s stop calling them Palestinians. They’re Arabs. The Pali thing is just a branding/marketing scheme. Pure bullshit for ignorant sheeple.

  8. Wreck all of Gaza City. Bulldoze it into a mountain of rubble. Let it stand as a monument to the Palestinians hatred and stupidity.
