When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

How Marxism Infected America’s Intel Agencies And Corrupted Them Beyond Repair

The bulk of Big Intel is two parallel — and occasionally intertwined — histories. The one is a tale of spies, spying, and subversion; the evolution of militant Marxist-Leninism into cultural Marxism as manifest in contemporary woke culture. The second history is that of the CIA and FBI, which originally fought the overt aggression of Marxist-Leninism but have now themselves been subverted by cultural Marxism in the guise of woke culture and the “diversity, equity, and inclusion” trope.

Waller begins with the behavior of the FBI, cheered on by John Brennan’s CIA, in the groundless Trump campaign investigation. We first see Peter Strzok, the FBI executive who began the Trump campaign investigation “Crossfire Hurricane,” both opening the case and then traveling to London to conduct the investigation, usurping the role of a field agent. Then we had Andy McCabe, the former FBI deputy director, who was acting director after James Comey was fired, ordering an investigation of Trump for obstruction of justice. Other than the firing itself, McCabe offered no predicate for this investigative initiative. The ultimate offender was former FBI Director James Comey. The abuse of power by Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and others has undermined public trust in the FBI.

Waller sees these abuses as far more dangerous than these agencies merely interfering in partisan politics. He sees these powerful agencies as being the spearhead of a foundational transformation of our country and society. His Big Intel answers the question, how did this happen? He takes us back to Moscow more than a century ago, before there was an FBI or a CIA.

11 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

  1. This assumes that the FBI and CIA weren’t always Marxist, and used as agencies AGAINST the people they purportedly protect and support.

  2. When the main focus of your government and institutions is solving unmeasurable abstract problems.. You are in deep trouble.. They define the problem and the solutions.. Good guys, bad guys, all of it..

    Define racism or climate justice or any of the other weasel words we sort our laundry with.. = Jacobins.. They will chop off your head.. Demand you resign and lock your bank account :).. Same thing..

    How did it happen?.. Human resources always were commissars..

  3. Much worse in Canada.
    Marxism has infected pretty much every institution.
    Heck, even our gun lobby has been reduced to just pleading “please don’t hurt me no more!”

  4. To paraphrase PM Woke Idiot: “If we kill them we win.”
    So until Stretch Comey and the rest are dying in droves – poisonings, falling off balcony’s – they’ll continue to win.
    The Tipping Point is pretty much now.

  5. It’s the hard core security state, which doesn’t think that voters can or should be trusted, who have aligned with the marxists, because, while marxism may not be great recipe for governing, it’s nearly foolproof for seizing power.

  6. Great … so America has developed its own Stasi. I can’t wait for my involuntary trip to the Gulag for spreading misinformation about our Marxist Institutions.

    They’ve gone from the politics of labeling John Lennon a subversive not welcome in America to the politics of destroying a TRUE conservative in the Trump Investigation

    1. Ken Gee
      Don’t forgit the religious element of the marxist cabal, the CIA’s first big hit after it was instituted, was to link up with the vatican, which is still part of it’s operation today .
      Thee vatican gave it’s blessing to kill JFK.

      1. Mmmm OK. But the FBLIe and the CIA now worship a Godless nirvana … and just like the Soviets … will simply disappear anyone expressing a belief in God … excepting Muzzies of course … because they will always need terrorists to do their bidding. Yeah, I believe the current Godless Intel Agencies are far more dangerous than one who conspired to murder a POTUS … no … this version of the Intel Agencies want to commit mass murder to achieve their nirvana.

        Yes, we’ve returned to the downright prehistoric times when people are tossed into volcanos to appease the Turtle gods and to cull the population. Sick. We have morphed into a VERY sick nation.

  7. Based on the lack of any serious attempt at cleaning up the mess, one can conclude that the deep state represented by the alphabet agencies is a higher order of governance than politicians up to and including the President.
