Disconnected Justice

If this doesn’t signify an out-of-control legal system, I don’t know what would.

The son of former BC Liberal MLA Judi Tyabji will not go to jail for sexual interference of a person under 16.

Edelmann said he took into account pre-sentencing reports that claimed Tyabji-Sandana had suffered intergenerational trauma, poverty and disconnection from his Indigenous roots. The report said that his maternal grandfather was Metis-Cree and his paternal grandmother a Metis woman who became an alcoholic after suffering physical and sexual abuse in an Indian residential school. Tyabji-Sandana’s biological father was not involved in his childhood.


33 Replies to “Disconnected Justice”

  1. It’s a legal system based on bodily chemistry. Chemo-deterministic-injustice. You remove the blindfold from Lady Justice and you replace it with a pair of sunglasses.

    1. No, this guy isn’t being let off because he’s native. He has two Metis grandparents, and is thus clearly not native. We can be confident that he has never in his life been recognized as native or treated as native. He’s being let off because his family is Liberal, and this is the only pretext the judge can seize on. Of course the justice system protects Liberals. It has to be good for something.

  2. A sentence so loaded with bovine excrement that the shaft for the wheels of the legal wagon has broken asunder under its weight.

    In short, I don’t care one whit for the excuses made by the magistrate in sentencing the blackheart. I only care about guilt or innocence, and clearly the defendant is guilty.

  3. He was disconnected from his aboriginal roots but he suffered intergenerational trauma from his aboriginal roots. OK. How did this judge ever pass the LSAT?

  4. the legal cystem (note the spelling) is quite under control tqvm.
    look at the objectives of those in charge of making rules. one objective being exempting themselves.

    1. Would seem to give that impression. In BC no less, the same province where who we know you’re talking about perpetrated his crimes against a young child.

  5. “The report said that his maternal grandfather was Metis-Cree “. Hold on a sec. Wikepedia says that Judy Tiyabji “was born on 2 January 1965 to the Tyabji family in Calcutta, India. Her family immigrated in the mid-1970s to Canada, first to Toronto then to Kelowna, where she attended Catholic elementary and high schools. Her father, Alan Tyabji, was an executive for Calona Wines, which owned Okanagan Vineyards Winery in Oliver, British Columbia. In 1986, she graduated from the University of Victoria with a degree in political science, then went to work as an assistant for the federal Liberal Party.[5]” So, exactly how could this serial criminal have a Metis-Cree grandfather? This whole thing stinks to high heaven.

    1. just a darker Elizabeth Warren. or like Hyena Harris . classified as black when her heritage is east indian raised in Montreal.

    2. Look out stinky, you know too much!! Watch your back, the Lieberals are liable to send their lying goons after you.

  6. Awesome!! I also grew up POOR in a violent family of feuding alcoholic parents who were piss poor role models. I was bounced around in 6 different elementary schools … and had a pretty rotten childhood.

    Nice to know I can escape Justice due to my upbringing. What? What’s that? My parents weren’t Indians … not even part-Indian … I’m a ‘W’ … so I’m getting thrown into the slammer?

    1. Just need to look harder. Pocahontas is a popular one. Something like 100,000 descendents (and a few million claiming it.)

      I got some pocahontas from both sides, according to questionable research by multiple liberal aunts.

    2. I think a very high percentage of white people of second or third generation in Canada has some indian D N A.

  7. “Edelmann agreed with Tarnow that Tyabji-Sandana should not be incarcerated because his biological father is Indigenous. ”

    “Tyabji-Sandana’s biological father was not involved in his childhood. ”

    Errr, what? He shouldn’t be incarcerated because his absent biological father was a first immigrant? Maybe they should have given him more time for his budding drug dealing career choice (122 grams of fentanyl is not for personal use)

  8. Shrug. The courts have been handing out these jokes of sentences to Indians for the last thirty years … political connections or not.

  9. L – The biggest argument for Wexit has been and is the (Cult. Marxist) infiltration of the Justice Industry.
    With great effort and sacrifice, it would be possible to replace corrupt politicians with honest Canadians.
    From there draining the swamp of bureaucrats via budget and value for money auditing is achievable.

    However, when the Judiciary began to legislate from the bench, claiming that is their Constitutional Right, Canada began a slide back into history to before the Magna Carta(1215).

    Self-government by the citizenry, born free and sovereign, individual Rights and Liberty, only temporarily
    delegating power to elected representatives, Equality under the law, the Rule of Law (applying to the Crown
    and agents of the Crown as to the commoner) were step by step, delegated to museum status.

    Canada, as a failed state, like the fall of Rome, can be measured by the dystopian decisions that
    have elevated the status of criminals to a protected species. Is your city centre, neighbourhoods,
    and even rural Canada safe? No, they used to be, what happened?

    To know who rules over you. Find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”- Voltaire

    Every personal responsibility, you fail to exercise/assert will be usurped by others, who do not have
    your best interest in mind. To be continued…

  10. Would this be the same Kaz Tyabji who was arrested in 2018 for trying to import fentanyl but had that charge reduced? It was reduced to possession of a controlled substance, which means he was successful in importing said fentanyl. Apparently, there is also a previous assault charge with little detail.

    But, rest easy. This fine upstanding citizen is going to law school to become a lawyer.

  11. Justice Edelman is a Trudeau appointment from 2019. When he practiced, he specialized in immigration and refugee law.
    Expect many more stunning sentences from this great mind in the years to come.

  12. I’ve lost contact with my indigenous roots but have, so far, refrained from diddling children.

  13. I thought only birds imprint their past history, who knew natives have the same ability?

  14. Yes there is indeed something called inntergenerational residential school trauma. It’s colloquially known as “we want wampum”.

  15. When was the last time you heard Poilievre talk about the Indian Act? Have you ever heard him talk about the Indian Act? Does he understand that the Act is racist? Does he know, or care that Canada has different laws for different races?

    Will anything change as long as there IS an Indian Act?

    So many questions, and not one party is willing to answer them. Yet, they want my vote.
