27 Replies to “Safe and Effective®”

  1. Rather than testing every cow every week, I suggest a masking mandate, and a limit on herd size (10 or 12 per field or pen). Obviously the rules should cover bulls, steers and heifers, too.

    1. What about masking to and from the field and keeping them 10 feet apart. Greater distance, since they snort a lot.

  2. Next we’ll have to check every bird for Coccidiosis which may have been transmitted by cattle……I sense a lucrative job-for-life here.

    1. In a sane world, she and the gnome would have been run out of town at least two years ago and they would be ashamed or fearful of showing their faces anywhere in public.

    2. Clown? No. Cow. And I’m all for her getting tested once a week. For mad cow disease.

  3. Just a suggestion….don’t let any of those hack government workers (aka political idealogues) anywhere near your herds. However, if it is legally mandated, have them under supervision at all times. Just saying.

  4. I suggest you send them out into a big feild to test your Holstein bull. After all, they have the authority!

  5. Either insane (thinking it is at all reasonable) or evil (looking for excuse to eliminate cattle herds).

  6. Rush Limbaugh always called her The Scarf.
    I can think of a few other good names for her.

  7. Makes perfect sense for the insane gov of USA … hire another 1 million civil servants to do the testing of 40 cows per day per new recruit (ie. new DEM voter)

    That logic would appeal to Trudeau to solidify his base and ensure permanent rule.

  8. Better hurry up and switch to cloudy nut water and impossible to eat whoppers.

  9. Gawwwd … laying more groundwork for more shutdowns with the ruse of “asymptomatic transmission”. Asymptomatic transmission is the “global warming” of viral contagion… utter bullshit and hysteria.

    FEAR of things you cannot see or prove. You know, like that giant swirling patch of plastic … the size of Texas … out in the middle of the Pacific. FEAR IT!!! Fear the unseeable microplastic assault on nature!!! Ohhhhhhh mommmaaaaaa …

  10. Oh their getting ready, for when people start to pull their heads out of their butts.
    She must suck a state dry of Botox !
    Go hug a cow as soon as you can. 🙂

  11. The FDA has already approved the next mRNA jab against flu. The rationale is they have proven the COVID mRNA jab is safe and effective technology so if all they did was change the mRNA there is no need to test it on humans. This is nothing more than set up for return to vaccine mandates and coerced jabs. Expect Turdo to do it to us all over again.

    And the stage is already being set for coerced jabbing because the President of the CMA has already announced there are no vaccine injured people. There are only victims of mis and dis information.
