You’re Fired!

When Jim McMurtry signed on as a public school teacher, the last thing he ever considered was that one day he might find himself the target of a witch hunt.

My crime was in saying that most students who died while enrolled in these schools from 1883-1996 did so from disease, especially tuberculosis. Though factually true, the Abbotsford School District wrote to me in June 2021 that it was a time to hear from students “and not debate or challenge their emotional response to the news…. [Students] were struggling to make sense of the news and process the discovery.”

The problem was there was no discovery in Kamloops, and there still is no evidence whatsoever.

At the end of the partial and superficial investigation, I was fired.


29 Replies to “You’re Fired!”

  1. Of course, can’t have a public school teacher that doesn’t ideologically align with those seeking to screw up all our kids.

    Get out, we don’t need logic and facts here.

  2. End all discussion. DIG.

    Not sure about this guy. might be the only person in history to open with a George w bush quote.

  3. So who are the people that fired him? What are their names? Why are the names of these people never mentioned in articles like this?
    If I were in his position I would would scream their names from the rooftops. If I’m going to be dragged through the mud, then so are they. Lawyers and legal ethics be damn.

    1. Warren, here’s hoping that they’ll be publicly named and shamed at the conclusion of a successful wrongful-dismissal lawsuit.

      1. “Warren, here’s hoping that they’ll be publicly named and shamed at the conclusion of a successful wrongful-dismissal lawsuit.”

        Warren is correct here….why wait? Why were they not subject them to the same treatment as Mr. McMurtry at the time? Were they not proud of their actions?

    2. 100% Warren, my thoughts exactly and then some…
      One wonders when, or even if, the Kettle called Canada will explode….?

  4. I coached my son’s highly competitive youth soccer team, and we were good-enough to receive an invitation to the prestigious “Surf Cup” in San Diego (Del Mar). We didn’t even make it out of the first round as we lost two of our three matches to powerhouse LA clubs. But we did notch ONE win … against a team from Abbottsford BC. A team comprised of mostly little Indian kids. No, not the descendants of surviving Kamloops Indians … but descendants of Ghandi.

    I suppose the local immigrant Indian community feel some kind of kinship with the Kamloops Indian community. However, white people are on the outs … and can be fired when they speak up.

    BTW … the Indian coach and the kids from Abbottsford were absolutely lovely people and our teams shared a post-match meal together. However … that was then (the late 90’s) … and this fired teacher is now.

    My brush with Abbottsford … of all places.

  5. If you don’t already follow Jim McMurtry on X, here he is: @JimMcMurtry01, except there’s a slash through that 0.

    He’s not taking this lying down. He deserves our support.

  6. and not debate or challenge their emotional response to the news…. [Students] were struggling to make sense of the news and process the discovery

    I realize that it’s silly to ask when our public schools became institutions of therapy rather than learning, but this is particularly egregious. Robert Bateman Secondary is a suburban white high school without a signficant native population. Who exactly was so traumatized by this?

    1. All it takes is ONE … and if that ONE doesn’t live in the all-white suburb … then a proxy ONE can be recognized from afar. That’s how it works. Ohhhhhhhh mommaaaaaaa … that teacher contradicted the “stories” passed down by generations …

    2. The authorities (school board) don’t actually need to hear of any complaint against the teacher. I doubt there was even one. All they need to hear is that he told the truth that contradicts the woke narrative. Even if they didn’t see anything wrong with what he said, they would be afraid of the attacks they would endure for not firing him.

  7. Jim is the son of Roy McMurtry, the AG of Ontario back in the 70s. They were neighbours of our in Toronto. A lovely family. It would not surprise me in the least that his PC pedigree was not lost on his woke tormentors. Sure, the left are capable of eating their own when a strict narrative is not followed. But there’s far less anxiety when taking down the opposition.

  8. There isn’t much truth and the only reconciliation is in the form of a cheque. And those cheques have changed nothing.

    1. Well … if the cheques have saved nothing … then more self-loathing, and self-flagellation are the order of the day. Including employment terminations when “appropriate”

  9. Dare I say “learn to code” in this instance? Nobody -has- to be a high school history teacher, right?

    If the institution is corrupt, you can’t “work within the institution to foster change” as the bureaucrats like to say. You either join the corruption fully, or you walk away and go do something constructive with your life.

  10. after being criminally assaulted by a grade 1 teacher and the target of blind hate from another 3 primary ‘educators’ l must say it ‘make my heart sing’ see Ms Karma *recycle the very same energy quanta they used to bully us kids for 150 years* to FINALLY start dishing it out to that cadre that found it so convenient take their frustrations and anger issues out on
    society, the kids. including autistic, ugly and poor (3 STRIKES!! YOURE OUT!!!) little moi.
    ironic eh? bullied by the ones mandated to prevent and intervene, who SET THE STANDARD for open season.

    now its all like Harry Truman’s ‘rain of ruin’, except what is ruined now is 10s thousands teaqcherrrrrrs who have blown their wad, cant go back pick a diff major, got a teaching certificate with a permanent arrow pointing to that dangerous hostile place called the classroom.

    ah jeez, holy jamoly it feels wonderful.

    1. the nature of the offense justifying violence against a 6 year old, FIRST TIME EVER????

      what horrible deed precipitated that?

      -screaming and yelling? nope. waaaaay to shy for that.

      -hitting other kids? nope. up till then it never happened or occured to me to default to violence.
      …………………….. but then again, grade school was where l learned that problem solving technique.

      -was l smashing stuff? nope. for 1 thing didnt have the strength.
      -anything disruptive, dangerous, etc? nope nope and nope.

      figure it out yourself poe widdoe elementarded teacher now on the receiving end.
      (notice who’s engaging in the bullying now. its gone up one level)

  11. When I asked about the Victoria Library getting the book “Grave Error”, I received this:

    Thank you for reaching out to the library with your comment. This title is not part of GVPL’s collection, and there are no plans to add it. Our collection development process adheres to the Library Board’s policy, considering factors like budget, space, and availability. We evaluate titles based on demand, format, professional reviews, author credentials, and other criteria. This evaluation led us to the decision not to add this title to our collection. While we prioritize the accessibility of diverse voices and perspectives and uphold the principles of intellectual freedom, we also recognize the importance of respecting the recommendations put forward by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Denying the harm inflicted by residential schools undermines the experiences of Indigenous Peoples and impedes the reconciliation journey.


    Anyone else have this problem with their local library?

    1. That’s despicable. No problem getting the book in the Saskatchewan library system. It is impossible, however, to find a bookseller outside of Amazon that will carry the title. So book banning still occurs in this country, although the left calls it “respect for different points of view “.
      BTW, Grave Error is a solid piece of academic journalism.

    2. Just checked: there are 5 copies of Grave Error in circulation at the Vancouver public library, and 86 hold requests. Obviously, people are curious and want to form their own opinion about the book.

    3. We haven’t set foot in our local library in years. Not after going there and finding several young students running around, talking and laughing loudly, and generally having no respect for others.

      When we asked the librarian why she did nothing about this, she said she was told to say nothing, because they wanted the kids to feel welcome in the library.

  12. Never mentioned is that – in an effort to combat child TB in an era when there were no effective drugs – preventoriums (or should that be preventoria?) were set up in or just before the 1930s. Actually, institutions of that name had been around for some time, but the new ones were specifically to treat indigeneous children who showed early signs of TB (or, possibly, were known to have been exposed to TB). In the absence of antibiotics, the regimen was a lot of fresh air, a healthy diet, exercise, and schooling. The Coqualeetza Indian Hospital near Chilliwack was an early model; it included doing a fair few native crafts as well.
